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# GFW Forms API

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This repository is the microservice that implements the forms and Questionnaire functionality

## Dependencies

You will need [Control Tower]( up and running - either natively or with Docker. Refer to the project's README for information on how to set it up.

The GFW Forms API microservice is built using [Node.js](, and can be executed either natively or using Docker, each of which has its own set of requirements.

Native execution requires:
- [Node.js](
- [MongoDB](

Execution using Docker requires:
- [Docker](
- [Docker Compose](

Dependencies on other Microservices:
- [GFW Areas](
- [FW teams](

## Getting started

Start by cloning the repository from github to your execution environment

git clone && cd gfw-forms-api

After that, follow one of the instructions below:

### Using native execution

1 - Set up your environment variables. See `dev.env.sample` for a list of variables you should set, which are described in detail in [this section](#environment-variables) of the documentation. Native execution will NOT load the `dev.env` file content, so you need to use another way to define those values

2 - Install node dependencies using yarn:

3 - Start the application server:
yarn start

The endpoints provided by this microservice should now be available through Control Tower's URL.

### Using Docker

1 - Create and complete your `dev.env` file with your configuration. The meaning of the variables is available in this [section](#configuration-environment-variables). You can find an example `dev.env.sample` file in the project root.

2 - Execute the following command to run Control tower:

./ develop

The endpoints provided by this microservice should now be available through Control Tower's URL.

## Testing

There are two ways to run the included tests:

### Using native execution

Follow the instruction above for setting up the runtime environment for native execution, then run:
yarn test

### Using Docker

Follow the instruction above for setting up the runtime environment for Docker execution, then run:
./ test

### Configuration

It is necessary to define these environment variables:

* CT_URL => Control Tower URL
* NODE_ENV => Environment (prod, staging, dev)

## Quick Overview

### Report entity


  "data": [
      "type": "reports",
      "id": "591f2513d3a6c4003f4960b4",
      "attributes": {
        "name": {
          "en": "My first report",
          "es": "Mi primer informe"
        "languages": [
        "defaultLanguage": "en",
        "areaOfInterest": "aoi-id",
        "user": "1a10d7c6e0a37126611fd7a7",
        "questions": [
            "type": "text",
            "name": "name",
            "defaultValue": {
              "en": "Insert your name",
              "es": "Spanish"
            "_id": "591f2513d3a6c4003f4960b7",
            "conditions": [],
            "childQuestions": [],
            "order": 1,
            "required": false,
            "label": {
              "en": "Name",
              "es": "Nombre"
            "type": "checkbox",
            "name": "age",
            "defaultValue": 0,
            "_id": "591f2513d3a6c4003f4960b5",
            "conditions": [],
            "childQuestions": [
                "type": "text",
                "name": "specific-age",
                "defaultValue": {
                  "en": "Insert your name",
                  "es": "Spanish"
                "conditionalValue": 0,
                "_id": "591f2513d3a6c4003f4960b6",
                "order": 0,
                "required": true,
                "label": {
                  "en": "Specific age",
                  "es": "Specific age"
            "order": 2,
            "required": false,
            "values": {
              "en": [
                  "value": 0,
                  "label": "19-32"
                  "value": 1,
                  "label": "12-43"
              "es": [
                  "value": 0,
                  "label": "18-12"
                  "value": 1,
                  "label": "12-45"
            "label": {
              "en": "Range age",
              "es": "Spanish"
        "createdAt": "2017-05-19T17:02:11.415Z"


### CRUD Reports


All endpoints are logged.  Check if user is ADMIN or MANAGER in gfw application

GET: /reports -> Return all reports accessible to user logged
GET: /reports/:id -> Returns report with the same id. Check if user is ADMIN or MANAGER in gfw application
Example response:

  "data": {
    "type": "reports",
    "id": "592402c4cfcfaf0070e78826",
    "attributes": {
      "name": {
        "en": "My report template",
        "es": "Mi report templato"
      "languages": [
      "defaultLanguage": "en",
      "areaOfInterest": "aoi-id",
      "user": "1a10d7c6e0a37126611fd7a7",
      "public": false,
      "questions": [
          "type": "text",
          "name": "name",
          "defaultValue": {
            "es": "Spanish",
            "en": "Insert your name"
          "_id": "592402c4cfcfaf0070e78829",
          "conditions": [],
          "childQuestions": [],
          "order": 1,
          "required": false,
          "label": {
            "es": "Nombre",
            "en": "Name"
          "type": "checkbox",
          "name": "age",
          "defaultValue": 0,
          "_id": "592402c4cfcfaf0070e78827",
          "conditions": [],
          "childQuestions": [
              "type": "text",
              "name": "specific-age",
              "defaultValue": {
                "es": "Spanish",
                "en": "Insert your name"
              "conditionalValue": 0,
              "_id": "592402c4cfcfaf0070e78828",
              "order": 0,
              "required": true,
              "label": {
                "es": "Specific age",
                "en": "Specific age"
          "order": 2,
          "required": false,
          "values": {
            "es": [
                "label": "18-12",
                "value": 0
                "label": "12-45",
                "value": 1
            "en": [
                "label": "19-32",
                "value": 0
                "label": "12-43",
                "value": 1
          "label": {
            "es": "Spanish",
            "en": "Range age"
      "createdAt": "2017-05-23T09:37:08.315Z"

POST: /reports -> Create an report and associate to the user. With body:
  "areaOfInterest": "aoi-id",
  "languages": ["en", "es"],
  "defaultLanguage": "en",
  "name": {
    "en": "My report template",
    "es": "Mi report templato"
  "public": false,
  "questions": [
      "type": "text",
      "label": {
        "en": "Name",
        "es": "Nombre"
      "name": "name",
      "conditions": [],
      "childQuestions": [],
      "order": 1,
      "required": false,
      "values": {},
      "defaultValue": {
        "en": "Insert your name",
        "es": "Spanish"
      "type": "checkbox",
      "label": {
        "en": "Range age",
        "es": "Spanish"
      "name": "age",
      "conditions": [],
      "order": 2,
      "required": false,
      "values": {
        "en": [
          { "value": 0, "label": "19-32"},
          { "value": 1, "label": "12-43"}
        "es": [
          { "value": 0, "label": "18-12"},
          { "value": 1, "label": "12-45"}
      "defaultValue": 0,
      "childQuestions": [
          "type": "text",
          "label": {
            "en": "Specific age",
            "es": "Specific age"
          "name": "specific-age",
          "defaultValue": {
            "en": "Insert your name",
            "es": "Spanish"
          "conditionalValue": 0,
          "order": 0,
          "required": true,
          "values": {}

Notes: public fields can only be passed as true by ADMINs. These templates appear to all users. Required fields:
- name
- languages
- defaultLanguage
- public
- questions

PATCH: /reports/:id -> Update the report with the same id.
DELETE: /reports/:id -> Delete the report with the same id.


### CRUD report answers


GET: /report/:id/answers -> Return all answers of the report by id of the user logged
GET: /report/:id/answers/:id -> Return answer with the same id. Check if the answer is owned of the logged user
Example response:

  "data": {
    "type": "answers",
    "id": "59240430cfcfaf0070e78866",
    "attributes": {
      "report": "592402c4cfcfaf0070e78826",
      "username": "fwuser",
      "organization": "gfw",
      "areaOfInterest": "my-area-id",
      "language": "es",
      "createdAt": "12-04-2017T13:40:34:223Z",
      "userPosition": [
      "clickedPosition": [
      "startDate": "2013-01-23 12:00:33",
      "endDate": "2013-02-23 15:00:33",
      "layer": "GLAD",
      "user": "1a10d7c6e0a37126611fd7a7",
      "responses": [
          "name": "name",
          "parent": "none",
          "value": "Ed",
          "_id": "59240430cfcfaf0070e7886f"
          "name": "age",
          "parent": "none",
          "value": "1",
          "_id": "59240430cfcfaf0070e7886f"
          "name": "specific-age",
          "parent": "age",
          "value": "21",
          "_id": "59240430cfcfaf0070e7886f"

POST: /reports/:id/answers  -> Create an answer to the report with the id of the report and associate to the user. With body:
Without Content-type (it is possible send files as attachments). For example
<questionName>: <responseValue>
name: Pepe
age: 0-18
specific-age: 32
photo: upload_file

Notes: These templates appear to all users. Required fields:
- language
- userPosition (comma separated lat lng [1,1])
- clickedPosition (comma separated lat lng [1,1])
- createdAt
- Any questions for the template that have the value required as true

PATCH: /reports/:id/answer/:id -> Update the answer with the same id. Check if the answer is owned by the logged user
DELETE: /reports/:id/answer/:id -> Delete the answer with the same id. Check if the answer is owned by the logged user


### Download report answers


GET: /reports/:id/download-answers -> downloads all answers to the report by :id.


* All PATCH under development
* Accept query params to all GET requests
* Download individual answers for reports
* Add query params to fetch answers by language