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# API to power a software similar to LinkedIn

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A clone of LinkedIn software with basic functionalities.

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  <img src="" alt="Logo">

## Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

### API documentation

The API documentation is available [here](

### Prerequisites

What things you need to install the software and how to install them:

- [Docker](

### Installing

#### 1. Clone the repository

git clone && cd linked-rails

#### 2. Build the project

docker-compose build

#### 3. Create the database

docker-compose run linkedin.rails.web rake db:create

#### 4. Copy the env files

cp .env.development.example .env.development && cp .env.test.example .env.test

#### 5. Run the migrations

docker-compose run linkedin.rails.web rake db:migrate

Please have a look at [Quickstart: Compose and Rails]( if you run into any trouble while installing.

## Running the tests

You can run all the specs using the following command:

docker exec -it linkedin-rails_linkedin.rails.web_1 rspec .

If you want to run a single spec, use the following pattern:

docker exec -it linkedin-rails_linkedin.rails.web_1 rspec spec/controllers/v1/users_controller_spec.rb

You'll have to update the `.env` files to make all the specs pass.

## Checking the logs

You can check the development logs using the following command:

docker exec -it linkedin-rails_linkedin.rails.web_1 tail -f log/development.log

If you want to check the test logs, you'll need to use the following command:

docker exec -it linkedin-rails_linkedin.rails.web_1 tail -f log/test.log

## Built With

- [Ruby on Rails]( - The web framework used to build the app
- [Docker]( - Used to containerize the app
- [Postgresql]( - The database used to store the data

## Contributing

If you find any bugs, please feel free to create an issue for that.

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the []( file for details

## Acknowledgments

- [How to Test Rails Models with RSpec](
- [Writing One-Liner RSpec Tests in Rails with Shoulda-Matchers](
- [An Introduction to Using JWT Authentication in Rails](
- [Token-based authentication with Ruby on Rails 5 API](
- [Simple approach to Rails 5 API authentication with Json Web Token](
- [Tutorial: Create a simple messaging system on Rails](
- [How to test Rails mailers using RSpec](
- [Sending emails with ActionMailer and Sidekiq](
- [RSpec Cheatsheet](
- [Factory Bot cheatsheet](

## Todo

- [x] Authentication
- [x] Make APIs follow JSON-API specification
- [x] Users Listing API
  - [x] Search (for Users)
- [x] Companies Listing API
  - [x] Search (for Companies)
- [x] Jobs Listing API
  - [x] Search (for Jobs)
- [x] Conversations Listing API
  - [x] Messages belonging to a conversation Listing API
- [x] Send an email after a new user signs up
- [x] Send an email after an existing user requests for a new password