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package database

import (

    _ "" // dialect to use for Gorm

// Connect will open a new connection to the database. If there is an error when
// attempting to connect to the database, we will close the database connection
// here prior to returning.
func Connect() (*gorm.DB, error) {
    var (
        db  *gorm.DB
        err error

    if db, err = gorm.Open("mysql", getDBAddress()); err != nil {

    return db, err

// getDBAddress will put together the mysql connection string
func getDBAddress() string {
    user := config.App.MysqlUser
    pass := config.App.MysqlPassword
    host := config.App.MysqlHost
    port := config.App.MysqlPort
    db := config.App.MysqlDatabase

    return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@(%s:%s)/%s?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local", user, pass, host, port, db)

// Health will check make sure the database is reachable or return an error
func Health() error {
    db, err := Connect()
    defer db.Close()

    return err