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        .row-fluid#container{style: "margin-left: -15px;"} 
            %ul(class="result-list" id="list-results")
                      Results Grouped by Categories
                      / %span{style: "display: inline-block;"}
                      /   = render partial: 'shared/table_export', locals: {id: 'by-gene-category-export'}
                  %div(class="cell category")
                      %div{style: "margin-bottom: 5px;"}
                        %table#by-gene-category-export.table.table-striped.table-bordered(cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0")
                                Druggable Gene Category
                                %i.icon-flag.tip(title="Categories are groups of genes considered by some to be potentially druggable targets.")
                                Matching Gene Count
                                %i.icon-flag.tip(title="The number of genes in the submitted gene list that belong to each druggable gene category")
                                Matching Gene(s)
                                %i.icon-flag.tip(title="The identity of genes in the submitted gene list that belong to each druggable gene category")
                                Non-Matching Gene(s)
                                %i.icon-flag.tip(title="The genes in the submitted gene list that do NOT belong to each druggable gene category")
                            =render partial: 'genes/results_by_category_table_row', collection: categories.sort_by{|c| [-c.gene_count,c.category_name]}
                        %button{class: "show-all", style: "margin-top: 5px"}
                          Show All
                        %button{class: "show-more", style: "margin-top: 5px"}
                          Show More
                        %button{class: "show-less", style: "margin-top: 5px"}
                          Show Less
                        %span{style: "display: inline-block; margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 5px"}
                            = [10, categories.length].min
                            = "out of #{categories.length} Categories"