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package auth

import (


// CreateUserForm represents a new user form
type CreateUserForm struct {
    Username string

// FieldMap is used to bind CreateUserForm to a request
func (form *CreateUserForm) FieldMap(req *http.Request) binding.FieldMap {
    return binding.FieldMap{
        &form.Username: binding.Field{
            Form:     "username",
            Required: true,

// OAuthCallbackForm represents a Github OAuth callback
type OAuthCallbackForm struct {
    Code  string
    State string

// FieldMap is used to bind OAuthCallbackForm to a request
func (form *OAuthCallbackForm) FieldMap(req *http.Request) binding.FieldMap {
    return binding.FieldMap{
        &form.Code: binding.Field{
            Form:     "code",
            Required: true,
        &form.State: binding.Field{
            Form:     "state",
            Required: true,

// ValidateJWTForm represents a json request to validate a token
type ValidateJWTForm struct {
    Token string

// FieldMap to map form values to a struct
func (form *ValidateJWTForm) FieldMap(req *http.Request) binding.FieldMap {
    return binding.FieldMap{
        &form.Token: binding.Field{Form: "token", Required: true},