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namespace Gdbots\Pbj;

use Gdbots\Pbj\Exception\InvalidSchemaId;

 * Schemas have fully qualified names, similar to a "urn".  This is combination of ideas from:
 * Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces
 * @link
 * SnowPlow Analytics (Iglu)
 * @link
 * @link
 * And of course the various package managers like composer, npm, etc.
 * Schema Id Format:
 *  pbj:vendor:package:category:message:version
 * Schema Curie Format:
 *  vendor:package:category:message
 * Schema Curie Major Format:
 *  vendor:package:category:message:v#
 * Schema QName Format:
 *  vendor:message
 * Formats:
 *  VENDOR:   [a-z0-9-]+
 *  PACKAGE:  [a-z0-9\.-]+
 *  CATEGORY: ([a-z0-9-]+)? (clarifies the intent of the message, e.g. command, request, event, response, etc.)
 *  MESSAGE:  [a-z0-9-]+
 *  VERSION:  @see SchemaVersion::VALID_PATTERN
 * Examples of fully qualified schema ids:
 *  pbj:acme:videos:event:video-uploaded:1-0-0
 *  pbj:acme:users:command:register-user:1-1-0
 *  pbj:acme:api.videos:request:get-video:1-0-0
 * The fully qualified schema identifier corresponds to a json schema implementing the Gdbots PBJ Json Schema.
 * The schema id must be resolveable to a php class that should be able to read and write
 * messages with payloads that validate using the json schema.  The target class is ideally
 * major revision specific.  As in GetVideoV1, GetVideoV2, etc.  Only "major" revisions
 * should require a unique class since all other schema changes should not break anything.
 * @see  SchemaVersion
final class SchemaId implements \JsonSerializable
     * Regular expression pattern for matching a valid SchemaId string.
     * @constant string
    const VALID_PATTERN = '/^pbj:([a-z0-9-]+):([a-z0-9\.-]+):([a-z0-9-]+)?:([a-z0-9-]+):([0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+)$/';

    private static array $instances = [];

    private string $id;

     * The curie is the short name for the schema (without the version) that can be used
     * to reference another message without fully qualifying the version.
     * @var SchemaCurie
    private SchemaCurie $curie;

    private string $vendor;
    private string $package;
    private ?string $category;
    private string $message;
    private SchemaVersion $version;

    private function __construct(string $vendor, string $package, string $category, string $message, string $version)
        $this->vendor = $vendor;
        $this->package = $package;
        $this->category = $category ?: null;
        $this->message = $message;
        $this->version = SchemaVersion::fromString($version);
        $this->id = sprintf(

        $this->curie = SchemaCurie::fromId($this);

     * @param string $schemaId
     * @return SchemaId
     * @throws InvalidSchemaId
    public static function fromString(string $schemaId): self
        if (isset(self::$instances[$schemaId])) {
            return self::$instances[$schemaId];

        $okay = strlen($schemaId) < 151;
        Assertion::true($okay, 'Schema id cannot be greater than 150 chars.', 'schemaId');
        if (!preg_match(self::VALID_PATTERN, $schemaId, $matches)) {
            throw new InvalidSchemaId(
                    'Schema id [%s] is invalid.  It must match the pattern [%s].',

        self::$instances[$schemaId] = new self($matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[4], $matches[5]);
        return self::$instances[$schemaId];

    public function toString(): string
        return $this->id;

    public function jsonSerialize(): string
        return $this->toString();

    public function __toString()
        return $this->toString();

    public function getVendor(): string
        return $this->vendor;

    public function getPackage(): string
        return $this->package;

    public function getCategory(): ?string
        return $this->category;

    public function getMessage(): string
        return $this->message;

    public function getVersion(): SchemaVersion
        return $this->version;

    public function getCurie(): SchemaCurie
        return $this->curie;

     * Returns the major version qualified curie.  This should be used by the MessageResolver,
     * event dispatchers, etc. where consumers will need to be able to reliably type hint or
     * locate classes and provide functionality for a given message, with the expectation
     * that a major revision is likely not compatible with another major revision of the
     * same message.
     * e.g. "vendor:package:category:message:v1"
    public function getCurieMajor(): string
        return $this->curie . ':v' . $this->version->getMajor();

    public function getQName(): SchemaQName
        return $this->curie->getQName();