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# These defaults are used in Geokit::Mappable.distance_to and acts_as_mappable
Geokit::default_units = :miles # others :kms, :nms, :meters
Geokit::default_formula = :sphere

# This is the timeout value in seconds to be used for calls to the geocoder web
# services.  For no timeout at all, comment out the setting.  The timeout unit
# is in seconds.
Geokit::Geocoders::request_timeout = 3

# This setting can be used if web service calls must be routed through a proxy.
# These setting can be nil if not needed, otherwise, a valid URI must be
# filled in at a minimum.  If the proxy requires authentication, the username
# and password can be provided as well.
# Geokit::Geocoders::proxy = 'https://user:password@host:port'

# This is your yahoo application key for the Yahoo Geocoder.
# See
# and
# Geokit::Geocoders::YahooGeocoder.key = 'REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_YAHOO_KEY'
# Geokit::Geocoders::YahooGeocoder.secret = 'REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_YAHOO_SECRET'

# This is your Google Maps geocoder keys (all optional).
# See
# and
# Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.client_id = ''
# Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.cryptographic_key = ''
# = ''

# You can also use the free API key instead of signed requests
# See
# Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.api_key = ''

# You can also set multiple API KEYS for different domains that may be directed
# to this same application.
# The domain from which the current user is being directed will automatically
# be updated for Geokit via
# the GeocoderControl class, which gets it's begin filter mixed
# into the ActionController.
# You define these keys with a Hash as follows:
# Geokit::Geocoders::google = {
# '' => 'RUBY_DOCS_API_KEY' }

# This is your username and password for
# To use the free service, the value can be set to nil or false.  For
# usage tied to an account, the value should be set to username:password.
# See
# and
# Geokit::Geocoders::UsGeocoder.key = 'username:password'

# This is your authorization key for
# To use the free service, the value can be set to nil or false.  For
# usage tied to an account, set the value to the key obtained from
# See
# and
# Geokit::Geocoders::CaGeocoder.key = 'KEY'

# This is your username key for geonames.
# To use this service either free or premium, you must register a key.
# See
# Geokit::Geocoders::GeonamesGeocoder.key = 'KEY'

# Most other geocoders need either no setup or a key
# Geokit::Geocoders::BingGeocoder.key = ''
# Geokit::Geocoders::MapQuestGeocoder.key = ''
# Geokit::Geocoders::YandexGeocoder.key = ''
# Geokit::Geocoders::MapboxGeocoder.key = 'ACCESS_TOKEN'
# Geokit::Geocoders::OpencageGeocoder.key = 'some_api_key'

# Geonames has a free service and a premium service, each using a different URL
# GeonamesGeocoder.premium = true will use (premium)
# GeonamesGeocoder.premium = false will use (free)
# Geokit::Geocoders::GeonamesGeocoder.premium = false

# require "external_geocoder.rb"
# Please see the section "writing your own geocoders" for more information.
# Geokit::Geocoders::external_key = 'REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_API_KEY'

# This is the order in which the geocoders are called in a failover scenario
# If you only want to use a single geocoder, put a single symbol in the array.
# Valid symbols are :google, :yahoo, :us, and :ca.
# Be aware that there are Terms of Use restrictions on how you can use the
# various geocoders.  Make sure you read up on relevant Terms of Use for each
# geocoder you are going to use.
# Geokit::Geocoders::provider_order = [:google,:us]

# The IP provider order. Valid symbols are :ip,:geo_plugin.
# As before, make sure you read up on relevant Terms of Use for each.
# Geokit::Geocoders::ip_provider_order = [:external,:geo_plugin,:ip]

# Disable HTTPS globally.  This option can also be set on individual
# geocoder classes.
# Geokit::Geocoders::secure = false

# Control verification of the server certificate for geocoders using HTTPS
# Geokit::Geocoders::ssl_verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_(PEER/NONE)
# Setting this to VERIFY_NONE may be needed on systems that don't have
# a complete or up to date root certificate store. Only applies to
# the Net::HTTP adapter.