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Hammurabi configuration

You can set the following options in your ``pyproject.toml``
config file's `[hammurabi]` section. Config option marked with ``*`` (asterisk)
is mandatory (set by CLI argument or project config). Hammurabi can be configured
through environment variables too. To use an environment variable based config option
set the ``HAMMURABI_<CONFIG_OPTION>`` where ``<CONFIG_OPTION>`` is in uppercase and
matches one of the options below.

| Config option   | Description                                   | Default value         |
| pillar_config * | location of pillar config                     | None                  |
| pillar_name     | name of the pillar variable                   | pillar                |
| log_level       | logging level of the program                  | INFO                  |
| log_path        | path to the log file or None                  | ./hammurabi.log       |
| log_format      | format of the log lines                       | BASIC_FORMAT          |
| repository      | git repository (owner/repo)                   | None                  |
| git_branch_name | working branch name                           | hammurabi             |
| allow_push      | allow Hammurabi to push to remote             | True                  |
| dry_run         | enforce without any modification              | False                 |
| rule_can_abort  | if a rule fails it aborts the whole execution | False                 |
| report_name     | report file's name to generate                | hammurabi_report.json |

For HTTPS git remotes do not forget to set the ``GIT_USERNAME`` and ``GIT_PASSWORD``
environment variables. For SSH git remotes please add your ssh key before using


Example content of the ``pyproject.toml`` file.

.. code-block:: toml

    pillar_config = "/tmp/config/"
    working_dir = "/tmp/clones/hammurabi"
    repository = "gabor-boros/hammurabi"
    git_branch_name = "custom-branch-name"
    log_level = "WARNING"
    log_file = "/var/log/hammurabi.log"
    log_format = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
    rule_can_abort = true
    report_name = "hammurabi_report.json"

Pillar configuration

The pillar needs no configuration. All the thing the developer
must do is creating a :class:`hammurabi.pillar.Pillar` object
and registering the laws to it.

Using custom rules

Custom rules are not different from built-in one. In case
of a custom rule, just import and use it.


.. code-block:: python

    >>> from pathlib import Path
    >>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, SectionExists
    >>> rule = SectionExists(
    >>>     name="Ensure section exists",
    >>>     path=Path("/tmp/test.cfg"),
    >>>     section="test_section",
    >>>     target="main",
    >>>     options=(("option_1", "some value"), ("option_2", True)),
    >>> )
    >>> pillar = Pillar()
    >>> pillar.register(rule)