This page documents the available settings for `minutes`. Please note that not all configuration options are covered by a CLI flag.
## Configuration file
Minutes will look for the following places for the configuration file, based on your operating system.
The configuration file name in **every** case is `.minutes.toml`.
### Linux/Unix
On Linux/Unix systems, the following locations are checked for the configuration file:
- `$HOME/.minutes.toml`
- `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.minutes.toml` as specified by https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html
### Darwin
- `$HOME/.minutes.toml`
- `$HOME/Library/Application Support/.minutes.toml`
### Windows
- `%USERPROFILE%/.minutes.toml`
- `%AppData%/.minutes.toml`
### On Plan 9
- `$home/.minutes.toml`
- `$home/lib/.minutes.toml`
## Common configuration
| Config option | Kind | Description | Example | Available options |
| ----------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| date-format | string | Set the date format in [Go specific](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/time-formatting-in-golang/) date format | date-format = "2006-01-02" | |
| dry-run | bool | Fetch entries from source, print the fetched entries, but do not upload them | dry-run = true | |
| end | string | Set the end date for fetching entries (must match the `date-format`) | end = "2021-10-01" | |
| filter-client | string | Regex of the client name to filter for | filter-client = '^ACME Inc\.?(orporation)$' | |
| filter-project | string | Regex of the project name to filter for | filter-project = '._(website)._' | |
| force-billed-duration | bool | Treat the total spent time as billable time | force-billed-duration = true | |
| round-to-closest-minute | bool | Round time to closest minute, even if the closest minute is 0 (zero) | round-to-closest-minute = true | |
| source | string | Set the fetch source name | source = "tempo" | Check the list of available sources |
| source-user | string | Set the fetch source user ID | source-user = "gabor-boros" | |
| start | string | Set the start date for fetching entries (must match the `date-format`) | start = "2021-10-01" | |
| table-column-config | [[]table.ColumnConfig][column config documentation] | Customize columns based on the underlying column config struct[^1] | table-column-config = { summary = { widthmax = 40 } } | |
| table-hide-column | []string | Hide the specified columns of the printed overview table | table-hide-column = ["start", "end"] | `summary`, `project`, `client`, `start`, `end` |
| table-sort-by | []string | Sort the specified rows of the printed table by the given column; each sort option can have a `-` (hyphen) prefix to indicate descending sort | table-sort-by = ["start", "task"] | `task`, `summary`, `project`, `client`, `start`, `end`, `billable`, `unbillable` |
| table-truncate-column | map[string]int | Truncate text in the given column to contain no more than `x` characters, where `x` is set by `int` | table-truncate-column = { summary = 30 } | |
| target | string | Set the upload target name | target = "tempo" | Check the list of available targets |
| target-user | string | Set the upload target user ID | target = "gabor-boros" | |
| tags-as-tasks-regex | string | Regex of the task pattern | tags-as-tasks-regex = '[A-Z]{2,7}-\d{1,6}' | |
## Source and target specific configuration
Source and target specific configuration is **not** covered by this guide. For more information, please refer to the source or target documentation.
## Example configuration
# Source config
source = "clockify"
source-user = "<clockify user ID>"
clockify-url = "https://api.clockify.me"
clockify-api-key = "<clockify API token>"
clockify-workspace = "<clockify workspace ID>"
# Target config
target = "tempo"
target-user = "<jira username>"
tempo-url = "https://<org>.atlassian.net"
tempo-username = "<jira username>"
tempo-password = "<jira password>"
# General config
tags-as-tasks-regex = '[A-Z]{2,7}-\d{1,6}'
round-to-closest-minute = true
force-billed-duration = true
filter-client = '^ACME Inc\.?(orporation)$'
filter-project = '.*(website).*'
table-sort-by = [
table-hide-column = [
summary = 40
project = 10
client = 10
# Column Config
widthmax = 40
widthmin = 20
[^1]: The column configuration cannot be mapped directly as-is. Therefore, the configuration option names are lower-cased. Also, some settings cannot be used that would require Go code, like transformers.
[column config documentation]: https://github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty/blob/b2f15441a4e4addd806df446c65f0ce5e327003c/table/config.go#L7-L71