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# Contributing to 'stalkr-api-js-client'

## Support / Questions

For **support or usage questions** like "How do I do X with this module?" and "My code doesn't work.", please search and ask on **StackOverflow** with a **'stalkr-api-js-client' tag** first.

## Bugs

**Before filing an issue please [search the issue tracker](; your issue may have already been discussed or fixed in `master`.**

**If you want your issue to get priority, submit it as a PR instead**

**Fill in the template** provided by the issue tracker, try to be as **clear** and **complete** as possible, providing a **[Short, Self Contained, Correct (Compilable), Example (SSCE)](** (**link** to a **repository**) helps a lot .

## Feature / Enhancement Requests

Feature or enhancement requests should be **submitted** in the
[issue tracker](, with a **description** (follow the template) of the expected behavior & use case, where they’ll remain until **approval** by the **lead maintainer(s) and/or enough interest** from the **community**.

You can **request** a feature by **writing a pull request**, but this is **no guarantee** it will be **merged**.

## 'help wanted' label

There are issues marked with the **['help wanted'](** label. <br/>This is a perfect start if you want to help out with the further development of stalkr-api-js-client.

## Pull Requests (PR)

In general, the contribution workflow looks like this:

1. **Fork** the repo.
2. **Clone** the repo. `git clone`.
3. Create a **new branch** based off the master branch, provide a **descriptive name** <br/>(ex. '**feat**-add-better-logging', '**bug**-removed-double-method', '**enh**-bumped-eslint')
4. Before running the code you’ll need to **install** the **dependencies** (`npm install` or `yarn`).
5. **Implement** your feature / bugfix (using the **watch scripts**), you should **only need to modify `/src`**. Don’t worry about regenerating the build folders (`/cjs`, `/es`, `/dist`), they are **built** in the **prepublish** phase.
6. Make sure **all tests pass**, **coverage is 100%** and there are **no linting errors**.
7. Submit a **PR**, referencing what it addresses.
8. Please try to keep your **PR focused in scope and avoid including unrelated commits**.

After you have submitted your PR, we'll try to **get back to you as soon as possible**. <br/>We will **review** your PR and might **request changes**.

## Development / Watch mode

You can **run the watch scripts**

npm run build:watch


npm run test:watch

to make development easier.

## Coding Guidelines

Please **follow** the **conventions** already established in the code.

Guidelines are enforced using **[ESLint](**.
<br/>Code is typechecked via **[Flow](**

You can **run the linting script** by using

$ npm run lint

**Add Flow types** where possible, try to aim for **100% flow covered files**.

## Testing

Include updated (or add new) tests in the `__tests__` directory as part of your PR.

You can **run the test script** by using

$ npm run test

or with coverage

$ npm run test:coverage

Aim for **100% [coverage](**.