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title: "Gamejam"
dateStart: 2017-09-29 18:00:00 Europe/Copenhagen
dateEnd: 2017-10-01 15:00:00 Europe/Copenhagen
location: "B2.03, Erhvervsakademi Lillebælt<br>Seebladsgade 1, Odense"
link: "https://www.meetup.com/EAL-tech-events/events/242951760/"
organizer: "EAL"
category: "eal"
What is this?<br><br>
In a Gamejam you find groups in which you have 48 hours to come up with a game. Be it a computer game, card game or board game. A keyword will be drawn which the game has to encompass. <br><br>
At the end of the gamejam every group has 10 minutes to show off their games and after that everybody get to vote on which other teams game was best. The winners get all the glory!<br><br>
We will get someone to do an introduction to Unity, so everybody will have at lest the basics. <br><br>
So what are you waiting for? Get yourself a group or just meet up and get paired with people who need you unique set of skills!