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Test Coverage
# Contributing

## Committing

### Official Lackey Team

 * fork [](
 * rebase to upstream/master
 * make your changes
  * code
  * `gulp lint`
  * `gulp test`
  * commit your changes to your branch
  * see what [Travis]( thinks about your changes
 * squash your changes `git rebase -i HEAD~[number of commits]`
 * override brach in your fork with squashed changes `git push [remote] [branch] -f`
 * rebase to upstream/master
 * version up
 * update CHANGE_LOG
 * create pull request
 * update documentation
 * tag pull request merge

#### Exceptions

 * MarkDown file updates

### Other contributors

 * fork [](
 * make your changes
  * code
  * `gulp lint`
  * `gulp test`
  * commit your changes to your `master` or feature branch
 * squash your changes `git rebase -i HEAD~[number of commits]`
 * override brach in your fork with squashed changes `git push [remote] [branch] -f`
 * create pull request

### Versioning

From 0.6 we will apply full [semantic versioning](


 * MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
 * MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
 * PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

#### Extensions


 * `alpha-1`, `alpha2`, ... `alpha-n` first draft MAJOR/MINOR
 * `beta-1`, `beta-2`, ... `beta-n` QA ready version of MAJOR/MINOR
 * `rc-1`, `rc-2`, ... `rc-n` for preparing MAJOR/MINOR to be released