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# Whatmask

Whatmask is a command-line tool originally written by Jim Laffey ( and released with a GPL license.  This is a ruby rewrite of whatmask, providing the same functionality of the original utility (will maybe add more).

### Installation

gem install whatmask

### Instructions

Once installed, you should have a command-line tool available in your console.
Without any parameters, the command will output the following help instructions:
whatmask may be used two ways:

Given a mask:          whatmask <CIDR bits>
               - or -  whatmask <subnet mask>
               - or -  whatmask <hex subnet mask>
               - or -  whatmask <wildcard bit mask>
 NOTE: whatmask will autodetect the input and show you all four.

Given an ip/mask:      whatmask <IP address>/<netmask>
       <netmask> may be one of the following:
                       CIDR notation (e.g. "24")
                       Netmask notation (e.g. "")
                       Hex Netmask notation (e.g. "0xffffff00")
                       Wildcard bits notation (e.g. "")
 NOTE: whatmask will autodetect the netmask format.

###To Do

Add better error checking for inputs. Add some autofill or next available type functions.