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Test Coverage
Copyright 2009-2020 Guillaume Boudreau

This file is part of Greyhole.

Greyhole is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Greyhole is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Greyhole.  If not, see <>.

define('OPTION_DRIVE_IS_AVAILABLE', 'drive-is-avail');

class RemoveTask extends AbstractTask {
    private function isGoing() {
        return $this->has_option(OPTION_DRIVE_IS_AVAILABLE);

    protected $drive;
    protected $log = '';

    public function execute() {
        $this->drive = $this->full_path;

        // Removing this drive here will insure it won't be used for new files while we're moving files away, and that it can later be replaced.

        if ($this->isGoing()) {
            file_put_contents($this->drive . "/.greyhole_used_this", "Flag to prevent Greyhole from thinking this drive disappeared for no reason...");
            Log::info("Storage pool drive " . $this->drive . " will be removed from the storage pool.");
            $this->log("Storage pool drive " . $this->drive . " will be removed from the storage pool.\n");

            global $going_drive; // Used in StoragePool::is_pool_drive()
            $going_drive = $this->drive;

            // For the fsck_file calls to be able to use the files on $going_drive if needed, to create extra copies.
            $fsck_task = FsckTask::getCurrentTask(array('additional_info' => OPTION_ORPHANED . '|' . OPTION_DU . '|' . OPTION_VALIDATE_COPIES));

            // fsck shares with only 1 file copy to remove those from $this->drive
            foreach (SharesConfig::getShares() as $share_name => $share_options) {
                if (!is_dir("$going_drive/$share_name")) {
                    $this->log("Share '$share_name' not found on $going_drive... Skipping.");
                if ($share_options[CONFIG_NUM_COPIES] == 1) {
                    $this->log("Moving file copies for share '$share_name'... Please be patient... ");
                    if (is_dir("$going_drive/$share_name")) {
                        $fsck_task->initialize_fsck_report("Removing drive $going_drive; share with only 1 copy: $share_name");
                        $fsck_task->gh_fsck($share_options[CONFIG_LANDING_ZONE], $share_name);

                        $errors = @$fsck_task->get_fsck_report()->found_problems[FSCK_PROBLEM_WRONG_MD5];
                        if (is_array($errors)) {
                            foreach ($errors as $file_path => $error) {
                                $this->log("  Failed to create copy of $file_path: $error");
                } else {
                    // Temporarily rename $going_drive/$share_name for fix_symlinks_on_share to be able to find symlinks that will be broken once this drive is removed.
                    @rename("$going_drive/$share_name", "$going_drive/$share_name".".tmp");
                    @rename("$going_drive/$share_name".".tmp", "$going_drive/$share_name");

                    // Also, just to be safe, make sure that all the files in $going_drive/$share_name are also somewhere else, as expected.
                    $this->log("Checking that all the files in the share '$share_name' also exist on another drive...");
                    static::check_going_dir("$going_drive/$share_name", $share_name, $going_drive);
                $this->log("  Done.");

        // Remove $going_drive from config file and restart (if it was running)

        if (SystemHelper::is_amahi()) {
            $this->log("You should de-select this partition in your Amahi dashboard (http://hda), in the Shares > Storage Pool page.");

        StoragePool::mark_gone_ok($this->drive, 'remove');
        StoragePool::mark_gone_drive_fscked($this->drive, 'remove');
        Log::info("Storage pool drive $this->drive has been removed.");
        $this->log("Storage pool drive $this->drive has been removed from your pool, which means the missing file copies that are in this drive will be re-created during the next fsck.");


        if ($this->isGoing()) {
            // Schedule fsck for all shares to re-create missing copies on other shares
            $this->log("All the files that were only on $this->drive have been copied somewhere else.");
            $this->log("A fsck of all shares has been scheduled, to recreate other file copies. It will start after all currently pending tasks have been completed.");
            unlink($this->drive . "/.greyhole_used_this");
        } else {
            $this->log("Sadly, file copies that were only on this drive, if any, are now lost!");

        // Email report
        $subject = "[Greyhole] Removal of pool drive at $this->drive completed on " . exec('hostname');
        email_sysadmin($subject, $this->log);


    protected function log($log = '') {
        $this->log .= "$log\n";

    protected static function check_going_dir($path, $share, $going_drive) {
        $handle = @opendir($path);
        if ($handle === FALSE) {
            Log::error("Couldn't open $path to list content. Skipping...", Log::EVENT_CODE_LIST_DIR_FAILED);
        Log::debug("Entering $path");
        while (($filename = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) {
            if ($filename == '.' || $filename == '..') { continue; }

            $full_path = "$path/$filename";
            $file_type = @filetype($full_path);
            if ($file_type === FALSE) {
                // Try NFC form []
                $file_type = @filetype(normalize_utf8_characters($full_path));
                if ($file_type !== FALSE) {
                    // Bingo!
                    $full_path = normalize_utf8_characters($full_path);
                    $path = normalize_utf8_characters($path);

            if ($file_type == 'dir') {
                static::check_going_dir($full_path, $share, $going_drive);
            } else {
                $file_path = trim(mb_substr($path, mb_strlen("$going_drive/$share")+1), '/');
                $file_metafiles = array();
                $file_copies_inodes = StoragePool::get_file_copies_inodes($share, $file_path, $filename, $file_metafiles, TRUE);
                if (count($file_copies_inodes) == 0) {
                    Log::debug("Found a file, $full_path, that has no other copies on other drives. Removing $going_drive would make that file disappear! Will create extra copies now.");
                    //echo ".";
                    FsckTask::getCurrentTask()->gh_fsck_file($path, $filename, $file_type, 'landing_zone', $share, $going_drive);
