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## Contributing Guidelines

EasyCache includes more than cache provider. Therefore seperate packages by cache provider.
For Example;
- `EasyCache.Memory`
- `EasyCache.Redis`
- `EasyCache.MemCache`

if you implement new provider follow name pattern. (`EasyCache.{ProviderName}`)

### 🏗 EasyCache.Core
`EasyCache.Core` includes base methods for cache operation.
If the code you develop is basic for cache operations, this development should be in `EasyCache.Core.`

### 🏗 EasyCache.AspNetCore
`EasyCache.AspNetCore` depends AspNetCore. If the code you develop is depends AspNetCore, this development should be in `EasyCache.AspNetCore`


# Anatomy of a Class

# Ordering Rules

This docuemnt contains class members ordering rules. C# class member must be placed with right order to keep code qulity high!

The following ordering applies to this project:

## By Member Type 
**(SA1201 & SA1203)**
 - Constant Fields
 - Fields
 - Constructors
 - Finalizers (Destructors)
 - Delegates
 - Events
 - Enums
 - Interfaces (interface implementations)
 - Properties
 - Indexers
 - Methods
 - Structs
 - Classes

## By Access Modifiers
 - public
 - internal
 - protected internal
 - protected
 - private

## Statics
 - static
 - non-static

## Readonlies

**(SA1214 and SA1215)**
- readonly
- non-readonly

# Summary

StyleCrop rules are used in this project and this document was prepared according to [StyleCrop Rules Documentation](http://stylecop.soyuz5.com/Ordering%20Rules.html)


# Architecture

## Helpers
This folder includes helper codes and extensions which is undependent from any context. They are generic helper codes.

## Interfacfes
This folder includes all interfaces in project.

## Concrete
This folder includes all implementation in project.

# Dependencies

### EasyCache.Core

| Library | Description | Version |
| --- | --- | :---: |
| [Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection](https://github.com/dotnet/extensions) | Extension of Dotnet | v5.0.1 |

### EasyCache.AspNetCore

| Library | Description | Version |
| --- | --- | :---: |
| [Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions](https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc/tree/master/src/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions) | Mvc Abstractions | v2.2.0 |
| [Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core](https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore) | ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux. | v2.2.5 |

### EasyCache.MemCache

| Library | Description | Version |
| --- | --- | :---: |
| [EnyimMemcachedCore](https://github.com/cnblogs/EnyimMemcachedCore) | A Memcached client for .NET Core. Available on Nuget | v2.5.1 |

### EasyCache.Memory

| Library | Description | Version |
| --- | --- | :---: |
| [Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory](https://github.com/dotnet/extensions) | Extension of Dotnet | v5.0.0 |

### EasyCache.Redis

| Library | Description | Version |
| --- | --- | :---: |
| [Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.StackExchangeRedis](https://github.com/dotnet/extensions) | Extension of Dotnet | v5.0.1 |


# Code Styles
This document is created to guide your style of code. 

First rule is:
> You MUST follow **.editorconfig** file!

You can get .editorconfig file from [here](../Files/.editorconfig)

Other rules is listed below:

# this Preferences

## Fields
Do not prefer `this`

// Prefer:
capacity = 0;

// Over:
this.capacity = 0;

## Property
Prefer `this`

// Prefer:
this.Id = 0;

// Over:
Id = 0;

## Method
Do not prefer `this`

// Prefer:

// Over:

## Event Access
Prefer `this`.
// Prefer:
this.Elapsed += Handler;

// Over:
Elapsed += Handler;


# Predefined type preferences

## For locals, parameters and members 
⚠ Prefer predefined type instead of framework type. 
> For example use `int` instead of `Int32`

private int _member;
static void M(int argument)
    int local;

## For member access expressions 
static void M(int argument)
    int local = int.MaxValue;


# 'var' preferences

## For built-in types
Prefer explicit type

// Prefer:
int x = 5; // built-in types

// Over:
var x = 5; // built-in types

## When variable type is apparent
Prefer `var`

var cojb = new C(); //type is apparent from assignment expression

## Elsewhere
Prefer `var`

var f = this.Init(); //everywhere else


# Code block preferences

## Prefer braces
When on multiple lines

// Allow:
if (test) Console.WriteLine("Text");

// Allow:
if (test)

// Prefer:
if (test)

// Over:
if (test)

## Prefer Auto Properties
⚠ Yes

// Prefer:
public int Age { get; }

// Over:
private int age;
public int Age
     return age;

## Prefer Simple using Statement

// Prefer:
void Method()
  using var resource = GetResource();

// Prefer:
void Method()
    using (var resource = GetResource())

// Over:
void Method()
  using (var resource = GetResource())


# Parantheses preferences

## In aritmethic operators
`*`  `/`  `%`  `+`  `-`  `<<`  `>>`  `&`  `^`  `|`  

Never if unnecessary

// Prefer:
var v = a + b * c;

// Over:
var v = a + (b * c);

## In other binary operators
`&&` `||` `??`

Always for clarity

// Prefer:
var v = a || (b && c);

// Over:
var v = a || b && c;

## In relational operators

 `<` `>` `<=` `>=` `is` `as` `!=`

Always for clarity

// Prefer:
var v = (a < b) == (c > b);

// Over:
var v = a < b == c > b;

## In other operators
Never if unnecessary

// Prefer:
var v = a.b.Length;

// Over:
var v = (a.b).Length;


# Expression preferences

## Prefer object initializer
⚠ Yes

// Prefer:
var c = new Customer 
    Age = 21

// Over:
var c = new Customer();
c.Age = 21;


## Prefer collection initializer
⚠ Yes

// Prefer:
var list = new List<int>

// Over:
var list = new List<int>();

## Prefer pattern matching over is with cast check
⚠ Yes

// Prefer:
if (o is int i)

// Over:
if (o is int)
    var i = (int)o;

## Prefer pattern matching over as with null check
⚠ Yes

// Prefer:
if (o is string s)

// Over:
var s = o as string;
if(s != null)

## Prefer conditional expression over if with assignments
ℹ Prefer Yes up to **one single** condition!

// Prefer:
string s = expr ? "hello" : "world";

// Over:
string s;
    s = "hello";
    s = "world";

## Prefer conditional expression over if with returns
ℹ Prefer Yes

// Prefer:
return expr ? "hello" : "world";

// Over:
    return "hello";
    return "world";

## Prefer explicit tuple name
ℹ Prefer Yes, *because it's new feature since C# 7*

// Prefer:
public (string name, int age) GetCustomer()


// Over:
public Tuple<string,int> GetCustomer()


// Prefer:
(string name, int age) customer = GetCustomer();
var name = customer.name;
var age = customer.age;

// Over:
(string name, int age) customer = GetCustomer();
var name = customer.Item1;
var age = customer.Item2;

## Prefer simple default expression
ℹ Prefer Yes

// Prefer:
void DoWork(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { }

// Over:
void DoWork(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { }

## Prefer inferred tuple element names
ℹ Prefer Yes

// Prefer:
var tuple = (age, name);

// Over:
var tuple = (age: age, name: name);

## Prefer inferred anonymous type member names
ℹ Prefer Yes

// Prefer:
var anon = new { age, name };

// Over:
var anon = new { age = age, name = name };

## Prefer local function over anonymous function
⚠ Yes

// Prefer:
int fibonacci(int n)
    return n <= 1 ? n : fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);

// Over:
Func<int, int> fibonacci = null;
fibonacci = (int n) =>
    return n <= 1 ? n : fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);

## Prefer compound assignments
ℹ Prefer Yes

// Prefer:
value += 10;

// Over:
value = value + 10;

## Prefer index operator
⚠ Yes

// Prefer:
var ch = value[^1];

// Over:
var ch = value[value.Length - 1];

## Prefer range operator
⚠ Yes

// Prefer:
var sub = value[1..^1];

// Over:
var sub = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2);

## Use expression body for methods
ℹ Prefer when on single line

class Customer
    private int age;
    public int GetAge() => age;

## Use expression body for constructors
❌ Never

class Customer
    private int age;
    public Customer(int age)
        this.age = age;

## Use expression body for operators
ℹ When on single line

public static ComlexNumber operator +(ComlexNumber c1, ComlexNumber c2)
    => new ComlexNumber(c1.Real + c2.Real, c1.Imaginary + c2.Imaginary);

## Use expression body for properties
ℹ When possible

class Customer
    private int _age;
    public int Age => _age;

## Use expression body for indexers
ℹ When possible

class List<T>
    private T[] _values;
    public T this[int i] => _values[i];

## Use expression body for accessors
⚠ When possible

class Customer
    private int _age;
    public int Age 
        get => _age;
        set => _age = value;

## Use expression body for lambdas
When possible

Func<int, string> f = a => a.ToString();

## Expression body for local functions
ℹ When possible

class Customer
    private int age;
    public int GetAge()
        return GetAgeLocal();

        int GetAgeLocal() => age;

## Avoid unused value assignments
ℹ Discard

// Prefer:
_ = Computation(); // Unused value is explicitly assigned to discard
int x = 1;

// Over:
var unused = Computation(); // Unused value is explicitly assigned to an unused local
int x = 1;

// Over:
var x = Computation(); // Value assigned here is never used
int x = 1;

## Avoid expression statements that implicitly ignore value

// Prefer:
_ = Computation();

// Over:
var unused = Computation();

// Over:


# Variable preferences

## Prefer inlined variable declaration
ℹ Yes

// Prefer:
if (int.TryParse(value, out int i))

// Over:
int i;
if (int.TryParse(value, out i))

## Prefer deconstructed variable declaration
ℹ Yes

// Prefer:
var (name, age) = GetPersonTuple();
Console.WriteLine($"{name} {age}");

(int x, int y) = GetPointTuple();
Console.WriteLine($"{x} {y}");

// Over:
var person = GetPersonTuple();
Console.WriteLine($"{person.name} {person.age}");

var point = GetPointTuple();
Console.WriteLine($"{point.x} {point.y}");


# 'null' checking

## Prefer throw-expression
⚠ Yes

// Prefer:
this.s = s ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(s));

// Over:
if (s == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(s));

this.s = s;

## Prefer conditional delegate call
⚠ Yes

// Prefer:

// Over:
if (func != null)

## Prefer coalesce expression
❌ YES!

// Prefer:
var v = x ?? y;

// Over:
var v = x != null ? x : y; // or
var v = x == null ? y : x;

## Prefer null propagition
❌ YES!

// Prefer:
var v = o?.ToString();

// Over:
var v = o == null ? null : o.ToString(); // or
var v = o != null ? o.ToString() : null;

## Prefer is null for reference equality checks
⚠ Yes

// Prefer:
if (value1 is null)

if (value2 is null)

// Over:
if (object.ReferenceEquals(value1, null))

if ((object)value2 == null)


# 'using' preferences

## Prefered using directive placement
Outside namespace

// Prefer:
using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace Namespace
    class Customer

// Over:
namespace Namespace
    using System;
    using System.Linq;

    class Customer


# Modifier preferences

## Prefer readonly fields
⚠ Yes

// Prefer:
// '_value' can only be assigned in constructor
private readonly int _value = 0;

// Over:
// '_value' can be assigned anywhere
private int _value = 0;

## Prefer static local functions
❌ YES!

If a local function doesn't use any member from method body, just declare it as static!

void Method()
    // Prefer:
    static int fibonacci(int n)
        return n <= 1 ? n : fibonacci(n - 1) : fibonacci(n - 2);

void Method()
    // Over:
    int fibonacci(int n)
        return n <= 1 ? n : fibonacci(n - 1) : fibonacci(n - 2);

# Parameter preferences

## Avoid unused parameters
ℹ All methods

// Prefer:
public void M()

// Over:
public void M(int param)

# Naming Rules
This document is created to guide naming convensions in this project.

## Naming Convensions
| Context | Format | Samples |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Resource Keys | PascalCase <br>`{Context}{SubContext}{Key}` | UsersNotFound <br> AppSettingDialogError  |
| Json Keys | camelCase | `{ "title": "Hello World!", "isEnabled": true, numberOfCup: 19 }`  |
| Endpont Routes | camelCase <br> *(Case In-Sensitive)* | `/v1/app/123123/userProfiles/987`  |
| Class | PascalCase | .Net Defaults |
| Variable | camelCase | .Net Defaults |
| Property | PascalCase | .Net Defaults |
| Method | PascalCase | .Net Defaults |
| Field | camelCase | .Net Defaults |
| Enum | PascalCase | .Net Defaults |
| Attribute | PascalCase | .Net Defaults |
| Constant | UPPERCASE_UNDERSCORE | .Net Defaults |
| Events | PascalCase | .Net Defaults |