# Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub:
1. Fork the repository:
1. Create an issue branch: `git checkout -b issue-N/summary origin/develop`)
1. Run [setup](#Setup): `bin/setup`.
1. Add tests for your updates.
1. Run [tests](#Test): `bin/test`.
1. Run linter: `bin/lint`.
1. Commit changes: `git commit -am '[#N] Summary'`.
1. Push changes: `git push origin head`.
1. Create a pull request targeting `develop`.
## Branches
This repository follows a modified version of the
[Gitflow Workflow](
* The default development branch is `develop`.
* The main release branch is `main`.
## Development
### Setup
Run `bin/setup` to install dependencies.
### Console
Run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
### Test
Run `bin/test` to run the tests.
### Install
Run `bin/rake install` to install this gem onto your local machine.
## Releases
Releases are created automatically by continuous deployment.
***Please avoid creating releases manually.***
To create a new release:
1. Checkout a new branch from `develop`:
git fetch origin develop
git checkout -b release-x.y.z origin/develop
1. Update the version number:
bin/version x.y.z
1. Update the changelog:
- add mising entries
- move `[Unreleased]` to `[x.y.z] - YYYY-MM-DD`
1. Commit the changes:
git commit -m 'vx.y.z'
1. Push the new branch:
git push -u origin head
1. Create a merge/pull request to `main`.
When the `main` branch is updated, continuous deployment will tag and push a new
1. Create a merge/pull request from `main` to `develop`.