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=content_for :title, "DGIdb - Downloads"
=content_for :header do
      commonly requested data

  %div{class: "well"}
    This page provides access to raw data for DGIdb. While the application is open source, some of the data sources we import may have restrictions that prevent us from redistributing them. Please refer to the
    %a{:href => "sources"} Browse Sources
    page for license information for each source.

  %div{class: "well"}
    %h4 Monthly TSVs
    %strong Interactions TSV
      TSV download of all drug-gene interaction claims in DGIdb from all sources that were mapped to Entrez genes. For ease of use, we recommend working directly with the
      %a{:href => "api"} API
      or SQL database dump below.
    %strong Genes TSV
      TSV download of all gene claims in DGIdb. For ease of use, we recommend working directly with the
      %a{:href => "api"} API
      or SQL database dump below.
    %strong Drugs TSV
      TSV download of all drug claims in DGIdb. For ease of use, we recommend working directly with the
      %a{:href => "api"} API
      or SQL database dump below.
    %strong Categories TSV
      TSV download of all genes in druggable categories in DGIdb from all sources that were mapped to Entrez genes. For ease of use, we recommend working directly with the
      %a{:href => "api"} API
      or SQL database dump below.
    %table{class: "table table-condensed table-striped", id: "tsv_downloads"}
          %th Date
          %th Interactions TSV
          %th Genes TSV
          %th Drugs TSV
          %th Categories TSV
        - @files.each do |date, file_h|
            - @tsvs.each do |tsv|
              %td= raw "#{link_to tsv, file_h[tsv]}"
      %a{:href => "data/dGene_04-16-2013_2257.tsv"} dGene data (04-16-2013)
    %p TSV download of the latest version of the dGene database made available here at the request of the dGene creators. This data corresponds to the dGene publication and has not changed significantly since that publication.
    %h4 DGIdb database dump
      You may load the latest data dump into your local database instance by running the following command while in your local checkout of the DGIdb repository:
      %code rake dgidb:load_local
      %span . This will recreate your local database and import the latest data dump directly from the data repository. The data.sql file can then be found in the `data` directory of your local repository. Please see the
      %a{:href => ""} Installation instructions
      for more details about creating a local instance of DGIdb.