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package resources

import (

    metav1 ""

// Volume as defined by Brizo.
type Volume struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Type string `json:"type"`

// Container individual container for a version
type Container struct {
    Name         string                 `json:"name"`
    Image        string                 `json:"image"`
    AlwaysPull   bool                   `json:"alwaysPull"`
    Args         []string               `json:"args"`
    VolumeMounts []ContainerVolumeMount `json:"volumeMounts"`
    Ports        []ContainerPort        `json:"ports"`

// ContainerPort exposed container port
type ContainerPort struct {
    Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
    Port     int    `json:"port"`

// ContainerVolumeMount mount configuration for an available volume
type ContainerVolumeMount struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Path string `json:"path"`

// Version as defined by Brizo.
type Version struct {
    UUID            string       `gorm:"not null;unique_index:uix_versions_name_application_uuid" sql:"type:varchar(36)" json:"uuid"`
    Name            string       `gorm:"not null" json:"name"`
    Slug            string       `gorm:"not null" json:"slug"`
    Replicas        int          `gorm:"not null" sql:"DEFAULT:'0'" json:"replicas"`
    ApplicationID   uint64       `gorm:"not null" json:"appliction_id,string"`
    ApplicationUUID string       `gorm:"not null;unique_index:uix_versions_name_application_uuid" json:"application_uuid"`
    Application     Application  `json:"application"`
    EnvironmentID   uint         `gorm:"not null" json:"environment_id,string"`
    EnvironmentUUID string       `gorm:"not null" json:"environment_uuid"`
    Environment     *Environment `json:"environment"`
    Volumes         []Volume     `gorm:"-" json:"volumes"`
    Containers      []Container  `gorm:"-" json:"containers"`
    Spec            string       `gorm:"type:json" json:"-"`
    RawArguments    string       `gorm:"type:json" json:"-"`

// Spec k8s spec information
type Spec struct {
    Name              string
    Labels            []string
    Namespace         string
    creationTimestamp string

// BeforeCreate is a hook that runs before inserting a new record into the
// database
func (version *Version) BeforeCreate() (err error) {
    if version.UUID == "" {
        version.UUID = uuid.New()


// AllVersions will return all of the Versions
func AllVersions(db *gorm.DB) ([]Version, error) {
    var versions []Version
    result := db.Find(&versions)

    return versions, result.Error

// DeployVersion will deploy an existing version
func DeployVersion(client kube.APIInterface, version *Version) (bool, error) {
    deployment := versionDeploymentDefinition(version)
    err := client.CreateOrUpdateDeployment(deployment)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    return true, nil

// CreateVersion will create and deploy a new version
func CreateVersion(db *gorm.DB, client kube.APIInterface, version *Version) (bool, error) {
    deployment := versionDeploymentDefinition(version)

    if err := client.CreateOrUpdateDeployment(deployment); err != nil {
        return false, err

    spec, err := json.Marshal(deployment)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    version.Spec = string(spec)
    persist := db.Create(&version)

    // update environment service
    ports := gatherContainerPorts(version.Containers)
    UpdateEnvironmentService(db, client, version.Environment, ports)

    return persist.RowsAffected == 1, persist.Error

func gatherContainerPorts(containers []Container) []ContainerPort {
    ports := make([]ContainerPort, 0)
    for _, container := range containers {
        ports = append(ports, container.Ports...)
    return ports

func convertVolume(volume Volume) v1.Volume {
    var k8sVol v1.Volume

    switch volume.Type {
    case "temp":
        k8sVol = v1.Volume{
            Name: volume.Name,
            VolumeSource: v1.VolumeSource{
                EmptyDir: &v1.EmptyDirVolumeSource{
                    Medium: v1.StorageMediumDefault,
        // @TODO handle unsupported volume error
        panic(volume.Type + " is not a supported volume type")

    return k8sVol

func createContainerSpec(container Container, environmentUUID string, version *Version) v1.Container {
    policy := v1.PullAlways
    if !container.AlwaysPull {
        policy = v1.PullIfNotPresent

    k8sPorts := make([]v1.ContainerPort, len(container.Ports))
    for i, port := range container.Ports {
        protocol := v1.ProtocolTCP
        if port.Protocol == "UDP" {
            protocol = v1.ProtocolUDP
        k8sPorts[i] = v1.ContainerPort{
            Protocol:      protocol,
            ContainerPort: int32(port.Port),

    k8sVolumeMounts := make([]v1.VolumeMount, len(container.VolumeMounts))
    for i, mount := range container.VolumeMounts {
        k8sVolumeMounts[i] = v1.VolumeMount{
            Name:      mount.Name,
            MountPath: mount.Path,

    db, err := database.Connect()
    defer db.Close()
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("Database error: '%s'\n", err)
    environmentVars, err := GetEnvironmentConfig(db, environmentUUID)
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("Error retrieving environment configs: '%s'\n", err)
    var environment *Environment
    if environment, err = GetEnvironment(db, environmentUUID); err != nil {
        log.Printf("Error retrieving environment: '%s'\n", err)

    var k8sEnvVars []v1.EnvVar
    for _, environmentVar := range *environmentVars {
        k8sEnvVars = append(k8sEnvVars, v1.EnvVar{
            Name:  environmentVar.Name,
            Value: environmentVar.Value,

    replacements := map[string]string{
        "${BRIZO_ENVIRONMENT}": environment.Name,
    // use the raw arguments stored for this container if present
    tempArgs := rawArgumentJSONToContainerArgs(container.Name, version)
    if len(tempArgs) > 0 {
        container.Args = tempArgs

    return v1.Container{
        Name:            container.Name,
        Image:           container.Image,
        ImagePullPolicy: policy,
        Args:            parseRawArguments(container.Args, replacements),
        Ports:           k8sPorts,
        VolumeMounts:    k8sVolumeMounts,
        Env:             k8sEnvVars,

// versionDeploymentDefinition builds a deployment spec for the provided version
func versionDeploymentDefinition(version *Version) *v1beta1.Deployment {
    replicas := int32(version.Replicas)
    name := fmt.Sprintf(

    var k8sVolumes []v1.Volume
    for index := 0; index < len(version.Volumes); index++ {
        k8sVolumes = append(k8sVolumes, convertVolume(version.Volumes[index]))

    var k8sContainers []v1.Container
    for index := 0; index < len(version.Containers); index++ {
        // @todo refactor
        k8sContainers = append(k8sContainers, createContainerSpec(version.Containers[index], version.Environment.UUID, version))

    deployment := &v1beta1.Deployment{
        ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
            Name:      name,
            Namespace: "brizo",
            Labels: map[string]string{
                "brizoManaged": "true",
                "appUUID":      version.Environment.Application.UUID,
                "envUUID":      version.Environment.UUID,
                "versionUUID":  version.UUID,
        Spec: v1beta1.DeploymentSpec{
            Selector: &metav1.LabelSelector{
                MatchLabels: map[string]string{
                    "appUUID":     version.Environment.Application.UUID,
                    "envUUID":     version.Environment.UUID,
                    "versionUUID": version.UUID,
            Replicas: &replicas,
            Template: v1.PodTemplateSpec{
                ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
                    Labels: map[string]string{
                        "brizoManaged": "true",
                        "appUUID":      version.Environment.Application.UUID,
                        "envUUID":      version.Environment.UUID,
                        "versionUUID":  version.UUID,
                Spec: v1.PodSpec{
                    Volumes:    k8sVolumes,
                    Containers: k8sContainers,

    return deployment

// UpdateVersion will update an existing Version
func UpdateVersion(db *gorm.DB, version *Version) (bool, error) {
    version.Slug = slugify.Slugify(version.Name)
    result := db.Model(version).Where("uuid = ?", version.UUID).

    return result.RowsAffected == 1, result.Error

// GetVersion will get an existing Version by id
func GetVersion(db *gorm.DB, id string, client *kube.Client, includeContainers bool) (*Version, error) {
    version := new(Version)
    if err := db.Preload("Application.Environments").Where("uuid = ?", id).First(version).Error; err != nil {
        return version, err

    if version.ID == 0 {
        return new(Version), errors.New("not-found")

    if includeContainers {
        err := getVersionContainers(version, client)
        if err != nil {
            return new(Version), err

    return version, nil

func getVersionContainers(version *Version, client *kube.Client) error {
    var spec map[string]map[string]interface{}
    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(version.Spec), &spec)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    specName := spec["metadata"]["name"].(string)
    specNS := spec["metadata"]["namespace"].(string)

    deployment, err := client.FindDeploymentByName(specName, specNS)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for i := 0; i < len(deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers); i++ {
        // determine pull policy
        pullPolicy := true
        if deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[i].ImagePullPolicy != "Always" {
            pullPolicy = false

        container := Container{
            Name:       deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[i].Name,
            Image:      deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[i].Image,
            AlwaysPull: pullPolicy,
            Args:       deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[i].Args,
        version.Containers = append(version.Containers, container)

    // gather volumes information
    for i := 0; i < len(deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Volumes); i++ {
        volume := Volume{
            Name: deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Volumes[i].Name,
        version.Volumes = append(version.Volumes, volume)

    return nil

// GetVersionsByEnvironmentUUID will get an existing version using an
// environment's UUID
func GetVersionsByEnvironmentUUID(db *gorm.DB, uuid string) (*[]Version, error) {
    var versions []Version
    environment, err := GetEnvironment(db, uuid)
    if err != nil {
        return &versions, err

    if err := db.Preload("Application.Environments").Where("environment_id = ?", environment.ID).Find(&versions).Error; err != nil {
        return &versions, err

    return &versions, nil

// DeleteVersion will delete an existing Version by name
func DeleteVersion(db *gorm.DB, name string) (bool, error) {
    result := db.Delete(Version{}, "name = ?", name)

    return result.RowsAffected == 1, result.Error

// parseRawArguments is essentially a find and replace for a slice of rawArgs to
// be filled with a map of replacements where the key is the string to replace
// and the value is the replacement. parseRawArguments has no expectations of
// what to replace, so you should expect to instantiate a replacements map prior
// to calling.
// @TODO rename to be more descriptive
func parseRawArguments(rawArgs []string, replacements map[string]string) []string {
    for i, arg := range rawArgs {
        for key, replacement := range replacements {
            replacement = slugify.Slugify(strings.ToLower(replacement))
            rawArgs[i] = strings.Replace(arg, key, replacement, -1)

    return rawArgs

// hydrateRawArgumentsToJSON takes a Version with its Containers and hydrates
// the RawArguments field for the Version
func hydrateRawArgumentsToJSON(version *Version) *Version {
    type jsonContainer struct {
        Arguments []string `json:"arguments"`
        Name      string   `json:"name"`
    rawArguments := struct {
        Containers []jsonContainer `json:"containers"`
    for _, container := range version.Containers {
        containerJSONStruct := jsonContainer{
            Arguments: container.Args,
            Name:      container.Name,
        rawArguments.Containers = append(rawArguments.Containers, containerJSONStruct)
    containerJSON, _ := json.Marshal(rawArguments)
    version.RawArguments = string(containerJSON)

    return version

// rawArgumentJSONToContainerArgs looks up the raw arguments within the provided
// version based on the containerName
func rawArgumentJSONToContainerArgs(containerName string, version *Version) []string {
    v := struct {
        Containers []struct {
            Name      string   `json:"name"`
            Arguments []string `json:"arguments"`
        } `json:"containers"`
    if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(version.RawArguments), &v); err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error when unmarshalling version: %s\n%s\n", version.UUID, err.Error())

    for i := 0; i < len(v.Containers); i++ {
        if v.Containers[i].Name == containerName {
            return v.Containers[i].Arguments
    return []string{}