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2 days
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/* jslint node:true, browser:true, esnext:true */
/* global LACKEY_PATH */
'use strict';
var util = require('util');

var oneDay = 86400000,
    parse = require('user-agent-parser'),
    SUtils = require(LACKEY_PATH).utils,
    collector = SUtils.cmsMod('analytics').path('server/lib/collector');

module.exports = function (connect) {

     * Connect's Store.
    var Store = (connect.session) ? connect.session.Store : connect.Store;

     * Return datastore appropriate string of the current time
     * @api private
     * @return {String}
    function dateAsISO(knex, aDate) {
        var date;
        if (aDate) {
            date = new Date(aDate);
        } else {
            date = new Date();

        return date.toISOString();

     * Remove expired sessions from database.
     * @param {Object} store
     * @api private
    function dbCleanup(store) {
        return store.ready.then(function () {
            // sqlite3 date condition is a special case.
            var condition = 'expired < CAST(? as timestamp with time zone)';
            return store.knex(store.tablename).del()
                .whereRaw(condition, dateAsISO(store.knex));

     * Initialize KnexStore with the given options.
     * @param {Object} options
     * @api public
    function KnexStore(opts) {
        var self = this,
            options = opts || {};, options);

        if (!options.clearInterval) {
            // Time to run clear expired function.
            options.clearInterval = 60000;

        self.tablename = options.tablename || 'sessions';
        self.knex = options.knex || require('knex')({
            client: 'sqlite3',
            // debug: true,
            connection: {
                filename: 'connect-session-knex.sqlite'

        self.ready = self.knex.schema.hasTable(self.tablename)
            .then(function (exists) {
                if (!exists) {
                    return self.knex.schema.createTable(self.tablename, function (table) {
                return exists;
            .then(function () {
                self._clearer = setInterval(dbCleanup, options.clearInterval, self).unref();
                return null;

    // KnexStore.prototype.__proto__ = Store.prototype;
    util.inherits(KnexStore, Store);

     * Attempt to fetch session by the given sid.
     * @param {String} sid
     * @param {Function} fn
     * @api public
    KnexStore.prototype.get = function (sid, fn) {
        var self = this;
        return self.ready.then(function () {
            var condition = 'CAST(? as timestamp with time zone) <= expired';
            return self.knex
                .where('sid', '=', sid)
                .andWhereRaw(condition, dateAsISO(self.knex))
                .then(function (response) {
                    var ret;
                    if (response[0]) {
                        ret = response[0].sess;
                        if (typeof ret === 'string') {
                            ret = JSON.parse(ret);
                    return ret;

    function currentUser(sess) {
        if(sess.userId) return sess.userId;
        if(sess.passport && sess.passport.user) return sess.passport.user;
        return null;

    KnexStore.prototype.statSession = function (sid, sess) {
        if (currentUser(sess)) {
            this.knex.raw('UPDATE "users" SET "lastActive" = NOW() WHERE "id" = ?::integer', [currentUser(sess)]).then(() => {}, err => console.error(err));
        return this.knex
            .raw(`SELECT count(*) FROM ${this.tablename} WHERE sid = ? AND "updated" <= ?::timestamp`, [sid, new Date()])
            .then(result => result.rows[0].count)
            .then(count => {
                if (+count === 0) {
                        .then(c => c.log('session:perday:' + (currentUser(sess) || sess.ipAddress)))
                        .catch(e => console.error(e));

     * Commit the given `sess` object associated with the given `sid`.
     * @param {String} sid
     * @param {Session} sess
     * @param {Function} fn
     * @api public
    KnexStore.prototype._set = function (sid, sess, fn) {

        var self = this;
        var maxAge = sess.cookie.maxAge;
        var now = new Date().getTime();
        var expired = maxAge ? now + maxAge : now + oneDay;
        var userId = 0;
        if (sess.passport) {
            userId = sess.passport.user;
        var userAgent = sess.userAgent || '';
        var ipAddress = sess.ipAddress || '';
        var os = userAgent !== '' ? parse(userAgent) : '';
        var browser = userAgent !== '' ? parse(userAgent) : '';
        var device = userAgent !== '' ? parse(userAgent) : '';

        var sessJSON = JSON.stringify(sess);

        var postgresfastq = `with new_values (sid, expired, sess, "userId", "userAgent", "ipAddress", browser, os, device) as (
              values (?, ?::timestamp with time zone, ?::json, ?::bigint, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
            upsert as
              update ${self.tablename} cs set
                sid = nv.sid,
                expired = nv.expired,
                sess = nv.sess,
                "userId" = "nv"."userId",
                "userAgent" = "nv"."userAgent",
                "ipAddress" = "nv"."ipAddress",
                browser = nv.browser,
                os = nv.os,
                device = nv.device
              from new_values nv
              where cs.sid = nv.sid
              returning cs.*
            insert into ${self.tablename} (sid, expired, sess, "userId", "userAgent", "ipAddress", browser, os, device)
            select sid, expired, sess, "userId", "userAgent", "ipAddress", browser, os, device
            from new_values
            where not exists (select 1 from upsert up where up.sid = new_values.sid)`;

        var dbDate = dateAsISO(self.knex, expired);

        // postgresql optimized query
        return self.ready.then(function () {
            return self.knex.raw(postgresfastq, [sid, dbDate, sessJSON, userId, userAgent, ipAddress, browser, os, device])


    KnexStore.prototype.set = function (sid, sess, fn) {
            .statSession(sid, sess)
            .then(this._set.bind(this, sid, sess, fn));

     * Touch the given session object associated with the given session ID.
     * @param {String} sid
     * @param {Session} sess
     * @param {Function} fn
     * @public
    KnexStore.prototype._touch = function (sid, sess, fn) {
        if (sess && sess.cookie && sess.cookie.expires) {
            var condition = 'CAST(? as timestamp with time zone) <= expired';

            return this.knex(this.tablename)
                .where('sid', '=', sid)
                .andWhereRaw(condition, dateAsISO(this.knex))
                    expired: dateAsISO(this.knex, sess.cookie.expires),
                    updated: dateAsISO(this.knex, new Date())


    KnexStore.prototype.touch = function (sid, sess, fn) {
            .statSession(sid, sess)
            .then(this._touch.bind(this, sid, sess, fn));

     * Destroy the session associated with the given `sid`.
     * @param {String} sid
     * @api public
    KnexStore.prototype.destroy = function (sid, fn) {
        var self = this;
        return self.ready.then(function () {
            return self.knex.del()
                .where('sid', '=', sid)

     * Fetch number of sessions.
     * @param {Function} fn
     * @api public
    KnexStore.prototype.length = function (fn) {
        var self = this;
        return self.ready.then(function () {
            return self.knex.count('sid as count')
                .then(function (response) {
                    return response[0].count | 0;

     * Clear all sessions.
     * @param {Function} fn
     * @api public
    KnexStore.prototype.clear = function (fn) {
        var self = this;
        return self.ready.then(function () {
            return self.knex.del()

    return KnexStore;
