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=content_for :title, "DGIdb - #@title Gene Record"
=content_for :header do
      data sources and alternate names
  %a{class: ['btn', 'btn-success'], href: "/interaction_search_results?genes=#{@title}"}
    =icon('search', class: 'icon-white')
    =" interactions for #{@title}"
  %a{class: ['btn', 'btn-success'], href: "/categories_search_results?genes=#{@title}"}
    =icon('search', class: 'icon-white')
    =" categories for #{@title}"
  %a{class: ['btn', 'btn-success'], href: "/interactions_for_related_genes?genes=#{@title}"}
    =icon('search', class: 'icon-white')
    =" interactions for genes related to #{@title}"
    Hit the buttons above to obtain drug-gene interaction or category views for this gene.
    The following section provides a summary of information from each DGIdb source for the current gene.
    Sections are colored by source type (green for gene info, blue for interactions, orange for categories, and red for drugs.
    Each section contains information specific to this type of source.
    Link outs to relevant records from the original source databases are provided wherever possible (marked with a special icon beside them).
    The 'By Source' tab summarizes the alternate names for this gene as used by each individual source.

        %a(href="#detailed_view" data-toggle="tab") Detailed View
        %a(href="#by_source" data-toggle="tab") By Source

              %ul(class="nav nav-tabs nav-stacked")
                  %a(href="#" data-category="all")

            =render partial: 'genes/gene', locals:{gene: @gene}

            =render partial: 'genes/by_source_table', locals:{gene: @gene}

  =javascript_include_tag "jquery.masonry.min"
  =javascript_include_tag "jquery.dataTables.min"
  =javascript_include_tag "pagination_bootstrap"
  =javascript_include_tag "gene_groups"
  =javascript_include_tag "gene-list-tabs"