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import * as Router from 'koa-router';
import * as passport from 'koa-passport';
import inflector from './inflector';
import * as path from 'upath';
import { RestModel } from './RestModel';
import { existsSync } from 'fs';
import debug from './debug';

let allroutes = {};
 * Reads the model that is requested based on the route
 * and appends model to ctx.state
 * @param {KoaContext} ctx
 * @param {KoaNext} next
 * @param {JSURL} ctx.model - reference attached. DEPRECATED.
 * @param {JSURL} ctx.state.model - reference attached.
async function findmodel (ctx, next) {
    let pmodel = ctx.request.url.split('?')[0].split('/')[1];
    ctx.model = ctx.db[pmodel];
    ctx.state.model = ctx.state.db[pmodel];
    await next();
 * Makes a route only accessible if user is logged in
 * and appends model to ctx.state
 * @param {KoaContext} ctx
 * @param {KoaNext} next
 * @return {Object} {status:401, body: null}
async function protect (ctx, next) {
    if (ctx.isAuthenticated()) {
        await next();
    } else {
        await passport.authenticate('bearer', {
            session: false
        }, async function (err, user) {
            // console.log(err, user);
            /* istanbul ignore if */
            if (err) {
                throw err;
            if (user === false) {
                ctx.body = null;
                ctx.status = 401;
            } else {
                ctx.state.user = user;
                await next();

 * Return the requested property recursive
 * @private
 * @param {Object} object
 * @param {String} action
 * @param {...String} rest
const DeepGet = function (object, action, {
    if (action) {
        return DeepGet(object[action],;
    } else {
        return object;
 * Creates a default handler for the route (render html view)
 * @private
 * @param {string} view - Default view name
 * @param {string} engine - Default engine extension
 * @return {async function(ctx: KoaContext, next: KoaNext)} renders the view
const DefaultView = function (view, engine = 'html') {
    return async function DefaultView (ctx, next) {
        await ctx.render(`${view}.${engine}`);
 * This class helps to build routes for a specific subdomain
 * @class KoatonRouter
 * @param {String} subdomain
export default class KoatonRouter {
     * @param {String} subdomain - subdomain reference for the router
    constructor (subdomain) {
        /** path location of the router */
        this.loc = '.';
         * subdomain name
         * @type {String}
        this.subdomain = subdomain;
         * Router for public access
         * @type {KoaRouter}
        this.public = new Router();
         * Router for private access
         * @type {KoaRouter}
        this.secured = new Router();
     * Update the location of the router
     * @param {String} location
    location (location) {
        this.loc = location;
     * return all the routes defined in the app
     * @return {Array(Object)}
    static AllRoutes (subdomain) {
        return allroutes[subdomain];
     * find what is the best mathching action for the given router and binding
     * @param {KoaRouter} - The router
     * @param {String} binding - a dot separated action. example: 'school.get'
     * @return {function(ctx: KoaContext, next: KoaNext)} handles the route
    static findAction (router, binding) {
        if (existsSync(path.resolve('views', binding))) {
            return DefaultView(...binding.split('.'));
        let [controller, ...actions] = binding.split('.');
        let content = null;
        try {
            content = require(ProyPath(router.loc, 'controllers', controller));
            if (!content.default) {
                console.warn(`${controller} controller does not export any default. This will not be supported`);
            } else {
                content = content.default;
        } catch (err) {
        let action = DeepGet(content, ...actions) || DefaultView(controller);
        return action;
     * Append a method to a route in the specified verb.
     * @private
     * @param {Verb} method
     * @param {String} url
     * @param {String|function} binding='index' - You can use a string to refer to a controller or pass a function to work as handler
     * @param {Boolean} [secured=false]
     * @return {KoaRouter}
    request (method, url, binding = 'index', secured = false) {
        let Action;
        if (typeof binding === 'boolean') {
            secured = binding;
            binding = 'index';
        if (typeof binding !== 'function') {
            Action = KoatonRouter.findAction(this, binding);
        } else {
            Action = binding;
        let route = url.replace(/^\//, '').split('/');
        let repl = url.split('/').map((r, i) => {
            if (!r) return '/';
            return `$${i}` + r.replace(/([^\.]*)(.*)/g, '$2');
        let exp = route.filter(r => !!r).map(r => {
            if (r.indexOf(':') > -1) {
                return '([^\\.]*)' + r.replace(/([^\.]*)(.*)/g, '$2').replace('*', '.*');
            return `(${r})`.replace('*', '.*');
        }).join('\\.').replace(/\\\.$/, '');
        let nroute = route[0] || 'home';
        allroutes[this.subdomain] = allroutes[this.subdomain] || [];
        allroutes[this.subdomain].push([new RegExp(`^${exp || 'home'}$`), repl.replace(/\/+/g, '/')]);
        (secured ? this.secured : this.public)[method](url, async (ctx, next) => {
            ctx.state.route = nroute;
            ctx.state.fullRoute = url;
            await next();
        }, Action);
        return this;
     * Create a route for a GET request
     * @param {String} url
     * @param {String|function} binding='index' - You can use a string to refer to a controller or pass a function to work as handler
     * @param {Boolean} [secured=false]
     * @return {KoaRouter}
    get (...args) {
        return this.request.bind(this, 'get')(...args);
     * Create a route for a POST request
     * @param {String} url
     * @param {String|function} binding='index' - You can use a string to refer to a controller or pass a function to work as handler
     * @param {Boolean} [secured=false]
     * @return {KoaRouter}
    post (...args) {
        return this.request.bind(this, 'post')(...args);
     * Create a route for a DELETE request
     * @param {String} url
     * @param {String|function} binding='index' - You can use a string to refer to a controller or pass a function to work as handler
     * @param {Boolean} [secured=false]
     * @return {KoaRouter}
    delete (...args) {
        return this.request.bind(this, 'delete')(...args);
     * Create a route for a PUT request
     * @param {String} url
     * @param {String|function} binding='index' - You can use a string to refer to a controller or pass a function to work as handler
     * @param {Boolean} [secured=false]
     * @return {KoaRouter}
    put (...args) {
        return this.request.bind(this, 'put')(...args);
     * Creates a REST route, all the rules of this routes will be given the controller of the given route
     * @param {String} url
     * @param {String} model=url - If not model present it will try to match the url with a model
     * @return {KoaRouter}
    rest (url, model) {
        if (model === undefined) {
            model = url;
            url = undefined;
        let controller;
        controller = require(ProyPath(this.loc, 'controllers', model));
        if (!controller.default) {
            console.warn('controller must export a default variable; not exporting a default won\'t be supporter in v3');
        } else {
            controller = controller.default;
        controller = Object.assign({
            Name: model,
            Namespace: '',
            REST: false,
            Pluralize: true
        }, controller);
        if (controller.REST) {
            /* istanbul ignore else */
            if (controller.Pluralize) {
                controller.Name = inflector.pluralize(controller.Name);
            let mountRoute = path.join('/', controller.Namespace, url || controller.Name, '/');
            let options = controller.REST === 'public' ? {
                get: 'public',
                post: 'public',
                put: 'public',
                delete: 'public'
            } : {};
            let router = RestModel(options, mountRoute, controller.Name);
            this.public.use(router.path, router.public.routes());
            this.secured.use(router.path, router.private.routes());
        return this;