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    <title>Set up a new password for <%= ENV.fetch("APP_NAME")%></title>
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    <span class="preheader">We've resetted your password.</span>
    <table class="email-wrapper" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
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                <%= ENV.fetch("APP_NAME")%>
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                  <!-- Body content -->
                    <td class="content-cell">
                      <h1>Hi <%= %>,</h1>
                      <p>You recently requested to reset your password for your <%= ENV.fetch("APP_NAME")%> account. We've resetted your password to <%= @new_password %>.</strong></p>
                        <br>The <%= ENV.fetch("APP_NAME")%> Team</p>
                <table class="email-footer" align="center" width="570" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                    <td class="content-cell" align="center">
                      <p class="sub align-center">&copy; <%= Time.current.year %> <%= ENV.fetch("APP_NAME")%>. All rights reserved.</p>
                      <p class="sub align-center">
                        <%= ENV.fetch("APP_NAME")%>