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# Exif orientation

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Get orientation (rotation and flipping) info from Exif-ed JPEG or Update orientation code.

## Usage

npm install @ginpei/exif-orientation

import * as exif from '@ginpei/exif-orientation';

const orientation = await exif.getOrientation(fileOrBuffer);
  `${orientation.rotation} degree,`,
  orientation.flipped ? 'flipped' : 'not flipped',

import * as exif from '@ginpei/exif-orientation';

await exif.updateOrientationCode(fileOrBuffer, exif.OrientationCode.deg90Flipped);

## Examples


### Read file from `<input type="file">`

// get file accessor
const elFile = document.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>('#file');
const file = elFile.files[0];

// get orientation
const orientation = await exif.getOrientation(file);

### Read file from `fs.readFile()`

// read file as buffer
const buffer = fs.readFileSync(path);

// get orientation
const orientation = await exif.getOrientation(buffer);

## API References

### import

import * as exif from '@ginpei/exif-orientation';

This package does not have `default`.

To import in TypeScript, you need to set `moduleResolution` option. Find detail in Q&A section below.

### `function getOrientation(input: File | Buffer | ArrayBuffer): Promise<IOrientationInfo | undefined>`

- `input: File | Buffer | ArrayBuffer` : JPEG file data.

If the input is not JPEG file with Exif containing orientation information, it returns `undefined`.

### `function updateOrientationCode (input: File | Buffer | ArrayBuffer, orientation: OrientationCode): Promise<void>`

- `input: File | Buffer | ArrayBuffer` : JPEG file data.
- `orientation: OrientationCode` : Orientation number.

### `function readOrientationCode(input: File | Buffer | ArrayBuffer): Promise<OrientationCode>`

- `input: File | Buffer | ArrayBuffer` : JPEG file data.

### `enum OrientationCode`

- `OrientationCode.original`
- `OrientationCode.deg90`
- `OrientationCode.deg180`
- `OrientationCode.deg270`
- `OrientationCode.flipped`
- `OrientationCode.deg90Flipped`
- `OrientationCode.deg180Flipped`
- `OrientationCode.deg270Flipped`
- `OrientationCode.unknown`

### `function getOrientationInfo(orientation: OrientationCode): IOrientationInfo | undefined`

- `orientation: OrientationCode`

### `interface IOrientationInfo`

interface IOrientationInfo {
  rotation: number;
  flipped: boolean;

## Q&A

## Exif?

Exif is a kind of data format inside JPEG image file. It can contain rotation and flipping information.

If you see an image rotated weirdly, it might be caused by lacking logic for this Exif orientation information.

- [Exif - Wikipedia](

Following PDF file (Japanese) really helped to implement. Thanks!

- [ディジタルスチルカメラ用 - DC-008-2012_J.pdf](

### Cannot find module '@ginpei/exif-orientation'

src/index.ts:1:23 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@ginpei/exif-orientation'.

1 import * as exif from '@ginpei/exif-orientation';

Found 1 error.

You have to set `moduleResolution` in either way:

- In `tsconfig.json`: `"moduleResolution": "node"`
- From CLI: `--moduleResolution node`


- [Compiler Options · TypeScript](

## History

- 2021-10-22: v1.2.0
  - #20 Support images containing APP1 that is not Exif (Marcello Bastéa-Forte @marcello3d)
  - #22 Support images containing Exif without orientation
- 2020-07-13: v1.1.0
  - Add `updateOrientationCode()` (Tony Brobston [@TonyBrobston](
- 2019-01-06: v1.0.0
  - First Release

## License

- MIT License

## Contact

- by Ginpei
- GitHub: [ginpei]([exif-orientation](
- Twitter: [@ginpei\_en](