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"""The core modeling events."""
from gaphor.event import ServiceEvent

class RevertibleEvent:
    """Base type for all events that can be reversed.

    This event can be used as "low level" event for anything that should
    be revertible/undoable.

    def __init__(self, element):
        self.element = element

    def revert(self, target):
        """Reverse whatever caused the event.

        `target` Is the element the action should be performed upon,
        which may be a different element than the one that caused the
        raise NotImplementedError("Method {self}.revert() has not been implemented")

class ElementUpdated:
    """Generic event fired when element state changes."""

    def __init__(self, element, property):
        self.element = element = property

class AttributeUpdated(ElementUpdated):
    """An attribute has changed value."""

    def __init__(self, element, attribute, old_value, new_value):

        The element parameter is the element with the changing
        attribute.  The attribute parameter is the parameter element
        that changed.  The old_value is the old value of the attribute
        and the new_value is the new value of the attribute.

        super().__init__(element, attribute)
        self.old_value = old_value
        self.new_value = new_value

class AssociationUpdated(ElementUpdated):
    """An association element has changed."""

    def __init__(self, element, association):

        The element parameter is the element the association is changing
        from.  The association parameter is the changed association

        super().__init__(element, association)

class AssociationSet(AssociationUpdated):
    """An association element has been set."""

    def __init__(self, element, association, old_value, new_value):

        The element parameter is the element setting the association
        element.  The association parameter is the association element
        being set.  The old_value parameter is the old association and
        the new_value parameter is the new association.

        super().__init__(element, association)
        self.old_value = old_value
        self.new_value = new_value

class AssociationAdded(AssociationUpdated):
    """An association element has been added."""

    def __init__(self, element, association, new_value):

        The element parameter is the element the association has been
        added to.  The association parameter is the association element
        being added.

        super().__init__(element, association)
        self.new_value = new_value

class AssociationDeleted(AssociationUpdated):
    """An association element has been deleted."""

    def __init__(self, element, association, old_value, index):

        The element parameter is the element the association has been
        deleted from.  The association parameter is the deleted
        association element.

        super().__init__(element, association)
        self.old_value = old_value
        self.index = index

class DerivedUpdated(AssociationUpdated):
    """A derived property has changed."""

class DerivedSet(AssociationSet, DerivedUpdated):
    """A generic derived set event."""

    def __init__(self, element, association, old_value, new_value):

        The element parameter is the element to which the derived set
        belongs.  The association parameter is the association of the
        derived set.

        super().__init__(element, association, old_value, new_value)

class DerivedAdded(AssociationAdded, DerivedUpdated):
    """A derived property has been added."""

    def __init__(self, element, association, new_value):

        The element parameter is the element to which the derived
        property belongs.  The association parameter is the association
        of the derived property.

        super().__init__(element, association, new_value)

class DerivedDeleted(AssociationDeleted, DerivedUpdated):
    """A derived property has been deleted."""

    def __init__(self, element, association, old_value):

        The element parameter is the element to which the derived
        property belongs.  The association parameter is the association
        of the derived property.

        super().__init__(element, association, old_value, index=-1)

class RedefinedSet(AssociationSet):
    """A redefined property has been set."""

    def __init__(self, element, association, old_value, new_value):

        The element parameter is the element to which the property
        belongs.  The association parameter is association of the

        super().__init__(element, association, old_value, new_value)

class RedefinedAdded(AssociationAdded):
    """A redefined property has been added."""

    def __init__(self, element, association, new_value):

        The element parameter is the element to which the property
        belongs.  The association parameter is the association of the

        super().__init__(element, association, new_value)

class RedefinedDeleted(AssociationDeleted):
    """A redefined property has been deleted."""

    def __init__(self, element, association, old_value, index):

        The element parameter is the element to which the property
        belongs.  The association parameter is the association of the

        super().__init__(element, association, old_value, index)

class ElementCreated(ServiceEvent):
    """An element has been created."""

    def __init__(self, service, element, diagram=None):

        The service parameter is the service responsible for creating
        the element.  The element parameter is the element being
        self.element = element
        self.diagram = diagram

class ElementDeleted(ServiceEvent):
    """An element has been deleted."""

    def __init__(self, service, element, diagram=None):

        The service parameter is the service responsible for deleting
        the element.  The element parameter is the element being
        self.element = element
        self.diagram = diagram

class ModelReady(ServiceEvent):
    """A generic element factory event."""

    def __init__(self, service):

        The service parameter is the service the emitted the event.

class ModelFlushed(ServiceEvent):
    """The element factory has been flushed."""

    def __init__(self, service):

        The service parameter is the service responsible for flushing
        the factory.

class DiagramUpdateRequested:
    """Event fired when a diagram needs updating.

    Instead of updating directly, this event is emited so
    diagrams can be updated in bulk."""

    def __init__(self, diagram):
        self.diagram = diagram