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1 wk
Test Coverage
const logger = require('logger');
const GeoStore = require('models/geoStore');
const GeoJSONConverter = require('converters/geoJSONConverter');
const md5 = require('md5');
const CartoDB = require('cartodb');
const IdConnection = require('models/idConnection');
const turf = require('@turf/turf');
const ProviderNotFound = require('errors/providerNotFound');
const GeoJSONNotFound = require('errors/geoJSONNotFound');
const UnknownGeometry = require('errors/unknownGeometry');
const config = require('config');

const CARTO_PROVIDER = 'carto';

const executeThunk = (client, sql, params) => new Promise(((resolve, reject) => {
    client.execute(sql, params).done((data) => {
    }).error((err) => {

class GeoStoreService {

    static getGeometryType(geojson) {
        logger.debug('Get geometry type');
        logger.debug('Geometry type: %s', geojson.type);

        if (geojson.type === 'Point' || geojson.type === 'MultiPoint') {
            return 1;
        if (geojson.type === 'LineString' || geojson.type === 'MultiLineString') {
            return 2;
        if (geojson.type === 'Polygon' || geojson.type === 'MultiPolygon') {
            return 3;
        throw new UnknownGeometry(`Unknown geometry type: ${geojson.type}`);

    static async repairGeometry(geojson) {
        try {
  '[GeoStoreService - repairGeometry] - Starting geometry repair...');
            logger.debug('GeoJSON: %s', JSON.stringify(geojson));

            const geometryType = GeoStoreService.getGeometryType(geojson);
            logger.debug('Geometry type: %s', JSON.stringify(geometryType));

            logger.debug('Repair geoJSON geometry');
            logger.debug('Generating query');
             * Geometry repair tries to follow this steps:
             * st_MakeValid: create a valid representation of a given invalid geometry
             * ST_CollectionExtract: ensure that the geometry is not a collection of different geom types
             * In order to ensure a valid geojson representation based on rfc7946, we need to:
             * ST_ForcePolygonCCW: ensure that the exterior ring is counterclockwise as per spec
             * @todo: The geometry needs to enforce the antimeridian split rule over [-180,180] epsg:4326
             * geometries.
            const sql = `SELECT ST_AsGeoJson(ST_CollectionExtract(st_MakeValid(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('${JSON.stringify(geojson)}')),${geometryType})) as geojson`;

            if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test' || sql.length < 2000) {
                logger.debug('SQL to repair geojson: %s', sql);

            const client = new CartoDB.SQL({
                user: config.get('cartoDB.user')
            const data = await executeThunk(client, sql, {});
            if (data.rows && data.rows.length === 1) {
                data.rows[0].geojson = JSON.parse(data.rows[0].geojson);
                return data.rows[0];
            throw new GeoJSONNotFound('No Geojson returned');
        } catch (e) {
            throw e;

    static async obtainGeoJSONOfCarto(table, user, filter) {
        logger.debug('Obtaining geojson with params: table %s, user %s, filter %s', table, user, filter);
        logger.debug('Generating query');
        const sql = `SELECT ST_AsGeoJson(the_geom)                 as geojson,
                            (ST_Area(geography(the_geom)) / 10000) as area_ha
                     FROM ${table}
                     WHERE ${filter}`;
        logger.debug('SQL to obtain geojson: %s', sql);
        const client = new CartoDB.SQL({
        const data = await client.execute(sql, {});
        if (data.rows && data.rows.length === 1) {
            data.rows[0].geojson = JSON.parse(data.rows[0].geojson);
            return data.rows[0];
        throw new GeoJSONNotFound('Geojson not found');

    static async getNewHash(hash) {
        const idCon = await IdConnection.findOne({ oldId: hash }).exec();
        if (!idCon) {
            return hash;
        return idCon.hash;

    static async getGeostoreById(id) {
        logger.debug(`Getting geostore by id ${id}`);
        const hash = await GeoStoreService.getNewHash(id);
        logger.debug('hash', hash);
        const geoStore = await GeoStore.findOne({ hash }, { 'geojson._id': 0, 'geojson.features._id': 0 });
        if (geoStore) {
            logger.debug('geostore', JSON.stringify(geoStore.geojson));
            return geoStore;
        return null;

    static async getMultipleGeostores(ids) {
        logger.debug(`Getting geostores with ids: ${ids}`);
        const hashes = await Promise.all(;
        const query = { hash: { $in: hashes } };
        const geoStores = await GeoStore.find(query);

        if (geoStores && geoStores.length > 0) {
            return geoStores;
        return null;

    static async getNationalList() {
        logger.debug('Obtaining national list from database');
        const query = {
            'info.iso': { $gt: '' },
            'info.id1': null
        const select = 'hash info.iso';
        return GeoStore.find(query, select);

    static async getGeostoreByInfoProps(infoQuery) {
        return GeoStore.findOne(infoQuery);

    static async getGeostoreByInfo(info) {
        return GeoStore.findOne({ info });

    static async obtainGeoJSON(provider) {
        logger.debug('Obtaining geojson of provider', provider);
        switch (provider.type) {

            case CARTO_PROVIDER:
                return GeoStoreService.obtainGeoJSONOfCarto(provider.table, provider.user, provider.filter);
                logger.error('Provider not found');
                throw new ProviderNotFound(`Provider ${provider.type} not found`);


    // @TODO: Extract bbox handling to its own class
     * @name overflowsAntimeridian
     * @description check if the geometry overflows the [-180, -90, 180, 90] box
     * @param {Array} bbox
     * @returns {boolean}
    static overflowsAntimeridian(bbox) {
        return bbox[0] > 180 || bbox[2] > 180;

     * @name bboxToPolygon
     * @description converts a bbox to a polygon
     * @param {Array} bbox
     * @returns {Polygon}
    static bboxToPolygon(bbox) {
        return turf.polygon([[[bbox[2], bbox[3]], [bbox[2], bbox[1]],
            [bbox[0], bbox[1]], [bbox[0], bbox[3]],
            [bbox[2], bbox[3]]]]);

     * @name: crossAntiMeridian
     * @description: checks if a bbox crosses the antimeridian
     * this is a mirror of
     * @param {Array} bbox A bounding box array in the format [minX, minY, maxX, maxY]
     * @returns {Array}
    static crossAntimeridian(feature, bbox) {'Checking antimeridian');

        const geomTypes = ['Point', 'MultiPoint'];
        const bboxTotal = bbox || turf.bbox(feature);
        const westHemiBBox = [-180, -90, 0, 90];
        const eastHemiBBox = [0, -90, 180, 90];
        const overflowsAntimeridian = this.overflowsAntimeridian(bbox);

        if (geomTypes.includes(turf.getType(feature))) {
             * if the geometry is a triangle geometry length is 4 and
             * the points are spread among hemispheres bbox calc over each
             * hemisphere will be wrong
             * This will need its own development
            logger.debug('Multipoint or point geometry');
            return bboxTotal;

        if (overflowsAntimeridian) {
            logger.debug('BBOX crosses antimeridian but is in [0, 360ยบ]');
            return bboxTotal;

        if (
            turf.booleanIntersects(feature, this.bboxToPolygon(eastHemiBBox))
            && turf.booleanIntersects(feature, this.bboxToPolygon(westHemiBBox))
        ) {
            logger.debug('Geometry that is contained in both hemispheres');

            const clippedEastGeom = turf.bboxClip(feature, eastHemiBBox);
            const clippedWestGeom = turf.bboxClip(feature, westHemiBBox);
            const bboxEast = turf.bbox(clippedEastGeom);
            const bboxWest = turf.bbox(clippedWestGeom);

            const amBBox = [bboxEast[0], bboxTotal[1], bboxWest[2], bboxTotal[3]];
            const pmBBox = [bboxWest[0], bboxTotal[1], bboxEast[2], bboxTotal[3]];

            const pmBBoxWidth = (bboxEast[2]) + Math.abs(bboxWest[0]);
            const amBBoxWidth = (180 - bboxEast[0]) + (180 - Math.abs(bboxWest[2]));

            return (pmBBoxWidth > amBBoxWidth) ? amBBox : pmBBox;

        return bboxTotal;


     * @name: translateBBox
     * @description: This function translates a bbox that crosses the antimeridian
     * @param {Array} bbox
     * @returns {Array} bbox with the antimeridian corrected
    static translateBBox(bbox) {
        logger.debug('Converting bbox from [-180,180] to [0,360] for representation');
        return [bbox[0], bbox[1], 360 - Math.abs(bbox[2]), bbox[3]];

     * @name: swapBBox
     * @description: swap a bbox. If a bbox crosses
     * the antimeridian will be transformed its
     * latitudes from [-180, 180] to [0, 360]
     * @param {GeoStore} geoStore
     * @returns {Array}
     * */
    static swapBBox(geoStore) {
        const orgBbox = turf.bbox(geoStore.geojson);
        const bbox = turf.featureReduce(
            (previousValue, currentFeature) => GeoStoreService.crossAntimeridian(currentFeature, previousValue),

        return bbox[0] > bbox[2] ? GeoStoreService.translateBBox(bbox) : bbox;

     * @name: calculateBBox
     * @description: Calculates a bbox.
     * If a bbox that crosses the antimeridian will be transformed its
     * latitudes from [-180, 180] to [0, 360]
     * @param {GeoStore} geoStore
     * @returns {geoStore}
     * */
    static async calculateBBox(geoStore) {
        logger.debug('Calculating bbox');
        geoStore.bbox = GeoStoreService.swapBBox(geoStore);
        return geoStore;

    static async saveGeostore(geojson, data) {
        const geoStore = {

        if (data && data.provider) {
            const geoJsonObtained = await GeoStoreService.obtainGeoJSON(data.provider);
            geoStore.geojson = geoJsonObtained.geojson;
            geoStore.areaHa = geoJsonObtained.area_ha;
            geoStore.provider = {
                type: data.provider.type,
                table: data.provider.table,
                user: data.provider.user,
                filter: data.provider.filter

        let props;
        const geomType = geoStore.geojson.type || null;
        if (geomType && geomType === 'FeatureCollection') {
  'Preserving FeatureCollection properties.');
            props = geoStore.geojson.features[0].properties || null;
        } else if (geomType && geomType === 'Feature') {
  'Preserving Feature properties.');
            props = || null;
        } else {
  'Preserving Geometry properties.');
            props = || null;
        logger.debug('Props', JSON.stringify(props));

        if (data && {
        geoStore.lock = data.lock || false;

        logger.debug('Fix and convert geojson');
        logger.debug('Converting', JSON.stringify(geoStore.geojson));

        const geoJsonObtained = await GeoStoreService.repairGeometry(GeoJSONConverter.getGeometry(geoStore.geojson));
        geoStore.geojson = geoJsonObtained.geojson;

        logger.debug('Repaired geometry', JSON.stringify(geoStore.geojson));
        logger.debug('Make Feature Collection');

        geoStore.geojson = GeoJSONConverter.makeFeatureCollection(geoStore.geojson, props);

        logger.debug('Result', JSON.stringify(geoStore.geojson));
        logger.debug('Creating hash from geojson md5');

        geoStore.hash = md5(JSON.stringify(geoStore.geojson));

        if (geoStore.areaHa === undefined) {
            geoStore.areaHa = turf.area(geoStore.geojson) / 10000; // convert to ha2
        await GeoStore.findOne({
            hash: geoStore.hash
        logger.debug('bbox geostore');
        logger.debug('geojson', JSON.stringify(geoStore.bbox));
        if (!geoStore.bbox) {
            geoStore.bbox = GeoStoreService.swapBBox(geoStore);

        return GeoStore.findOneAndUpdate({ hash: geoStore.hash }, geoStore, {
            upsert: true,
            new: true,
            runValidators: true,
            projection: {
                'geojson._id': 0,
                'geojson.features._id': 0

    static async calculateArea(geojson, data) {

        const geoStore = {

        if (data && data.provider) {
            const geoJsonObtained = await GeoStoreService.obtainGeoJSON(data.provider);
            geoStore.geojson = geoJsonObtained.geojson;
            geoStore.areaHa = geoJsonObtained.area_ha;

        logger.debug('Converting geojson', JSON.stringify(geoStore.geojson));
        geoStore.geojson = GeoJSONConverter.makeFeatureCollection(geoStore.geojson);
        logger.debug('Result', JSON.stringify(geoStore.geojson));
        geoStore.areaHa = turf.area(geoStore.geojson) / 10000; // convert to ha2
        geoStore.bbox = await GeoStoreService.swapBBox(geoStore); // calculate bbox

        return geoStore;



module.exports = GeoStoreService;