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# Global Forest Watch Geostore API

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This repository is the microservice that implements the Geostore
functionality, which is exposed on the /geostore endpoint.

The Geostore is a simple GeoJSON storage service that receives GeoJSON
and returns an ID that can be used later to retrieve the given object.
It is used primarily by the GFW map to handle large GeoJSON objects that
could not normally be stored in the URL.

[View the documentation for this

## Dependencies

You will need [Control Tower]( up and running - either natively or with Docker. Refer to the project's README for information on how to set it up.

The Geostore microservice is built using [Node.js](, and can be executed either natively or using Docker, each of which has its own set of requirements.

Native execution requires:
- [Node.js](
- [MongoDB](

Execution using Docker requires:
- [Docker](
- [Docker Compose](

## Getting started

Start by cloning the repository from github to your execution environment

git clone && cd gfw-geostore-api

After that, follow one of the instructions below:

### Using native execution

1 - Set up your environment variables. See `dev.env.sample` for a list of variables you should set, which are described in detail in [this section](#configuration-environment-variables) of the documentation. Native execution will NOT load the `dev.env` file content, so you need to use another way to define those values

2 - Install node dependencies using yarn:

3 - Start the application server:
yarn start

The endpoints provided by this microservice should now be available through Control Tower's URL.

### Using Docker

1 - Create and complete your `dev.env` file with your configuration. The meaning of the variables is available in this [section](#configuration-environment-variables). You can find an example `dev.env.sample` file in the project root.

2 - Execute the following command to run Control tower:

./ develop

The endpoints provided by this microservice should now be available through Control Tower's URL.

## Testing

There are two ways to run the included tests:

### Using native execution

Follow the instruction above for setting up the runtime environment for native execution, then run:
yarn test

### Using Docker

Follow the instruction above for setting up the runtime environment for Docker execution, then run:
./ test

## Configuration

### Environment variables

- PORT => TCP port in which the service will run
- NODE_PATH => relative path to the source code. Should be `app/src`
- MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR => IP/Address of the MongoDB server
- CARTODB_USER => [Carto]( username.

You can optionally set other variables, see [this file](config/custom-environment-variables.json) for an extended list.