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import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

from proconfig.errors import Error

class GoogleSheet(object):

    def open_spreadsheet(sheet_name, custom_key=False):
        Open the spreadsheet for read/update
        :param sheet_name: name of the google sheet
        :return: a gspread wks object that can be used to edit/update a given sheet

        if custom_key:
            spreadsheet_key = custom_key
            spreadsheet_key = r'1KnJ8zujY0AxpbMpMO5FPdret6U_2ZzR68nN2RyvFex8'

        # Updated for oauth2client
        credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('spreadsheet.json',

        gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
        wks = gc.open_by_key(spreadsheet_key).worksheet(sheet_name)

        return wks

    def sheet_to_dict(sheet_name, tech_title):
        Convert the spreadsheet to a dict with {layername: {colName: colVal, colName2: colVal}
        :param sheet_name: name of the google sheet
        :param tech title: the unique ID for features in spreadsheet
        :return: a dictionary representing the sheet

        sheet_as_dict = {}
        wks = GoogleSheet.open_spreadsheet(sheet_name)
        gdoc_as_lists = wks.get_all_values()

        # Pull the header row from the Google doc
        header_row = gdoc_as_lists[0]

        # Iterate over the remaining data rows
        for dataRow in gdoc_as_lists[1:]:

            # Build a dictionary for each row with the column title
            # as the key and the value of that row as the value
            row_as_dict = {k: v for (k, v) in zip(header_row, dataRow)}

            # Grab the technical title (what we know the layer as)
            layer_name = row_as_dict['Technical Title']

            # Add that as a key to the larger outDict dictionary
            sheet_as_dict[layer_name] = {}

            # For the values in each row, add them to the row-level dictionary
            for key, value in row_as_dict.items():
                sheet_as_dict[layer_name][key] = value

        data = sheet_as_dict.get(tech_title, None)

        if not data:
            valid_keys = ', '.join(list(sheet_as_dict.keys()))
            msg = 'Key {} not found. Valid keys are: {}'.format(tech_title, valid_keys)
            raise Error(message=msg, code=404)

        return data