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Test Coverage
require "thor"
require_relative "./forcer/version"
require_relative "./utilities/action_options_service"
require_relative "./metadata_services/metadata_service"

module Forcer
  class ForcerMain < Thor
    class_option :dest, :aliases => :d, :desc => "Alias of destination sfdc org in your configuration.yml file. If you "\
      "do not have configuration.yml in current directory, just skip the option."

    class_option :configs, :desc => "Path to configuration directory named 'forcer_config'. Directory must contain "\
      "files 'exclude_components.yml' and 'exclude_xml_nodes.yml'. Optional file is 'configuration.yml' which, if missing "\
      "in 'forcer_config', will be loaded from current directory. By default (or if not found in specified location) "\
      "folder 'forcer_config' is assumed to be in the current directory. And it is best practice to keep the folder in "\
      "current project directory. Please read project documentation on github for more information."

    option :source, :aliases => :s, :desc => "Path to folder that contains 'src' directory somewhere. No restriction on exact 'src' location, except it should be somewhere in :source."
    option :forceExclude, :type => :boolean, :desc => "To turn ON all xml exclusion for Production, set --forcerExclude to TRUE"
    option :skipExclude, :type => :boolean, :desc => "To turn OFF absolutely all exclusions (package.mxl too), set --skipExclude to TRUE"
    option :checkOnly, :type => :boolean, :aliases => :c, :desc => "Only validates without actual deployment. Default is FALSE."
    option :rollbackOnError, :type => :boolean, :aliases => :b, :desc => "Rolls back whole deployment if error occurs. Default is TRUE."
    option :runAllTests, :type => :boolean, :aliases => :t, :desc => "Make all unit tests run. Default if FALSE. For production deployment it is always true."
    desc "deploy --dest destination_org_name", "Deploys project from local machine to destination org. Destination org" +
       " name should be specified in configuration.yml. Forcer asks for any information missing from configuration.yml"
    def deploy
      p "initiating DEPLOYMENT"
      all_options = verify_options(options)
      metadata =

    # these section includes non-console methods to be used internally
    no_commands do
      def verify_options(old_options = {})
        p "verifying deployment information"
        new_options = ActionOptionsService.load_config(old_options)
        new_options[:host] ||=  "https://" + ask("Enter org url ( or ")
        new_options[:username] ||= ask("Enter username: ")
        new_options[:password] ||= ask("Enter password: ", :echo => false)
        new_options[:security_token] ||= ask("Enter security token: ")
        new_options[:source] ||= Dir.pwd
        new_options[:unit_test_running] = false
        operation = new_options[:checkOnly] ? "VALIDATION ONLY" : "DEPLOYMENT"
        p "===================="
        p "#{operation}   on => #{new_options[:dest].upcase}   as => #{new_options[:username]}"
        p "running all tests" if new_options[:runAllTests]
        p "===================="
        return new_options