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Showing 35 of 40 total issues

Catching too general exception Exception

            except Exception as e:

Used when an except catches a too general exception, possibly burying unrelated errors.

Too many instance attributes (8/7)

class DataVolumeInitOperator(KubernetesPodOperator):

Used when class has too many instance attributes, try to reduce this to get a simpler (and so easier to use) class.

Missing class docstring

class NullAuthHandler(AuthHandler):

Used when a class has no docstring.Even an empty class must have a docstring.

Too many arguments (6/5)

    def __init__(

Used when a function or method takes too many arguments.

Missing class docstring

class VarsAuthHandler(AuthHandler):

Used when a class has no docstring.Even an empty class must have a docstring.

Specify string format arguments as logging function parameters


Used when a logging statement has a call form of logging.<logging method>(format_string % (format_args...)). Such calls should leave string interpolation to the logging method itself and be written logging.<logging method>(format_string, format_args...) so that the program may avoid incurring the cost of the interpolation in those cases in which no message will be logged. For more, see

Variable name e doesn't conform to snake_case naming style

            except Exception as e:

Used when the name doesn't conform to naming rules associated to its type (constant, variable, class...).

Too few public methods (1/2)

class GoogleOAuth2AuthHandler(AuthHandler):

Used when class has too few public methods, so be sure it's really worth it.

Similar lines in 2 files

"""kedro_airflow_k8s module."""
Severity: Info
Found in by pylint

Indicates that a set of similar lines has been detected among multiple file. This usually means that the code should be refactored to avoid this duplication. ==kedroairflowk8s.operators.createpipelinestorage:19 ==kedroairflowk8s.operators.deletepipelinestorage:18 templatefields = [`pvcname`]

@applydefaults def _init_( self, pvcname: str, namespace: str,

Missing function or method docstring

    def obtain_credentials(self) -> Dict[str, str]:

Used when a function or method has no docstring.Some special methods like init do not require a docstring.

Specify string format arguments as logging function parameters

                self.log.error("Failed to obtain IAP access token. " + str(e))

Used when a logging statement has a call form of logging.<logging method>(format_string % (format_args...)). Such calls should leave string interpolation to the logging method itself and be written logging.<logging method>(format_string, format_args...) so that the program may avoid incurring the cost of the interpolation in those cases in which no message will be logged. For more, see

Too few public methods (1/2)

class VarsAuthHandler(AuthHandler):

Used when class has too few public methods, so be sure it's really worth it.

Too many local variables (28/15)

    def __init__(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

Used when a function or method has too many local variables.

Missing class docstring

class AuthHandler:

Used when a class has no docstring.Even an empty class must have a docstring.

Either all return statements in a function should return an expression, or none of them should.

    def obtain_credentials(self) -> Dict[str, str]:

According to PEP8, if any return statement returns an expression, any return statements where no value is returned should explicitly state this as return None, and an explicit return statement should be present at the end of the function (if reachable)
