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from trakt.core.helpers import clean_username, dictfilter
from trakt.core.pagination import PaginationIterator
from trakt.interfaces.base import Interface, authenticated
from trakt.mapper import ListMapper, ListItemMapper

import requests

class UsersListInterface(Interface):
    path = 'users/*/lists/*'

    def get(self, username, id, **kwargs):
        # Send request
        response = self.http.get(
            '/users/%s/lists/%s' % (clean_username(username), id),

        # Parse response
        item = self.get_data(response, **kwargs)

        if isinstance(item, requests.Response):
            return item

        if not item:
            return None

        # Map item to list object
        return ListMapper.custom_list(
            self.client, item,

    def items(self, username, id, media=None, extended=None, page=None, per_page=None, **kwargs):
        response = self.http.get(
            '/users/%s/lists/%s/items' % (clean_username(username), id),
                'type': media,

                'extended': extended,
                'page': page,
                'limit': per_page
            **dictfilter(kwargs, get=[
            ], pop=[

        # Parse response
        items = self.get_data(response, **kwargs)

        if isinstance(items, PaginationIterator):
            return items.with_mapper(lambda items: ListItemMapper.process_many(self.client, items))

        if isinstance(items, requests.Response):
            return items

        return ListItemMapper.process_many(self.client, items)

    # Owner actions

    def add(self, username, id, items, **kwargs):
        # Send request
        response = self.http.post(
            '/users/%s/lists/%s/items' % (clean_username(username), id),
            **dictfilter(kwargs, pop=[

        # Parse response
        return self.get_data(response, **kwargs)

    def delete(self, username, id, **kwargs):
        # Send request
        response = self.http.delete(
            '/users/%s/lists/%s' % (clean_username(username), id),
            **dictfilter(kwargs, pop=[

        return 200 <= response.status_code < 300

    def update(self, username, id, name=None, description=None, privacy=None, display_numbers=None,
               allow_comments=None, return_type='object', **kwargs):
        data = {
            'name': name,
            'description': description,

            'privacy': privacy,
            'allow_comments': allow_comments,
            'display_numbers': display_numbers

        # Remove attributes with `None` values
        for key in list(data.keys()):
            if data[key] is not None:

            del data[key]

        # Send request
        response = self.http.put(
            '/users/%s/lists/%s' % (clean_username(username), id),
            **dictfilter(kwargs, pop=[

        # Parse response
        item = self.get_data(response, **kwargs)

        if isinstance(item, requests.Response):
            return item

        if not item:
            return None

        if return_type == 'data':
            return item

        if return_type == 'object':
            # Map item to list object
            return ListMapper.custom_list(
                self.client, item,

        raise ValueError('Unsupported value for "return_type": %r', return_type)

    def remove(self, username, id, items, **kwargs):
        # Send request
        response = self.http.post(
            '/users/%s/lists/%s/items/remove' % (clean_username(username), id),
            **dictfilter(kwargs, pop=[

        # Parse response
        return self.get_data(response, **kwargs)

    # Actions

    def like(self, username, id, **kwargs):
        # Send request
        response = self.http.post(
            '/users/%s/lists/%s/like' % (clean_username(username), id),
            **dictfilter(kwargs, pop=[

        return 200 <= response.status_code < 300

    def unlike(self, username, id, **kwargs):
        # Send request
        response = self.http.delete(
            '/users/%s/lists/%s/like' % (clean_username(username), id),
            **dictfilter(kwargs, pop=[

        return 200 <= response.status_code < 300