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# angular-zxcvbn [![Build Status](]( [![Code Climate](]( [![Test Coverage](](

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This is a simple directive for the [zxcvbn]( library.

## Table of Contents
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Usage](#usage)
 * [Attribute](#attribute) 
 * [Element](#element)
* [History](#history)
* [Author](#author)
* [Contributors](#contributors)
* [License](#license)

## Installation

Install with bower:
bower install zxcvbn angular-zxcvbn

Include the following javascript source files:
<script src='/bower_components/zxcvbn/dist/zxcvbn.js'></script>
<script src='/bower_components/angular-zxcvbn/dist/angular-zxcvbn.js'></script>

Add `zxcvbn` as an angular dependency. E.G. If your module is called `myApp` then you would do:
angular.module('myApp', ['zxcvbn']);

## Usage

##### Attribute

Live plunker: <>

The main way to use the directive is as an attribute alongside the `ng-model` attribute:
<input type='password' ng-model='userPassword' zxcvbn="passwordStrength">
This will set `$scope.passwordStrength` to the [result]( of calling the zxcvbn function on 

##### Extras

The directive has an optional attribute of `zx-extras`. This takes either an `array` or an [angular form object](https://docs.angularjs
.org/api/ng/type/form.FormController), which will be passed as the optional argument to the `zxcvbn` call. 

> The optional argument is an array of strings that zxcvbn will treat as an extra dictionary. This can be whatever list of strings you like, but is meant for user inputs from other fields of the form, like name and email. That way a password that includes a user's personal information can be heavily penalized. This list is also good for site-specific vocabulary — Acme Brick Co. might want to include ['acme', 'brick', 'acmebrick', etc]. 
**-- <cite>zxcvbn</cite>**

<form name="myForm">
  <input type="email" ng-model="email" name="emailAddress">
  <input type="text" ng-model="username" name="username">
  <input type="password" ng-model="password" name="password" zxcvbn="passwordStrength" zx-extras="myForm">
  <input type="password" ng-model="confirmPassword" name="confirmPassword">
We pass `zx-extras` the value `myForm`, which is the value of the `name` attribute of the parent `<form>` element.

`angular-zxcvbn` will look at all `<input>` elements with `name` and `ng-model` attributes inside the `<form>` element -  *ignoring 
fields with 'password' in their name*. Found fields are then used as the extras parameter in the zxcvbn call.

**Note:** if you do not wish to pass in a form object, you can also pass a scope variable that is an *array of strings*.

##### Form Validation

If you are using the [AngularJS form directive]( you may also want to have the password field marked as 
invalid when below a certain score. 

This can be done by passing a `zx-min-score` attribute, which takes an integer between 0 and 4 inclusive. For example: `zx-min-score="2"` 
would invalidate passwords with scores 0 or 1. 

<input type="password" ng-model="password" name="password" zxcvbn="passwordStrength" zx-min-score="2">

You can also pass an interpolated scope value: `zx-min-score="{{ minScore }}"`

### Element

You can use the directive as an element. The element takes 3 attributes:
* `password`<sub>**required**</sub> - the password that you want to be tested (scope variable).
* `extras`<sub>*optional*</sub> - an array of strings that zxcvbn will use to get a better "crack time" estimate. *Here you would normally have other form fields such as name, email address, username...*
* `data`<sub>*optional*</sub> - a scope object that will contain the [returned data]( from the zxcvbn call.

<zxcvbn password='passwordVar' extras='extrasArray' data='zxcvbnData'></zxcvbn>

Live plunker: <>

## Changelog ##

Refer to the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG) file.

## Author ##

© 2014, Jose Luis Rivas, <>.

## Contributors ##

2015, James Clark, <>

2016, Giovanni Pellerano, <>

## License ##

The files are licensed under the MIT terms.