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/* eslint no-cond-assign:0, no-new:0 */
/* jslint browser:true, node:true, esnext:true */
'use strict';

var MediumEditor = require('medium-editor');

    module.exports = MediumEditor.extensions.form.extend({
        /* Anchor Form Options */

        /* customClassOption: [string]  (previously options.anchorButton + options.anchorButtonClass)
         * Custom class name the user can optionally have added to their created links (ie 'button').
         * If passed as a non-empty string, a checkbox will be displayed allowing the user to choose
         * whether to have the class added to the created link or not.
        customClassOption: null,

        /* customClassOptionText: [string]
         * text to be shown in the checkbox when the __customClassOption__ is being used.
        customClassOptionText: 'Button',

        /* linkValidation: [boolean]  (previously options.checkLinkFormat)
         * enables/disables check for common URL protocols on anchor links.
        linkValidation: false,

        /* placeholderText: [string]  (previously options.anchorInputPlaceholder)
         * text to be shown as placeholder of the anchor input.
        placeholderText: 'Paste or type a link',

        /* targetCheckbox: [boolean]  (previously options.anchorTarget)
         * enables/disables displaying a "Open in new window" checkbox, which when checked
         * changes the `target` attribute of the created link.
        targetCheckbox: false,

        /* targetCheckboxText: [string]  (previously options.anchorInputCheckboxLabel)
         * text to be shown in the checkbox enabled via the __targetCheckbox__ option.
        targetCheckboxText: 'Open in new window',

        // Options for the Button base class
        name: 'galleryhref',
        action: 'createLink',

        init: function () {
            this.button = this.document.createElement('button');
            this.button.innerHTML = '<img src="img/cms/cms/svg/ui/editor/insert-attachment.svg" alt="Insert Attachment" />';
            this.on(this.button, 'click', this.handleClick.bind(this));

        // Called when the button the toolbar is clicked
        // Overrides ButtonExtension.handleClick
        handleClick: function (event) {

            var range = MediumEditor.selection.getSelectionRange(this.document);

            if (range.startContainer.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a' ||
                range.endContainer.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a' ||
                MediumEditor.util.getClosestTag(MediumEditor.selection.getSelectedParentElement(range), 'a')) {
                return this.execAction('unlink');

            if (!this.isDisplayed()) {
                        .inspectMedia({}, null)

                    .then(result => {
                        if (result) {
                            this.execAction(this.action, {value: this.checkLinkFormat(result.source), target: '_self'});

            return false;

        // Called by medium-editor to append form to the toolbar
        getForm: function () {
            if (!this.form) {
                this.form = this.createForm();
            return this.form;

        getTemplate: function () {
            var template = [
                '<input type="text" class="medium-editor-toolbar-input" placeholder="', this.placeholderText, '">'

                '<a href="#" class="medium-editor-toolbar-save">',
                this.getEditorOption('buttonLabels') === 'fontawesome' ? '<i class="fa fa-check"></i>' : this.formSaveLabel,

            template.push('<a href="#" class="medium-editor-toolbar-close">',
                this.getEditorOption('buttonLabels') === 'fontawesome' ? '<i class="fa fa-times"></i>' : this.formCloseLabel,

            // both of these options are slightly moot with the ability to
            // override the various form buildup/serialize functions.

            if (this.targetCheckbox) {
                // fixme: ideally, this targetCheckboxText would be a formLabel too,
                // figure out how to deprecate? also consider `fa-` icon default implcations.
                    '<div class="medium-editor-toolbar-form-row">',
                    '<input type="checkbox" class="medium-editor-toolbar-anchor-target">',

            if (this.customClassOption) {
                // fixme: expose this `Button` text as a formLabel property, too
                // and provide similar access to a `fa-` icon default.
                    '<div class="medium-editor-toolbar-form-row">',
                    '<input type="checkbox" class="medium-editor-toolbar-anchor-button">',

            return template.join('');


        // Used by medium-editor when the default toolbar is to be displayed
        isDisplayed: function () {
            return MediumEditor.extensions.form.prototype.isDisplayed.apply(this);

        showForm: function (opts) {
            var input = this.getInput(),
                targetCheckbox = this.getAnchorTargetCheckbox(),
                buttonCheckbox = this.getAnchorButtonCheckbox();

            opts = opts || { value: '' };
            // TODO: This is for backwards compatability
            // We don't need to support the 'string' argument in 6.0.0
            if (typeof opts === 'string') {
                opts = {
                    value: opts


            input.value = opts.value;

            // If we have a target checkbox, we want it to be checked/unchecked
            // based on whether the existing link has target=_blank
            if (targetCheckbox) {
                targetCheckbox.checked = === '_blank';

            // If we have a custom class checkbox, we want it to be checked/unchecked
            // based on whether an existing link already has the class
            if (buttonCheckbox) {
                var classList = opts.buttonClass ? opts.buttonClass.split(' ') : [];
                buttonCheckbox.checked = (classList.indexOf(this.customClassOption) !== -1);

        // Called by core when tearing down medium-editor (destroy)
        destroy: function () {
            if (!this.form) {
                return false;

            if (this.form.parentNode) {

            delete this.form;

        // core methods

        ensureEncodedUri: function (str) {
            return str === decodeURI(str) ? encodeURI(str) : str;

        ensureEncodedUriComponent: function (str) {
            return str === decodeURIComponent(str) ? encodeURIComponent(str) : str;

        ensureEncodedParam: function (param) {
            var split = param.split('='),
                key = split[0],
                val = split[1];

            return key + (val === undefined ? '' : '=' + this.ensureEncodedUriComponent(val));

        ensureEncodedQuery: function (queryString) {
            return queryString.split('&').map(this.ensureEncodedParam.bind(this)).join('&');

        checkLinkFormat: function (value) {
            // Matches any alphabetical characters followed by ://
            // Matches protocol relative "//"
            // Matches common external protocols "mailto:" "tel:" "maps:"
            // Matches relative hash link, begins with "#"
            var urlSchemeRegex = /^([a-z]+:)?\/\/|^(mailto|tel|maps):|^\#/i,
                hasScheme = urlSchemeRegex.test(value),
                scheme = '',
                // telRegex is a regex for checking if the string is a telephone number
                telRegex = /^\+?\s?\(?(?:\d\s?\-?\)?){3,20}$/,
                urlParts = value.match(/^(.*?)(?:\?(.*?))?(?:#(.*))?$/),
                path = urlParts[1],
                query = urlParts[2],
                fragment = urlParts[3];

            if (telRegex.test(value)) {
                return 'tel:' + value;

            if (!hasScheme) {
                var host = path.split('/')[0];
                // if the host part of the path looks like a hostname
                if (host.match(/.+(\.|:).+/) || host === 'localhost') {
                    scheme = 'http://';

            return scheme +
                // Ensure path is encoded
                this.ensureEncodedUri(path) +
                // Ensure query is encoded
                (query === undefined ? '' : '?' + this.ensureEncodedQuery(query)) +
                // Include fragment unencoded as encodeUriComponent is too
                // heavy handed for the many characters allowed in a fragment
                (fragment === undefined ? '' : '#' + fragment);

        doFormCancel: function () {

        createForm: function () {
            var doc = this.document,
                form = doc.createElement('div');

            // Anchor Form (div)
            form.className = 'medium-editor-toolbar-form';
   = 'medium-editor-toolbar-form-anchor-' + this.getEditorId();
            form.innerHTML = this.getTemplate();

            return form;