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3 hrs
Test Coverage
import logging

def lookup(layer, result_dict, count_pixels):
    lkp = all_lulc_dict[layer]

    if count_pixels:
        area_type = 'pixelCount'
        area_type = 'areaHectares'

    output_list = []'adding landcover names')

    for key, val in result_dict.items():

        if key != 'null':
            landcover_name = lkp[key]

            result_dict = {'resultType': area_type,
                           'className': landcover_name,
                           'classVal': key}

            # unpack year dict into array of dicts
            if isinstance(val, dict):
                val = [{'year': year, 'result': result} for year, result in val.items()]

            result_dict['result'] = val


    return output_list

def valid_lulc_codes(layer):
    return [int(x) for x in all_lulc_dict[layer].keys()]

def get_landcover_types():
    return list(all_lulc_dict.keys())

all_lulc_dict = {
    'nlcd_landcover': {
        '11': 'Water Body',
        '12': 'Perennial Ice/Snow',
        '21': 'Developed, Open Space',
        '22': 'Developed, Low Intensity',
        '23': 'Developed, Medium Intensity',
        '24': 'Developed, High Intensity',
        '31': 'Barren Land',
        '41': 'Deciduous Forest',
        '42': 'Evergreen Forest',
        '43': 'Mixed Forest',
        '51': 'Dwarf Scrub',
        '52': 'Shrub/Scrub',
        '71': 'Grassland/Herbaceous',
        '72': 'Sedge/Herbaceous',
        '73': 'Lichens',
        '74': 'Moss',
        '81': 'Pasture/Hay',
        '82': 'Cultivated Crops',
        '90': 'Woody Wetlands',
        '95': 'Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands'

    'globcover': {
        '11': 'Post-flooding or irrigated croplands',
        '14': 'Rainfed croplands',
        '20': 'Mosaic Cropland (50-70%) / Vegetation (grassland, shrubland, forest) (20-50%)',
        '30': 'Mosaic Vegetation (grassland, shrubland, forest) (50-70%) / Cropland (20-50%)',
        '40': 'Closed to open (>15%) broadleaved evergreen and/or semi-deciduous forest (>5m)',
        '50': 'Closed (>40%) broadleaved deciduous forest (>5m)',
        '60': 'Open (15-40%) broadleaved deciduous forest (>5m)',
        '70': 'Closed (>40%) needleleaved evergreen forest (>5m)',
        '90': 'Open (15-40%) needleleaved deciduous or evergreen forest (>5m)',
        '100': 'Closed to open (>15%) mixed broadleaved and needleleaved forest (>5m)',
        '110': 'Mosaic Forest/Shrubland (50-70%) / Grassland (20-50%)',
        '120': 'Mosaic Grassland (50-70%) / Forest/Shrubland (20-50%)',
        '130': 'Closed to open (>15%) shrubland (<5m)',
        '140': 'Closed to open (>15%) grassland',
        '150': 'Sparse (>15%) vegetation (woody vegetation, shrubs, grassland)',
        '160': 'Closed (>40%) broadleaved forest regularly flooded - Fresh water',
        '170': 'Closed (>40%) broadleaved semi-deciduous and/or evergreen forest regularly flooded - Saline water',
        '180': 'Closed to open (>15%) vegetation (grassland, shrubland, woody vegetation) on regularly flooded or waterlogged soil - Fresh, brackish or saline water',
        '190': 'Artificial surfaces and associated areas (urban areas >50%) GLOBCOVER 2009',
        '200': 'Bare areas',
        '210': 'Water bodies',
        '220': 'Permanent snow and ice',
        '230': 'Unclassified'

    'foraf': {
        '1': 'Dense moist forest',
        '2': 'Submontane forest',
        '3': 'Mountain forest',
        '4': 'Edaphic forest',
        '5': 'Mangrove',
        '6': 'Forest-savanna mosaic',
        '7': 'Rural complex and young secondary forest',
        '8': 'Closed to open deciduous woodland',
        '9': 'Savanna woodland-Tree savanna',
        '10': 'Shrubland',
        '11': 'Grassland',
        '12': 'Aquatic grassland',
        '13': 'Swamp grassland',
        '14': 'Sparse vegetation',
        '15': 'Mosaic cultivated areas/vegeatation( herbaceous or shrub)',
        '16': 'Agriculture',
        '17': 'Irrigated agriculture',
        '18': 'Bare areas',
        '19': 'Artificial surfaces and associated areas',
        '20': 'Water Bodies'

    'gfw-landcover-2000': {
        '1': 'Agriculture',
        '2': 'Forest',
        '3': 'Grassland',
        '4': 'Wetland',
        '5': 'Settlement',
        '6': 'Shrubland',
        '7': 'Sparse vegetation',
        '8': 'Bare',
        '9': 'Water',
        '10': 'Permanent snow and ice'

    'gfw-landcover-2015': {
        '1': 'Agriculture',
        '2': 'Forest',
        '3': 'Grassland',
        '4': 'Wetland',
        '5': 'Settlement',
        '6': 'Shrubland',
        '7': 'Sparse vegetation',
        '8': 'Bare',
        '9': 'Water',
        '10': 'Permanent snow and ice'

    'liberia': {
        '0': 'NoData',
        '1': 'Forest >80%',
        '2': 'Forest 30 - 80%',
        '3': 'Forest <30%',
        '4': 'Mangrove & Swamps',
        '5': 'Settlements',
        '7': 'Surface Water Bodies',
        '8': 'Grassland',
        '9': 'Shrub',
        '10': 'Bare soil',
        '11': 'Ecosystem complex (rock & sand)',
        '25': 'Clouds'

    'ifl2000': {
        '1': 'Intact Forest Landscape 2000'

    'primary-forest': {
        '0': 'Not Primary Forest',
        '1': 'Primary Forest'

    'mangroves': {
        '1': 'Landsat Mangroves 2000'

    'idn-landcover': {
        '0': 'Secondary forest',
        '1': 'Primary forest',
        '2': 'Timber plantation',
        '3': 'Agriculture',
        '4': 'Settlement',
        '5': 'Swamp',
        '6': 'Grassland/shrub',
        '7': 'Bare land',
        '8': 'Estate crop plantation',
        '9': 'Body of water',
        '10': 'Fish pond',
        '11': 'Mining'

    'sea-landcover': {
        '0': 'Mining',
        '1': 'Mixed tree crops',
        '2': 'No data',
        '3': 'Oil palm plantation',
        '4': 'Settlements',
        '5': 'Swamp',
        '6': 'Timber plantation',
        '7': 'Primary forest',
        '8': 'Water bodies',
        '9': 'Bare land',
        '10': 'Coastal fish pond',
        '11': 'Rubber plantation',
        '12': 'Agriculture',
        '13': 'Secondary forest',
        '14': r'Grassland/shrub'
