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Test Coverage
## Currency API

A simple project to show how to test a Node Express app using MNP - Mocha, Nock and Proxyquire.
Code coverage is done with Istanbul (now called nyc). Rewire can be used in place of
proxyquire to test private JS methods. This app is a very basic currency API.

[![Build Status](]( [![Maintainability](]( [![Test Coverage](]( 

## Running app

You can see this app running on [Zeit Now](, each pull request will have it's own URL.

## Run on Google cloud run

[![Run on Google Cloud](](

## How it works

The `GET` api works in the following way:

1. hit URL `/api/convert/AUD/USD/2018-07-22`.
1. Checks if the currency exchange rate is in the DB, if yes returns it.
1. If rate is not in the db it will query the `` free API to get the rate.
1. Returns the rate back and saves it in the DB too.

## DB script

To create the db and the table, run the following sql script.

CREATE DATABASE currency CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `currency`.`exchange_rates` (
  `from_currency` CHAR(3) NOT NULL,
  `to_currency` CHAR(3) NOT NULL,
  `rate` DECIMAL(12,7) NOT NULL,
  `on_date` DATE NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE INDEX `rate_on_date_UNIQUE` (`from_currency` ASC, `to_currency` ASC, `on_date` ASC))

INSERT INTO `currency`.`exchange_rates` (`from_currency`, `to_currency`, `rate`, `on_date`) VALUES ('AUD', 'USD', '0.742719', '2018-07-22');


## Configs

Configs for db like username, password etc are in the `/src/config.js` file.

## Run

to run the app you can use `docker-compose up` the go to `http://localhost:8080/api/convert/AUD/USD/2018-07-23` on the browser. It is using the db on `` so no need to setup the db locally. If you want to set it up locally change the config in `src/configs.js` or put in environment variables.

## Run tests

To run the tests inside the container run `docker-compose run web npm t`

To run tests just run `npm t` to watch test run `npm t -- -w`.

To watch specific test(s) run `npm t -- -w -g "exchangeRates get` or even
`npm t -- -w -g "should use default params if no params are provided and no results in db"`

### Code coverage

To get the code coverage with Istanbul/nyc execute : `npm run test-cov`. You should see the code coverage on the cli.

You can also check the code coverage on [code climate](

### Mutation testing

Has some mutation testing done with [Stryker]( Current
coverage is ~88% with mostly log lines failing. To run the mutation tests run the following after
installing stryker.

stryker run


npm run mutation-cov