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import { sync as glob } from 'glob';
import * as path from 'upath';
import * as passport from 'koa-passport';
import KoatonRouter from '../support/KoatonRouter';
import * as Router from 'koa-router';

let subdomainRouters,
    allowed = [];

 * Creates the public handler for a EmberApp.
 * @private
 * @param {string} directory - The path where the EmberApp is located relative to public folder
 * @return {async function(ctx: KoaContext, next: KoaNext)} renders the view
function serveapp (directory) {
    /* istanbul ignore next */
    return async function serveEmberAPP (ctx, next) {
        await next();
        if (!ctx.body) {
            await ctx.render(directory);
 * Checks if the current route is valid matches with the given router
 * @private
 * @param {KoaContext} ctx
 * @param {KoaNext} next
 * @return {Object|String} if route does not math it will return 'koa-no-route'
function EvalRoute (ctx, next) {
    let router = this;
    let matched = router.match(router.opts.routerPath || ctx.routerPath || ctx.path, ctx.method);
    /* istanbul ignore else */
    if (ctx.matched) {
        ctx.matched.push.apply(ctx.matched, matched.path);
    } else {
        ctx.matched = matched.path;
    if (matched.route) {
        return this.middleware()(ctx, next);
    } else {
        return Promise.resolve('koaton-no-route');
 * Reads all the routes.js files and creates a {KoaRouter} for each subdomain
export function initialize () {
    subdomainRouters = {
        www: new KoatonRouter('www')
    let routers = glob('koaton_modules/**/routes.js').concat(glob('routes.js'));
    for (const router of routers) {
        let location = path.dirname(router);
        let PackageSubdomains = require(ProyPath(location, 'config', 'server.js')).default.subdomains;
        for (const subdomain of PackageSubdomains) {
            if (!subdomainRouters[subdomain]) {
                subdomainRouters[subdomain] = new KoatonRouter(subdomain);
        require(ProyPath(router)).default(subdomainRouters, passport);

    let embers = glob('koaton_modules/**/config/ember.js').concat('config/ember.js');
    // Load all ember apps
    for (const ember of embers) {
        const config = require(ProyPath(ember)).default;
        for (const app in config) {
            let emberapp = config[app];
            if (ember.indexOf('koaton_modules') > -1) {
       = path.join('..', 'koaton_modules', app, 'views', 'ember_apps', config[app].directory);
            } else {
       = path.join('ember_apps', config[app].directory);
            const sub = emberapp.subdomain || 'www',
                approouter = new Router(),
                serveemberapp = serveapp(;

            approouter.get('/', serveemberapp).get('*', serveemberapp);
            (emberapp.access === 'public' ? subdomainRouters[sub].public : subdomainRouters[sub].secured).use(path.join('/', emberapp.mount), approouter.routes());
    for (const idx in subdomainRouters) {
            throw: true
            throw: true
        subdomainRouters[idx].public = EvalRoute.bind(subdomainRouters[idx].public);
        subdomainRouters[idx].secured = EvalRoute.bind(subdomainRouters[idx].secured);

 * Return the requested {KoaRouter}
 * @param {string} subdomain
 * @return {KoaRouter}
export function routers (subdomain) {
    return subdomainRouters[subdomain];
 * Return all the OPTIONS handlebars
 * @return {function[]} Return an array of KoaMiddleware function that handles the options response
export function options () {
    return allowed;