

2 hrs
Test Coverage
import asyncio
import inspect
import io
import json
import logging
from ipaddress import ip_address
from types import FunctionType
from typing import Optional, Callable, Union, Dict
from unittest import mock

from multidict import MultiDict, istr
from peewee import SqliteDatabase

from slim import Application, ALL_PERMISSION
from slim.base import const
from slim.base._view.abstract_sql_view import AbstractSQLView
from slim.base.web import ASGIRequest
from slim.base._view.err_catch_context import ErrorCatchContext
from slim.base.types.route_meta_info import RouteInterfaceInfo
from slim.base.user import BaseUser
from slim.base.view import BaseView
from slim.exception import SlimException
from import PeeweeView
from slim.utils import sentinel

def app_create(permission=ALL_PERMISSION, log_level=logging.WARN, **kwargs) -> Application:
    Get application instance
    :param permission:
    :param log_level:
    :param kwargs:
    app = Application(cookies_secret=b'123456', permission=permission, log_level=log_level, **kwargs)
    return app

def _polyfill_post(request: 'web.Request', post):
    if post:
        if isinstance(post, bytes):
            request._read_bytes = post
                request._read_bytes = bytes(json.dumps(post), 'utf-8')
            except TypeError:
                # logger.warning(...)

        if request.content_type == 'multipart/form-data':
            resp = _MockResponse(request.headers, _MockStream(post))
            mr = aiohttp.MultipartReader.from_response(resp)

            async def multipart():
                return mr

            request.multipart = multipart

        request._read_bytes = b''

def get_peewee_db():
    Get peewee database instance
    db = SqliteDatabase(":memory:")
    return db

def make_mocked_request(method, path: str, *, headers: Dict[str, str] = None, body: bytes = None):
    path_split = path.split('?', 1)
    path = path_split[0]

    if len(path_split) > 1:
        query_string = path_split[1].encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')
        query_string = b''

    scope = {
        'asgi': {'spec_version': '2.1', 'version': '3.0'},
        'client': ('', 13284),
        'headers': [],
        'http_version': '1.1',
        'method': method,
        'path': path,
        'query_string': query_string,
        'raw_path': path.encode('utf-8'),
        'root_path': '',
        'scheme': 'http',
        'server': ('', 5001),
        'type': 'http'

    if headers:
        for k, v in headers.items():
            scope['headers'].append([k.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8')])

    async def receive():
        return {'body': body or b''}

    return ASGIRequest(scope, receive, mock.Mock())

async def make_mocked_view(app, view_cls, method, url, params=None, post=sentinel, *, headers=None, user=None,
                           content_type='application/json', body: Optional[bytes] = None)\
        -> Union[BaseView, AbstractSQLView, PeeweeView]:
    headers = headers or {}
    req = make_mocked_request(method, url, headers=headers, body=body)

    if content_type:
        headers['Content-Type'] = content_type

    async def hack_func(view):
        view._params_cache = params
        headers_cache = MultiDict()
        if not body:
            view._post_data_cache = post
        view._ip_cache = ip_address('')
        view._current_user = user

        for k, v in headers.items():
            headers_cache[istr(k)] = v

        view.request._headers_cache = headers_cache

    if not isinstance(view_cls, BaseView):
        view = await view_cls._build(app, req, _hack_func=hack_func)
        view = view_cls
        view.request = req = app
        await hack_func(view)

        with ErrorCatchContext(view):
            await view._prepare()

    return view

async def invoke_interface(app: Application, func: FunctionType, params=None, post=sentinel, *, headers=None,
                           method=None, user=None, bulk=False, returning=None, role=None, body: Optional[bytes] = None,
                           content_type='application/json') -> Optional[BaseView]:
    Invoke a interface programmatically
    :param app: Application object
    :param func: the interface function
    :param params: http params
    :param post: http post body
    :param headers: http headers
    :param method: auto detect
    :param user: current user
    :param bulk: is bulk operation
    :param returning:
    :param role:
    :param content_type:
    url = 'mock_url'

    if user:
        assert isinstance(user, BaseUser), 'user must be a instance of `BaseUser`'

    if not getattr(func, '_route_info', None):
        raise SlimException('invoke failed, not interface: %r' % func)

    meta: RouteInterfaceInfo = getattr(func, '_route_info')
    assert meta.view_cls, 'invoke only work after app.prepare()'

    func_is_method = inspect.ismethod(func)

    if func_is_method:
        handler = func
        view = func.__self__
        if len(meta.view_cls_set) > 1:
            # TODO: multi view classes exists for this interface, please specified the view class you want

        view = meta.view_cls
        handler = func

    headers = headers or {}
    if bulk:
        headers['bulk'] = bulk
    if role:
        headers['role'] = role
    if returning:
        headers['returning'] = 'true'

    _method = method if method else meta.methods[0]

    view = await make_mocked_view(app, view, _method, url, params=params, post=post, headers=headers,
                                  body=body, content_type=content_type, user=user)

    if not func_is_method:
        handler = handler.__get__(view)

    # url = info.route.fullpath
    # _method = next(iter(info.route.method))

    # note: view.prepare() may case finished
    if not view.is_finished:
        # user's validator check
        from slim.base._view.validate import view_validate_check
        await view_validate_check(view, meta.va_query, meta.va_post, meta.va_headers)

        if not view.is_finished:
            # call the request handler
            if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(handler):
                await handler()

            return view

async def make_mocked_ws_request(url):
    scope = {
        'type': 'websocket',
        'asgi': {'version': '3.0', 'spec_version': '2.1'},
        'scheme': 'ws',
        'server': ('', 8007),
        'client': ('', 52194),
        'root_path': '',
        'path': url,
        'raw_path': url,
        'query_string': b'',
        'headers': [
            (b'host', b''),
            (b'connection', b'Upgrade'),
            (b'pragma', b'no-cache'),
            (b'cache-control', b'no-cache'),
            (b'upgrade', b'websocket'),
            (b'sec-websocket-version', b'13'),
            (b'accept-encoding', b'gzip, deflate, br'),
            (b'accept-language', b'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7'),
            (b'sec-websocket-key', b'C8SUrcM0+ev3kR8TE7P62w=='),
            (b'sec-websocket-extensions', b'permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits')
        'subprotocols': []

    recv_lst = [
        {'type': 'websocket.connect'},
        {'type': 'websocket.disconnect', 'code': 1001}

    async def receive():
        if recv_lst:
            return recv_lst.pop(0)

    async def send(message):

    return ASGIRequest(scope, receive, send)