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2 days
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const config = require('config');
const logger = require('logger');
const moment = require('moment');
const ctRegisterMicroservice = require('ct-register-microservice-node');

const GeostoreService = require('services/geostoreService');

class GLADAlertsService {

     * Returns the URL that should be used to fetch alerts for a subscription related to an ISO.
     * @param {string} startDate YYYY-MM-DD formatted date representing the start date of the period.
     * @param {string} endDate YYYY-MM-DD formatted date representing the end date of the period.
     * @param {Object} params Params containing the ISO info that should be used.
     * @returns {string} The URL that should be used to fetch the alerts.
    static getURLInPeriodForISO(startDate, endDate, params = {}) {
        const { country, region, subregion } = params.iso;
        let sql = `SELECT * FROM data WHERE alert__date > '${startDate}' AND alert__date <= '${endDate}' `;

        if (country) {
            sql += `AND iso = '${country}' `;

        if (region) {
            sql += `AND adm1 = '${region}' `;

        if (subregion) {
            sql += `AND adm2 = '${subregion}' `;

        sql += ' ORDER BY alert__date';

        return `/query/${config.get('datasets.gladISODataset')}?sql=${sql}`;

     * Returns the URL that should be used to fetch alerts for a subscription related to a WDPA.
     * @param {string} startDate YYYY-MM-DD formatted date representing the start date of the period.
     * @param {string} endDate YYYY-MM-DD formatted date representing the end date of the period.
     * @param {Object} params Params containing the WDPA info that should be used.
     * @returns {string} The URL that should be used to fetch the alerts.
    static getURLInPeriodForWDPA(startDate, endDate, params = {}) {
        const { wdpaid } = params;
        let sql = `SELECT * FROM data WHERE alert__date > '${startDate}' AND alert__date <= '${endDate}' `;
        sql += `AND wdpa_protected_area__id = '${wdpaid}'`;
        sql += ' ORDER BY alert__date';
        return `/query/${config.get('datasets.gladWDPADataset')}?sql=${sql}`;

     * Returns the URL that should be used to fetch alerts for a subscription related to a geostore.
     * @param {string} startDate YYYY-MM-DD formatted date representing the start date of the period.
     * @param {string} endDate YYYY-MM-DD formatted date representing the end date of the period.
     * @param {string} geostoreId The ID of the geostore.
     * @returns {string} The URL that should be used to fetch the alerts.
    static getURLInPeriodForGeostore(startDate, endDate, geostoreId) {
        const sql = `SELECT * FROM data WHERE alert__date > '${startDate}' AND alert__date <= '${endDate}' `
            + `AND geostore__id = '${geostoreId}' ORDER BY alert__date`;
        return `/query/${config.get('datasets.gladGeostoreDataset')}?sql=${sql}`;

     * Returns the URL for the query for GLAD alerts for the provided period (startDate to endDate). The params are
     * taken into account to decide which dataset will be used to fetch the alerts.
     * @param startDate
     * @param endDate
     * @param params
     * @returns {Promise<*>}
    static async getURLInPeriodForSubscription(startDate, endDate, params) {
        // At least country must be defined to use the ISO dataset
        if (!!params && !!params.iso && !! {
            return GLADAlertsService.getURLInPeriodForISO(startDate, endDate, params);

        if (!!params && !!params.wdpaid) {
            return GLADAlertsService.getURLInPeriodForWDPA(startDate, endDate, params);

        const geostoreId = await GeostoreService.getGeostoreIdFromSubscriptionParams(params);
        return GLADAlertsService.getURLInPeriodForGeostore(startDate, endDate, geostoreId);

     * Returns an array of GLAD alerts for the provided period (startDate to endDate). The params are
     * taken into account to decide which dataset will be used to fetch the alerts.
     * @param startDate
     * @param endDate
     * @param params
     * @returns {Promise<*>}
    static async getAnalysisInPeriodForSubscription(startDate, endDate, params) {'Entering GLAD analysis endpoint with params', startDate, endDate, params);
        const uri = await GLADAlertsService.getURLInPeriodForSubscription(startDate, endDate, params);
        const response = await ctRegisterMicroservice.requestToMicroservice({ uri, method: 'GET', json: true });

     * Returns an array of GLAD alerts for the corresponding period of the last year for the dates provided (startDate to endDate).
     * @param startDate
     * @param endDate
     * @param params
     * @returns {Promise<*>}
    static async getAnalysisSamePeriodLastYearForSubscription(startDate, endDate, params) {
        const lastYearStartDate = moment(startDate).subtract('1', 'y');
        const lastYearEndDate = moment(endDate).subtract('1', 'y');
        return GLADAlertsService.getAnalysisInPeriodForSubscription(

     * Returns an object with URLs for downloading GLAD alerts for the provided period and subscription.
     * @param startDate
     * @param endDate
     * @param params
     * @returns {Promise<{csv: string, json: string}>}
    static async getDownloadURLs(startDate, endDate, params) {
        const geostoreId = await GeostoreService.getGeostoreIdFromSubscriptionParams(params);
        return {
            // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
            csv: `${config.get('apiGateway.externalUrl')}/glad-alerts/download/?period=${startDate},${endDate}&gladConfirmOnly=False&aggregate_values=False&aggregate_by=False&geostore=${geostoreId}&format=csv`,
            // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
            json: `${config.get('apiGateway.externalUrl')}/glad-alerts/download/?period=${startDate},${endDate}&gladConfirmOnly=False&aggregate_values=False&aggregate_by=False&geostore=${geostoreId}&format=json`,


module.exports = GLADAlertsService;