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# dialogflow-fulfillment

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*dialogflow-fulfillment* is a package for Python that helps developers to
create webhook services for Dialogflow.

The package provides an API for creating and manipulating response messages,
output contexts and follow-up events in conversations.

## A simple example

from dialogflow_fulfillment import QuickReplies, WebhookClient

# Define a custom handler function
def handler(agent: WebhookClient) -> None:
    This handler sends a text message along with a quick replies message
    back to Dialogflow, which uses the messages to build the final response
    to the user.
    agent.add('How are you feeling today?')
    agent.add(QuickReplies(quick_replies=['Happy :)', 'Sad :(']))

# Create an instance of the WebhookClient
agent = WebhookClient(request)

# Handle the request using the handler function

# Get the response
response = agent.response

## Installation

The preferred way to install *dialogflow-fulfillment* is from
[PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/dialogflow-fulfillment/) with

pip install dialogflow-fulfillment

## Features

*dialogflow-fulfillment*'s key features are:

* **Webhook Client**: handle webhook requests using a custom handler function
  or a map of handlers for each intent
* **Contexts**: process input contexts and add, set or delete output contexts
* **Events**: trigger follow-up events with optional parameters
* **Rich Responses**: create and send the following types of rich response
  * Text
  * Image
  * Card
  * Quick Replies
  * Payload

## More examples

* [Dialogflow fulfillment webhook server with **Flask**](https://dialogflow-fulfillment.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting-started/examples/flask/)
* [Dialogflow fulfillment webhook server with **Django**](https://dialogflow-fulfillment.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting-started/examples/django/)

## Documentation

For more information about the package, guides and examples of usage, see the

## Contribute

All kinds of contributions are welcome!

For an overview about how to contribute to *dialogflow-fulfillment*, see the
[contributing guide](CONTRIBUTING.rst).

## License

This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

For more details about the license, see the [LICENSE file](LICENSE).

## Acknowledgments

Thanks to the Dialogflow development team!