Source documentation for [Harvest](https://getharvest.com/).
## Field mappings
The source makes the following special mappings.
| From | To | Description |
| ----- | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Notes | Notes, Summary | Notes are mapped to both notes and summary as that was the most meaningful option |
## CLI flags
The source provides to following extra CLI flags.
--harvest-account int set the Account ID
--harvest-api-key string set the API key
## Configuration options
The source provides the following extra configuration options.
| Config option | Kind | Description | Example |
| --------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| harvest-account | string | The account ID where the API key belongs to | harvest-account = 123456789 |
| harvest-api-key | string | API key gathered from Harvest[^1] | harvest-api-key = "<API KEY>" |
## Limitations
* Harvest does not support tags which makes it impossible to get tasks from tags. A workaround is [planned](https://github.com/gabor-boros/minutes/issues/32).
## Example configuration
# Source config
source = "harvest"
source-user = "<YOUR USER ID>"
harvest-account = "<YOUR ACCOUNT ID>"
harvest-api-key = "<YOUR API KEY>"
# Target config
target = "tempo"
target-user = "<jira username>"
tempo-url = "https://<org>.atlassian.net"
tempo-username = "<jira username>"
tempo-password = "<jira password>"
# General config
round-to-closest-minute = true
force-billed-duration = true
[^1]: Create a new "Personal Access Token" on the [developer settings](https://id.getharvest.com/developers) panel.