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Test Coverage
Copyright 2009-2014 Guillaume Boudreau

This file is part of Greyhole.

Greyhole is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Greyhole is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Greyhole.  If not, see <>.

final class SystemHelper {

    public static function is_amahi() {
        return file_exists('/usr/bin/hda-ctl');

    public static function directory_uuid($dir) {
        $dev = exec('df ' . escapeshellarg($dir) . ' 2> /dev/null | grep \'/dev\' | awk \'{print $1}\'');
        if (!is_dir($dir)) {
            return FALSE;
        if (empty($dev) || strpos($dev, '/dev/') !== 0) {
            // ZFS pool maybe?
            if (file_exists('/sbin/zpool')) {
                $dataset = exec('df ' . escapeshellarg($dir) . ' 2> /dev/null | awk \'{print $1}\'');
                if (strpos($dataset, '/') !== FALSE) {
                    $is_zfs = exec('mount | grep ' . escapeshellarg("$dataset .*zfs") . ' 2> /dev/null | wc -l');
                    if ($is_zfs == 1) {
                        $p = explode('/', $dataset);
                        $pool = $p[0];
                        $dev_name = exec('/sbin/zpool list -v ' . escapeshellarg($pool) . ' 2> /dev/null | awk \'{print $1}\' | tail -n 1');
                        if (!empty($dev_name)) {
                            $dev = exec("ls -l /dev/disk/*/$dev_name | awk '{print \$(NF-2)}'");
                            if (empty($dev) && file_exists("/dev/$dev_name")) {
                                $dev = '/dev/$dev_name';
                                Log::info("Found a ZFS pool ($pool) that uses a device name in /dev/ ($dev). That is a bad idea, since those can easily change, which would prevent this pool from mounting automatically. You should use any of the /dev/disk/*/ links instead. For example, you could do: zpool export $pool && zpool import -d /dev/disk/by-id/ $pool. More details at");
                        if (empty($dev)) {
                            Log::warn("Warning! Couldn't find the device used by your ZFS pool name $pool. That pool will never be used.", Log::EVENT_CODE_ZFS_UNKNOWN_DEVICE);
                            return FALSE;
            if (empty($dev)) {
                return 'remote';
        $uuid = trim(exec('/sbin/blkid '.$dev.' | awk -F\'UUID="\' \'{print $2}\' | awk -F\'"\' \'{print $1}\''));
        if (empty($uuid)) {
            return 'remote';
        return $uuid;

$use_alt_symlinks_creation = FALSE;
function gh_symlink($target, $link) {
    global $use_alt_symlinks_creation;
    $success = !$use_alt_symlinks_creation && symlink($target, $link);
    if (!$success) {
        exec("ln -s " . escapeshellarg($target) . " " . escapeshellarg($link));
        $success = gh_is_file($link);
        if ($success) {
            if (!$use_alt_symlinks_creation) {
                Log::info("Will use exec() instead of symlink() to create all symlinks.");
            $use_alt_symlinks_creation = TRUE;
    return $success;

function gh_mkdir($directory, $original_directory, $dir_permissions = NULL) {
    $directory = clean_dir($directory);
    $original_directory = clean_dir($original_directory);
    if (is_dir($directory)) {
        if (empty($dir_permissions)) {
            $dir_permissions = StorageFile::get_file_permissions($original_directory);
            //Log::debug("Folder '$directory' already exists; copying ownership + permission from '$original_directory': $dir_permissions->fileowner:$dir_permissions->filegroup $dir_permissions->fileperms");
        } else {
            //Log::debug("Folder '$directory' already exists; applying ownership $dir_permissions->fileowner:$dir_permissions->filegroup + permission $dir_permissions->fileperms");
        if (!chown($directory, $dir_permissions->fileowner)) {
            Log::warn("  Failed to chown directory '$directory'", Log::EVENT_CODE_MKDIR_CHOWN_FAILED);
        if (!chgrp($directory, $dir_permissions->filegroup)) {
            Log::warn("  Failed to chgrp directory '$directory'", Log::EVENT_CODE_MKDIR_CHGRP_FAILED);
        if (!chmod($directory, $dir_permissions->fileperms)) {
            Log::warn("  Failed to chmod directory '$directory'", Log::EVENT_CODE_MKDIR_CHMOD_FAILED);
    } else {
        // Need to mkdir & chown/chgrp all dirs that don't exist, up to the full path ($directory)
        $dir_parts = explode('/', $directory);
        $dir_parts_orig = explode('/', $original_directory);

        $i = 0;
        $parent_directory = clean_dir('/' . $dir_parts[$i++]);
        while (is_dir($parent_directory) && $i < count($dir_parts)) {
            //Log::debug("Parent folder already exists: '$parent_directory'. Skipping.");
            $parent_directory = clean_dir($parent_directory . '/' . $dir_parts[$i++]);
        while ($i <= count($dir_parts)) {
            if (!empty($dir_permissions)) {
                $new_dir_permissions = $dir_permissions;
            } else {
                // Need to find the corresponding folder in $original_directory, to copy the ownership/permissions from
                // eg. for mkdir /mnt/hdd1/gh/ShareName/Dir1/Dir2, with original directory /opt/ShareName/Dir1/Dir2
                //    - mkdir /mnt/hdd1/gh/ShareName and copy permission from /opt/ShareName
                //    - mkdir /mnt/hdd1/gh/ShareName/Dir1 and copy permission from /opt/ShareName/Dir1
                //    - mkdir /mnt/hdd1/gh/ShareName/Dir1/Dir2 and copy permission from /opt/ShareName/Dir1/Dir2
                $new_original_directory = '';
                for ($j=0; $j<count($dir_parts_orig) - (count($dir_parts) - $i); $j++) {
                    $new_original_directory = clean_dir($new_original_directory . '/' . $dir_parts_orig[$j]);
                $new_dir_permissions = StorageFile::get_file_permissions($new_original_directory);

            if (!is_dir($parent_directory) && !@mkdir($parent_directory, $new_dir_permissions->fileperms)) {
                if (gh_is_file($parent_directory)) {
                    gh_rename($parent_directory, "$parent_directory (file copy)");
                if (!@mkdir($parent_directory, $new_dir_permissions->fileperms)) {
                    // Even if mkdir return false, the folder might have been correctly created... who would think...
                    if (!is_dir($parent_directory)) {
                        // Try NFC form []
                        if (is_dir(normalize_utf8_characters($parent_directory))) {
                            // Bingo!
                            $parent_directory = normalize_utf8_characters($parent_directory);
                        } else {
                            Log::warn("  Failed to create directory $parent_directory", Log::EVENT_CODE_MKDIR_FAILED);
                            return FALSE;
            //Log::debug("Folder '$parent_directory' created with permissions $new_dir_permissions->fileperms; " . (isset($new_original_directory) ? "copying ownership from '$new_original_directory': " : "ownership ") . "$new_dir_permissions->fileowner:$new_dir_permissions->filegroup");
            if (!chown($parent_directory, $new_dir_permissions->fileowner)) {
                Log::warn("  Failed to chown directory '$parent_directory'", Log::EVENT_CODE_MKDIR_CHOWN_FAILED);
            if (!chgrp($parent_directory, $new_dir_permissions->filegroup)) {
                Log::warn("  Failed to chgrp directory '$parent_directory'", Log::EVENT_CODE_MKDIR_CHGRP_FAILED);
            if (!isset($dir_parts[$i])) {
            $parent_directory = clean_dir($parent_directory . '/' . $dir_parts[$i++]);
    return TRUE;

function gh_file_exists($real_path, $log_message = NULL) {
    if (!file_exists($real_path)) {
        if (!empty($log_message)) {
            eval('$log_message = "' . str_replace('"', '\"', $log_message) . '";');
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

function gh_is_file_locked($real_fullpath) {
    if (is_link($real_fullpath)) {
        $real_fullpath = readlink($real_fullpath);
    $result = exec("lsof -n -P -l " . escapeshellarg($real_fullpath) . " 2> /dev/null");
    if (string_contains($result, $real_fullpath)) {
        if (preg_match('/^([^\s]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([^\s]+)\s/U', $result, $re)) {
            // Columns are: COMMAND   PID     USER   FD
            if (substr($re[4], -1) == 'r') {
                // Open mode = read access; i.e. not locked
                return FALSE;
            return "$re[1], PID $re[2]";
        return $result;
    return FALSE;

// Get CPU architecture (x86_64 or i386 or armv6l or armv5*)
$arch = exec('uname -m');
if ($arch != 'x86_64') {
    function gh_filesize($filename) {
        $result = exec("stat -c %s ".escapeshellarg($filename)." 2>/dev/null");
        if (empty($result)) {
            return FALSE;
        return (float) $result;

    function gh_fileowner($filename) {
        $result = exec("stat -c %u ".escapeshellarg($filename)." 2>/dev/null");
        if (empty($result)) {
            return FALSE;
        return (int) $result;

    function gh_filegroup($filename) {
        $result = exec("stat -c %g ".escapeshellarg($filename)." 2>/dev/null");
        if (empty($result)) {
            return FALSE;
        return (int) $result;

    function gh_fileperms($filename) {
        $result = exec("stat -c %a ".escapeshellarg($filename)." 2>/dev/null");
        if (empty($result)) {
            return FALSE;
        return "0" . $result;

    function gh_is_file($filename) {
        exec('[ -f '.escapeshellarg($filename).' ]', $tmp, $result);
        return $result === 0;

    function gh_fileinode($filename) {
        // This function returns deviceid_inode to make sure this value will be different for files on different devices.
        $result = exec("stat -c '%d_%i' ".escapeshellarg($filename)." 2>/dev/null");
        if (empty($result)) {
            return FALSE;
        return (string) $result;

    function gh_file_deviceid($filename) {
        $result = exec("stat -c '%d' ".escapeshellarg($filename)." 2>/dev/null");
        if (empty($result)) {
            return FALSE;
        return (string) $result;

    function gh_rename($filename, $target_filename) {
        exec("mv ".escapeshellarg($filename)." ".escapeshellarg($target_filename)." 2>/dev/null", $output, $result);
        return $result === 0;
} else {
    function gh_filesize(&$filename) {
        $size = @filesize($filename);
        // Try NFC form []
        if ($size === FALSE) {
            // Try NFC form []
            $size = @filesize(normalize_utf8_characters($filename));
            if ($size !== FALSE) {
                // Bingo!
                $filename = normalize_utf8_characters($filename);
        return $size;

    function gh_fileowner($filename) {
        return fileowner($filename);

    function gh_filegroup($filename) {
        return filegroup($filename);

    function gh_fileperms($filename) {
        return mb_substr(decoct(fileperms($filename)), -4);

    function gh_is_file($filename) {
        return is_file($filename);

    function gh_fileinode($filename) {
        // This function returns deviceid_inode to make sure this value will be different for files on different devices.
        $stat = @stat($filename);
        if ($stat === FALSE) {
            return FALSE;
        return $stat['dev'] . '_' . $stat['ino'];

    function gh_file_deviceid($filename) {
        $stat = @stat($filename);
        if ($stat === FALSE) {
            return FALSE;
        return $stat['dev'];

    function gh_rename($filename, $target_filename) {
        return @rename($filename, $target_filename);
