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 * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 - All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of the telepath project which is released under the GPLv3 license.
 * See file LICENSE.txt or go to for full license details.
 * You may use, distribute and modify this code under the terms of the GPLv3 license.

package com.github.giedomak.telepath.datamodels.stores

import com.github.giedomak.telepath.datamodels.graph.Edge
import com.github.giedomak.telepath.datamodels.graph.Node
import com.github.giedomak.telepath.datamodels.graph.Path
import com.github.giedomak.telepath.datamodels.stores.PathIdentifierStore.kPathIdentifierStore
import com.github.giedomak.telepath.datamodels.stores.PathIdentifierStore.maxId
import com.github.giedomak.telepath.datamodels.stores.PathIdentifierStore.pathIdentifierStore
import com.github.giedomak.telepath.utilities.Logger
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils

 * Singleton class which stores the mapping from a list of edges to IDs.
 * Let's say we have 3 edges along a path with edge IDs 6, 3 and 33.
 * We serialize these edge IDs into the String `"6,3,33"`.
 * This serialized String will be the key in our [pathEdgeSerializationStore] HashMap. And it will be the value
 * in our [pathIdentifierStore] HashMap. We map this String to a generated ID.
 * @property pathIdentifierStore HashMap which maps path IDs to serialized Strings of edge IDs.
 * @property pathEdgeSerializationStore HashMap which maps serialized Strings of edge IDs to path IDs.
 * @property kPathIdentifierStore HashMap which has key: k, value: List of path IDs which have k number of edges.
 * @property maxId Counter to keep track of the maximum path ID we have stored so far.
object PathIdentifierStore {

    private val pathIdentifierStore = HashBiMap.create<Long, List<Edge>>()
    private val kPathIdentifierStore = HashMap<Int, MutableList<Long>>()
    private var maxId = 1L

     * Get the Path identifier which belongs to a certain edge set.
     * @param edges The edge set for which to retrieve the path identifier
     * @return The path identifier
    fun getPathIdByEdges(edges: List<Edge>): Long {
        // Serialize the edge set
//        val serialized = serializeEdgeSet(edges)

        // Access the store or generate a key
        return pathIdentifierStore.inverse()[edges] ?: generatePathId(edges)

     * Get or generate a pathId when given a single edge label.
    fun getPathIdByEdgeLabel(edgeLabel: String): Long {
        return getPathIdByEdgeLabel(listOf(edgeLabel))

     * Get or generate a pathId for a given list of edge labels.
     * @param edgeLabels List of edge labels for which we lookup the pathId.
     * @return The pathId we've found or generated for the given edge labels.
    fun getPathIdByEdgeLabel(edgeLabels: List<String>): Long {
        // Map the edge labels into Edges
        val edges =
                .map { Edge(it) }

        return getPathIdByEdges(edges)

     * Return a list of Edges for a given path identifier.
     * @param pathIdentifier The path identifier for which to gather the list of containing Edges.
     * @return A list of Edges belonging to a certain path identifier.
    fun getEdgeSet(pathIdentifier: Long): List<Edge> {
        return pathIdentifierStore[pathIdentifier]!!
//        if (pathIdentifierStore.containsKey(pathIdentifier)) {
//            return deserializeEdgeSet(pathIdentifierStore[pathIdentifier]!!)
//        } else {
//            throw IllegalArgumentException("PathIdentifierStore: pathIdentifier not known")
//        }

     * Concatenate two given paths.
     * Example: Let's say we've got two paths: `Luuk - worksFor - Drieam` and `Drieam - earns - Money`.
     * So our result should be: `Luuk - worksFor - Drieam - earns - Money`.
     * We have to strip out once occurrence of `Drieam`, otherwise we'll have a duplicate [Node].
     * @param path1 The first part of the to-be concatenated path.
     * @param path2 The last part of the to-be concatenated path.
     * @return The concatenation of the two given paths.
    fun concatenatePaths(path1: Path, path2: Path): Path? {
        // Perform the union on both paths
        val edges = getEdgeSet(path1.pathId) + getEdgeSet(path2.pathId)

        // TODO: For now we skip concatenations of its own inverse.
        if (edges.size == 2 && edges.first() == edges.last().inverse()) return null

        // Remove the first node from the second path, otherwise we have a duplicate
        // Perform union on the nodes from path1 and the sliced nodes from path2.
        val nodes = path1.nodes + path2.nodes.subList(1, path2.nodes.size)

        return Path(getPathIdByEdges(edges), nodes)

     * Get all path identifiers which have size k.
     * @param k The size of the paths we are looking for.
     * @return List of path identifiers of size k.
    fun getPathIds(k: Int): List<Long> {
        return kPathIdentifierStore.getOrDefault(k, emptyList())

    fun clear() {
        maxId = 1

     * Generate a path identifier for an edge set and add it to the store
     * @param edges List of edges of which to generate a Path identifier for
     * @return The generated path identifier
    private fun generatePathId(edges: List<Edge>): Long {
        // Serialize the edge set
//        val serialized = serializeEdgeSet(edges)

        // Add to the stores
        pathIdentifierStore.put(maxId, edges)

        // Add to the k-store
        kPathIdentifierStore.compute(edges.size, { _, value -> value?.add(maxId); value ?: mutableListOf(maxId) })

        // Print the addition
        Logger.debug("Added: $maxId: $edges")

        // Increase maxId, but return the id we've just used for generation
        return ++maxId - 1

     * Serialize a list of edges into a String.
     * Let's say we have 3 edges with ids 3, 6 and 33.
     * We will get the String `"3,6,33"`
     * @param edges List of edges to serialize
     * @return Serialized String
    private fun serializeEdgeSet(edges: List<Edge>): String {
        // Get the ids as string
        val edgeIds = { EdgeIdentifierStore.getEdgeIdentifier(it).toString() }

        // Return the joined string with a separator
        return StringUtils.join(edgeIds, ";")

     * Deserialize a serializedEdgeSet String back to a List of Edges.
     * @param serializedEdgeSet The serialized String for an Edge Set.
     * @return A list of edges belonging to the serialized String.
    private fun deserializeEdgeSet(serializedEdgeSet: String): List<Edge> {
        val edgeIds = serializedEdgeSet.split(";".toRegex()).dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() }.toTypedArray()
        return { EdgeIdentifierStore.getEdge(it.toLong()) }