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Test Coverage
  - name: locales
    type: "string[]"
    description: Locales your project supports.
    defaultValue: "['en']"
  - name: defaultNS
    type: "string"
    description: Default namespace to use when one is not defined explicitly.
    defaultValue: "'translation'"
  - name: pluralSeparator
    type: "string"
    description: |
      String you want to use to split plural from keys. See [i18next Configuration options](
    defaultValue: "'_'"
  - name: contextSeparator
    type: "string"
    description: |
      String you want to use to split context from keys. See [i18next Configuration options](
    defaultValue: "'_'"
  - name: keySeparator
    type: "string|null"
    description: |
      String you want to use to split keys. Set to `null` if you don't want to split your keys or
      if you want to use keys as value. See [i18next Configuration options](
    defaultValue: "'.'"
  - name: nsSeparator
    type: "string|null"
    description: |
      String you want to use to split namespace from keys. Set to `null` if you don't want to
      infer a namespace from key value or if you want to use keys as value. See [i18next
      Configuration options](
    defaultValue: "':'"
  - name: transKeepBasicHtmlNodesFor
    type: "string[]"
    description: |
      List of tag names that shouldn't be converted to indices when exporting `Trans` component.

      The value of this option should reflect the react-i18next configuration in your codebase.
      See [react-i18next Trans Component](
    defaultValue: "['br', 'strong', 'i', 'p']"
  - name: compatibilityJSON
    type: '"v3" | "v4"'
    description: |
      Compatibility mode of the output JSON file. This option only changes the way plurals are exported.

      See [JSONv* format documentation]( and [why this option exists](
    defaultValue: '"v3"'
  - name: i18nextInstanceNames
    type: "string[]"
    description: |
      Possible names for your `i18next` instances. This will be used to detect `i18next.t` calls.
    defaultValue: "['i18next', 'i18n']"
      - name: Custom i18next instance name
        md: |
             {"i18nextInstanceNames": ["myI18next"]}

          // This key will be extracted
  - name: tFunctionNames
    type: "string[]"
    description: |
      Possible names for your `t` functions. This will only be used for direct calls to `t`
      functions (i.e. `t('key')`, not `foo.t('key')`) and in very last resort.
    defaultValue: "['t']"
      - name: Custom t function name
        md: |
            {"tFunctionNames": ["myT"]}

          // This key will be extracted
  - name: customTransComponents
    type: "[string, string][]"
    description: |
      This option lets you declare custom `Trans` components (e.g. a HoC of react-i18next's
      `Trans` component). It takes an array of source module paths and import names. See the
      examples below for usage details.
    defaultValue: "[]"
      - name: Declare a local custom Trans component
        md: |
              "customTransComponents": [
                ["./src/customComponents/i18n", "MyOwnTransComponent"]

          import {MyOwnTransComponent} from "./customComponents/i18n";

          <MyOwnTransComponent>Extracted key</MyOwnTransComponent>;
      - name: Declare a custom Trans component from a third-party module
        md: |
              "customTransComponents": [
                ["third-party-module", "EnhancedTrans"]

          import {EnhancedTrans} from "third-party-module";

          <EnhancedTrans>Extracted key</EnhancedTrans>;
  - name: customUseTranslationHooks
    type: "[string, string][]"
    description: |
      Similarly to `customTransComponents`, this option allows you to declare your
      own custom useTranslation hooks which can compose around react-i18next's
      useTranslation hook. This option takes an array of source module paths and
      import names.
    defaultValue: "[]"
      - name: Declare a local custom useTranslation hook
        md: |
              "customUseTranslationHooks": [
                ["./src/customComponents/i18n", "useMyTranslationHook"]

          import {useMyTranslationHook} from "./customComponents/i18n";

          function MyComponent() {
            const t = useMyTranslationHook();
            return <span>{t('extracted key')}</span>

      - name: Declare a local custom useTranslation hook using a namespace
        md: |
              "customUseTranslationHooks": [
                ["./src/customComponents/i18n", "useMyTranslationHook"]

          import {useMyTranslationHook} from "./customComponents/i18n";

          function MyComponentWithNamespace() {
            const t = useMyTranslationHook('namespace');
            return <span>{t('extracted key in a namespace')}</span>

  - name: defaultContexts
    type: "string[]"
    description: Context values to use when detecting a translation with context.
    defaultValue: "['', '_male', '_female']"
      - name: Usage of default contexts
        md: |
            {"defaultContexts": ["", "_male", "_female"]}

          // Extracts: key0, key0_male, key0_female
          t("key0", {context: myCtx});

            {"defaultContexts": ["_fruit", "_animal"]}

          // Extracts: key0_fruit, key0_animal
          t("key0", {context: myCtx});
  - name: outputPath
    type: "string | (locale: string, namespace: string) => string"
    description: |
      You can pass a string or a function as outputPath :

      - **string**: Path where translation keys should be extracted to. You can use `{{ns}}` and `{{locale}}`
      placeholders in the value to change the location depending on the namespace or the locale.
      - **function**: A function to return custom output path according to the given locale and namespace.

      ⚠️ **outputPath** as function is only available for javascript babel config.
    defaultValue: "extractedTranslations/{{locale}}/{{ns}}.json"
  - name: defaultValue
    type: "string|null"
    description: Default value for extracted keys.
    defaultValue: "''"
      - name: Use null as default value
        md: |
            {"defaultValue": null}

          // Extracts: key0 with `null` as default value instead of an empty string.
  - name: useI18nextDefaultValue
    type: "boolean|string[]"
    description: |
      If `true` and a [i18next default value]( is set for
      the key, use this default value (ignoring `defaultValue` option).

      You can also specify an array of locales to apply this behavior only to a specific set
      locales (e.g. if your i18next default values are in plain french, you may want to set this
      option to `['fr']`).

      _Note: For `react-i18next` `Trans` component, the children might also be used as default
    defaultValue: "['en']"
      - name: Use i18next default value for all locales
        md: |
            {"useI18nextDefaultValue": true}

          // Extracts: key0 with `Hello world!` as default value.
          t("key0", 'Hello world!');
      - name: Use i18next default value for a specific set of locales
        md: |
            {"useI18nextDefaultValue": ['fr_FR', 'fr_CA']}

          // Extracts: key0 with `Bonjour le monde !` as default value, but
          // only for specified french locales ("fr_FR" and "fr_CA").
          t("key0", 'Bonjour le monde !');
  - name: useI18nextDefaultValueForDerivedKeys
    type: "boolean"
    description: |
      If `false` and `useI18nextDefaultValue` is enabled, don't use i18next default value for
      derived keys (plural forms or contexts). `defaultValue` option will be used instead.
    defaultValue: "false"
      - name: Skip default value for derived keys
        md: |
              "useI18nextDefaultValue": true,
              "useI18nextDefaultValueForDerivedKeys": false

          // Extracts:
          //   - key0 with `Hello world!` as default value.
          //   - key0_plural with an empty string as default value.
          t("key0", {count: cnt, defaultValue: 'Hello World!'});

          // Extracts:
          //   - key0 with `Hello world!` as default value.
          //   - key0_male with an empty string as default value.
          //   - key0_female with an empty string as default value.
          t("key0", {context: ctx, defaultValue: 'Hello World!'});
  - name: keyAsDefaultValue
    type: "boolean|string[]"
    description: |
      If `true`, use the extracted key as defaultValue (ignoring `defaultValue` option). This is
      sometimes refered to as "natural keys".

      You can also specify an array of locales to apply this behavior only to a specific set
      locales (e.g. if your keys are in plain english, you may want to set this option to
    defaultValue: "false"
      - name: Use keys as default value for a set of locales
        md: |
              "keyAsDefaultValue": ['en_US', 'en_GB']

          // Extracts: `Hello world!` with `Hello world!` as default value
          // for the specified english locales (`en_US` and `en_GB`)..
          // Other locales will have an empty string as default value instead.
          t("Hello world!", 'Hello World!');
  - name: keyAsDefaultValueForDerivedKeys
    type: "boolean"
    description: |
      If `false` and `keyAsDefaultValue` is enabled, don't use derived keys (plural forms or
      contexts) as default value. `defaultValue` option will be used instead.
    defaultValue: "true"
      - name: Don't use key as default value for derived keys
        md: |
              "keyAsDefaultValue": ['en'],
              "keyAsDefaultValueForDerivedKeys": false

          // Extracts:
          //   - "Hello World!" with "Hello World!" as default value for `en` locale.
          //   - "Hello World!" with an empty string as default value for all other locales.
          //   - "Hello World!_plural" with an empty string as default value for all locales.
          t("Hello world!", {count: cnt, defaultValue: 'Hello World!'});
  - name: discardOldKeys
    type: "boolean"
    description: |
      When set to `true`, keys that no longer exist are removed from the JSON files. By default,
      new keys will be added to the JSON files and never removed.
    defaultValue: "false"
  - name: jsonSpace
    type: "number"
    description: Number of indentation space to use in extracted JSON files.
    defaultValue: "2"
  - name: enableExperimentalIcu
    type: "boolean"
    description: |
      Enable experimental support for [ICU message syntax]( Only plurals and JSONv4 are supported for now.

      ☠️  *This feature is incomplete and might change or move into an third-party module in the
      future. Stay tuned.* ☠️
    defaultValue: "false"
  - name: excludes
    type: "string[]"
    description: |
      List of regular expressions matching paths that shouldn't be extracted.

      Paths are relative to the babel config root and are expressed as POSIX paths (even on Windows).
    defaultValue: '["^(../)*node_modules/"]'