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#notice= notice
=content_for :title do
  =tx "title"
=content_for :header do
    =tx "title_main"
      =tx "title_small"
        %a(href="#successful" data-toggle="tab") Unique Matches
        %a(href="#failed" data-toggle="tab") Ambiguous or Unmatched
        %a(href="#by_categories" data-toggle="tab") By Category
    .tab-content{style: "margin-left: -30px; margin-top: 20px;"}
      -if @search_results.show_result_categories?
              - definite_results = @search_results.unique_matches
              = render partial: 'genes/successful_search', locals: {definite_results: definite_results} #use @search_mode to determine type of view, just use one set of templates
              - ambiguous_results = @search_results.ambiguous_matches
              - ambiguous_result_presenters = @search_results.ambiguous_result_presenters
              - failed_results = @search_results.no_results_results
              - if failed_results.any?
                - failed_terms ={|result| result.search_term}
              - else
                - failed_terms = []
              = render partial: 'genes/failed_search', locals: {ambiguous_results: ambiguous_results, ambiguous_result_presenters: ambiguous_result_presenters, failed_terms: failed_terms}
        -if @search_results.show_genes_by_category?
              =render partial: 'genes/results_by_category_table', locals: {title: "Results Grouped by Categories", categories: @search_results.genes_by_category, tooltip_text: tx('search_results_by_categories_flag'), subtitle: "Number of search terms matching genes in each druggable gene category." }

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