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Test Coverage

## v0.4.0
* Generate one manifest instead of using manifest groups as they don't align with the strategy of one manifest to rule them all for optimal resolution at runtime.

## v0.3.3
* issue #46: Fix bug with with descriptors not always referencing latest schemas as they had their own references to objects that were changing during the parse phase. The fix is to always go back to the SchemaStore whenever a schema is needed.

## v0.3.2
* Fix bug on `Compiler` that fails to compile a message that starts with the letter v.

## v0.3.1
* Fix bug with `FieldMustContainsAnyOfClasses` constraint that fails when `anyOf` returns null.
  Resolve by adding default empty array to `FieldDescriptor::anyOf`.

## v0.3.0

* Compiler now requires php 7.1 or greater. 
* PHP namespaces are now handled by the compiler and not customized per message.
* The `pbjc.yml` allows for root vendor namespace customizations.
* Adds an es6 compiler (using the `js` language option).

## v0.2.6
* Use aliasing "use" statements everywhere mixins are use.
* Ignore adding trait classes to messages if schema doesn't include mixins and no insertion-points was define.

## v0.2.5
* Force aliasing "use" statements of mixins when generating message classes.

## v0.2.4
* Fixed inheritance validation with multi AnyOf classes.

## v0.2.3
* issue #40: Fixed inheritance validation as well as removing duplicate items from array's (like AnyOf).

## v0.2.2
* issue #38: Fixed identifier type json schema pattern to allow for `^[\w\/\.:-]+$`.

## v0.2.1
* issue #36: Add "TrinaryType".  ref

## v0.2.0
* issue #35: BUG :: When a jsonschema for an enum is produced it must be a unique set.
* issue #33: Added support for dynamic-field type.

## v0.1.8
* issue #31: BUG :: Unable to change default on overridden field.

## v0.1.7
* issue #27: BUG :: Handle INF & NAN numeric values. Also removed min/max for decimals and floats fields.

## v0.1.6
* issue #25: BUG :: Ignore "overridable" on field inheritance, and fix json-schema fields order.

## v0.1.5
* issue #22: BUG :: Multi-valued fields don't produce proper json-schema.
* issue #21: BUG :: Using an int-enum with a default of 0 won't render.
* issue #20: BUG :: date-time field types render as numbers in json schema.

## v0.1.4
* issue #17: Generate all languages from pbjc.yml unless lang option is provided.
* issue #16: BUG :: Compiler produces default for enums when one isn't set.

## v0.1.3
* issue #14: BUG :: mixins using extends option won't compile.
* issue #13: Test case and example of map, set and list in json schema.
* issue #12: BUG :: any-of option with array produces incorrect php result.

## v0.1.2
* issue #9: Schema parse error when "category" is empty.
* issue #10: Fixed recursive schema requesting.

## v0.1.1
* issue #8: Remove DATED_SLUG format option.
* issue #7: Fixed invalid enum name when format has "-" bug.
* issue #6: Add `assertion` to field php options.
* issue #5: Fixed illegal enum name.

## v0.1.0
* Initial version.