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namespace Galmi\XacmlBundle\Security\Core\Authorization;

use Galmi\Xacml\Decision;
use Galmi\XacmlBundle\Xacml\PolicyDecisionPoint;
use Galmi\XacmlBundle\Xacml\Resource;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationCheckerInterface;
use Galmi\Xacml\Request as XacmlRequest;

 * Checks if action are granted against XacmlRequest and optionally supplied entity.
 * @author Ildar Galiautdinov
class AuthorizationChecker implements AuthorizationCheckerInterface

    /** @var XacmlRequest */
    private $xacmlRequest;

    /** @var PolicyDecisionPoint */
    private $pdp;

    public function __construct(XacmlRequest $xacmlRequest, PolicyDecisionPoint $pdp)
        $this->xacmlRequest = $xacmlRequest;
        $this->pdp = $pdp;

     * Checks if action are granted against XacmlRequest and optionally supplied entity.
     * @param mixed $action
     * @param object|string $entity
     * @param mixed $id
     * @return bool
    public function isGranted($action, $entity = null, $id = null)
        $xacml = clone $this->xacmlRequest;
        $xacml->set('Resource', null);
        if (!is_string($entity) && !is_null($id)) {
            $resource = $this->getResource($entity, $id);
            $xacml->set('Resource', $resource);
        } elseif (is_object($entity)) {
                    $this->getBaseClassName(get_class($entity)) => $entity,
        $xacml->set('Action', $action);
        $result = $this->pdp->evaluate($xacml);

        return $result === Decision::PERMIT;

     * Get Resource object from class name and id
     * @param $className
     * @param $id
     * @return array
    private function getResource($className, $id)
        return [
            $this->getBaseClassName($className) => new Resource($className, $id),

     * Return short name of class name with namespace
     * @param $fullName
     * @return string
    private function getBaseClassName($fullName)
        return substr(strrchr($fullName, '\\'), 1);