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# Label

### Properties

Property            | Type         | Description
:------------------ | :-----------:| :----------
background          | string, bool | Sets whether the background is colored (bool) or sets the color of the background (string).
color               | string, bool | Sets whether the text is colored (bool) or sets the color of the text (string).
height              | number       | Sets the height of a component.
hidden              | bool         | Sets the visibility of a component.
horizontalAlignment | string       | Sets the horizontal alignment of the component's content<br/>__Property value__ _"left"_, _"center"_, _"right"_
margin              | string       | Sets the outer margin of a component.<br/>__E.G.__ _"30px 20px"_
padding             | string       | Sets the padding inside a component.<br/>__E.G.__ _"30px 20px"_
theme               | string       | Sets the UI theme that is used by this component and its children elements.<br/>__Property value__ _"light"_, _"dark"_
verticalAlignment   | string       | Sets the vertical alignment of the component's content.<br/>__Property value__ _"top"_, _"center"_, _"bottom"_
width               | number       | Sets the width of a component.

### Examples

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Label } from 'react-desktop/windows';

export default class extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <Label>My Label</Label>