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package resources

import (



// Environment as defined by Brizo.
type Environment struct {
    UUID            string      `gorm:"not null;unique_index" sql:"type:varchar(36)" json:"uuid"`
    Name            string      `gorm:"not null" json:"name"`
    Slug            string      `gorm:"not null" json:"slug"`
    VersionID       uint64      `gorm:"not null" json:"version_id,string"`
    VersionUUID     string      `gorm:"not null" json:"version_uuid"`
    Version         Version     `json:"version"`
    ApplicationID   uint64      `gorm:"not null" json:"application_id,string"`
    ApplicationUUID string      `gorm:"not null" json:"application_uuid"`
    Application     Application `json:"application"`

// BeforeCreate is a hook that runs before inserting a new record into the
// database
func (environment *Environment) BeforeCreate() (err error) {
    if environment.UUID == "" {
        environment.UUID = uuid.New()
    if environment.Slug == "" {
        environment.Slug = slugify.Slugify(environment.Name)

// AllEnvironments will return all of the Environments
func AllEnvironments(db *gorm.DB) ([]Environment, error) {
    var environments []Environment
    result := db.Preload("Application").Find(&environments)

    return environments, result.Error

// CreateEnvironment will add a new Environment to Brizo
func CreateEnvironment(db *gorm.DB, client kube.APIInterface, environment *Environment, application *Application) (bool, error) {
    result := db.Create(&environment)
    service := environmentServiceDefinition(environment, application)
    err := client.CreateService(service)
    if err != nil {
        // @TODO need a better way to handle some of this upstream
        DeleteEnvironment(db, environment.Name)
        return false, err

    return result.RowsAffected == 1, result.Error

func environmentServiceDefinition(environment *Environment, application *Application) *v1.Service {
    name := fmt.Sprintf(
    return &v1.Service{
        ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
            Name:      name,
            Namespace: "brizo",
            Labels: map[string]string{
                "brizoManaged": "true",
                "appUUID":      application.UUID,
                "envUUID":      environment.UUID,
        Spec: v1.ServiceSpec{
            Selector: map[string]string{
                "appUUID": application.UUID,
                "envUUID": environment.UUID,
            Ports: []v1.ServicePort{
                    Protocol: v1.ProtocolTCP,
                    Port:     int32(80),

// UpdateEnvironment will update an existing Environment
func UpdateEnvironment(db *gorm.DB, environment *Environment) (bool, error) {
    environment.Slug = slugify.Slugify(environment.Name)
    result := db.Model(environment).Where("uuid = ?", environment.UUID).

    return result.RowsAffected == 1, result.Error

// UpdateEnvironmentService will update an existing Environment's service in K8s
func UpdateEnvironmentService(db *gorm.DB, client kube.APIInterface, environment *Environment, ports []ContainerPort) (bool, error) {
    var svcPorts = make([]v1.ServicePort, len(ports))
    var protocol = v1.ProtocolTCP

    // build svcPorts (service ports)
    for index, element := range ports {
        if element.Protocol == "UDP" {
            protocol = v1.ProtocolUDP

        // Name is required because k8s requires each port have a name for
        // services with multiple ports
        var sp = v1.ServicePort{
            Name:     slugify.Slugify(fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", element.Protocol, element.Port)),
            Protocol: protocol,
            Port:     int32(element.Port),

        svcPorts[index] = sp

    name := fmt.Sprintf(

    service, err := client.GetService("brizo", name)

    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    service.Spec.Ports = svcPorts

    err = client.UpdateService(service)

    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    return true, err

// GetEnvironment will get an existing Environment by id
func GetEnvironment(db *gorm.DB, id string) (*Environment, error) {
    environment := new(Environment)
    if err := db.Preload("Application.Environments").Preload("Version").Where("uuid = ?", id).First(&environment).Error; err != nil {
        return environment, err

    if environment.ID == 0 {
        return new(Environment), errors.New("not-found")

    return environment, nil

// DeleteEnvironment will delete an existing Environment by name
func DeleteEnvironment(db *gorm.DB, name string) (bool, error) {
    result := db.Delete(Environment{}, "name = ?", name)

    return result.RowsAffected == 1, result.Error