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Source documentation for [Clockify](

## Field mappings

The source makes the following special mappings.

| From        | To                     | Description                                                                                                                                         |
| ----------- | ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Tags        | Task                   | Turns tags into tasks and split the entry into as many pieces as the item has matching tags when `tags-as-tasks-regex` is set                         |
| Task        | Summary or Description | Tasks will be used for defining the summary of an entry; in case the `tags-as-tasks-regex` is set, Summary will be set to the Description of the item |

## CLI flags

The source provides to following extra CLI flags.

    --clockify-api-key string      set the API key (default "")
    --clockify-url string          set the base URL
    --clockify-workspace string    set the workspace ID

## Configuration options

The source provides the following extra configuration options.

| Config option      | Kind   | Description                                                | Example                               |
| ------------------ | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- |
| clockify-url       | string | URL for the Clockify installation without a trailing slash | clockify-url = ""  |
| clockify-api-key   | string | API key gathered from Clockify[^1]                         | clockify-api-key = "<API KEY>"        |
| clockify-workspace | string | Clockify workspace ID[^2]                                  | clockify-workspace = "<WORKSPACE ID>" |

## Limitations

No known limitations.

## Example configuration

# Source config
source = "clockify"
source-user = "<YOUR USER ID>"

clockify-url = ""
clockify-api-key = "<YOUR API KEY>"
clockify-workspace = "<YOUR WORKSPACE ID>"

# Target config
target = "tempo"
target-user = "<jira username>"

tempo-url = "https://<org>"
tempo-username = "<jira username>"
tempo-password = "<jira password>"

# General config
tags-as-tasks-regex = '[A-Z]{2,7}-\d{1,6}'

round-to-closest-minute = true
force-billed-duration = true

[^1]: As described in the [API documentation](, visit the [settings]( page to get your API token.
[^2]: To get your workspace ID, navigate to workspace settings and copy the ID from the URL.