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 * A flexible stacked navigation menu.
 * @class
 * @example <caption>The StackedMenu basic template looks like:</caption>
 * <div id="stacked-menu" class="stacked-menu">
 *   <nav class="menu">
 *     <li class="menu-item">
 *      <a href="home.html" class="menu-link">
 *        <i class="menu-icon fa fa-home"></i>
 *        <span class="menu-text">Home</span>
 *        <span class="badge badge-danger">9+</span>
 *      </a>
 *     <li>
 *   </nav>
 * </div>
 * @example <caption>Instance the StackedMenu:</caption>
 * var menus = new StackedMenu();
export default class StackedMenu {
   * Create a StackedMenu.
   * @constructor
   * @param  {Object} options - An object containing key:value that representing the current StackedMenu.
  constructor (options) {
     * The StackedMenu options.
     * @type {Object}
     * @property {Boolean} compact=false                  - Transform StackedMenu items (except item childs) to small size.
     * @property {Boolean} hoverable=false                - How StackedMenu triggered `open`/`close` state. Use `false` for hoverable and `true` for collapsible (clickable).
     * @property {Boolean} closeOther=true                - Control whether expanding an item will cause the other items to close. Only available when `hoverable=false`.
     * @property {String} align='left'                    - Where StackedMenu items childs will open when `hoverable=true` (`left`/`right`).
     * @property {String} selector='#stacked-menu'        - The StackedMenu element selector.
     * @property {String} selectorClass='stacked-menu'    - The css class name that will be added to the StackedMenu and used for css prefix classes.
     * @example
     * var options = {
     *   closeOther: false,
     *   align: 'right',
     * };
     * var menus = new StackedMenu(options);
    this.options = {
      compact: false,
      hoverable: false,
      closeOther: true,
      align: 'right',
      selector: '#stacked-menu',
      selectorClass: 'stacked-menu'

    // mixed default and custom options
    this.options = this._extend({}, this.options, options)

     * The StackedMenu element.
     * @type {Element}
    this.selector = document.querySelector(this.options.selector)

     * The StackedMenu items.
     * @type {Element}
    this.items = this.selector
      ? this.selector.querySelectorAll('.menu-item')
      : null

    // forEach fallback
    if (!Array.prototype.forEach) {
      Array.prototype.forEach = function forEach (cb, arg) {
        if (typeof cb !== 'function')
          throw new TypeError(`${cb} is not a function`)

        let array = this
        arg = arg || this
        for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
, array[i], i, array)
    this.each = Array.prototype.forEach

     * Lists of feature classes that will be added to the StackedMenu depend to current options.
     * Used selectorClass for prefix.
     * @type {Object}
    this.classes = {
      alignLeft: this.options.selectorClass + '-has-left',
      compact: this.options.selectorClass + '-has-compact',
      collapsible: this.options.selectorClass + '-has-collapsible',
      hoverable: this.options.selectorClass + '-has-hoverable',
      hasChild: 'has-child',
      hasActive: 'has-active',
      hasOpen: 'has-open'

    /** states element */
     * The active item.
     * @type {Element}
     */ = null

     * The open item(s).
     * @type {Element}
     */ = []

     * The StackedMenu element.
     * @type {Boolean}
    this.turbolinksAvailable =
      typeof window.Turbolinks === 'object' && window.Turbolinks.supported

    /** event handlers */
    this.handlerClickDoc = []
    this.handlerOver = []
    this.handlerOut = []
    this.handlerClick = []

    // Initialization

  /** Private methods */
   * Listen on document when the page is ready.
   * @private
   * @param  {Function} handler - The callback function when page is ready.
   * @return {void}
  _onReady (handler) {
    if (document.readyState != 'loading') {
    } else {
      document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', handler, false)

   * Handles clicking on menu leaves. Turbolinks friendly.
   * @private
   * @param  {Object} self - The StackedMenu self instance.
   * @return {void}
  _handleNavigation (self) {, el => {
      self._on(el, 'click', function (e) {
        // Stop propagating the event to parent links
        // if Turbolinks are available preventDefault immediatelly.
        self.turbolinksAvailable ? e.preventDefault() : null
        // if the element is "parent" and Turbolinks are not available,
        // maintain the original behaviour. Otherwise navigate programmatically
        if (self._hasChild(el)) {
          self.turbolinksAvailable ? null : e.preventDefault()
        } else {
            ? window.Turbolinks.visit(el.firstElementChild.href)
            : null

   * Merge the contents of two or more objects together into the first object.
   * @private
   * @param  {Object} obj - An object containing additional properties to merge in.
   * @return {Object} The merged object.
  _extend (obj) {
    obj = obj || {}
    const args = arguments
    for (let i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
      if (!args[i]) continue
      for (let key in args[i]) {
        if (args[i].hasOwnProperty(key)) obj[key] = args[i][key]
    return obj

   * Attach an event to StackedMenu selector.
   * @private
   * @param  {String} type - The name of the event (case-insensitive).
   * @param  {(Boolean|Number|String|Array|Object)} data - The custom data that will be added to event.
   * @return {void}
  _emit (type, data) {
    let e
    if (document.createEvent) {
      e = document.createEvent('Event')
      e.initEvent(type, true, true)
    } else {
      e = document.createEventObject()
      e.eventType = type
    e.eventName = type = data || this
    // attach event to selector
      ? this.selector.dispatchEvent(e)
      : this.selector.fireEvent('on' + type, e)

   * Bind one or two handlers to the element, to be executed when the mouse pointer enters and leaves the element.
   * @private
   * @param  {Element} el - The target element.
   * @param  {Function} handlerOver - A function to execute when the mouse pointer enters the element.
   * @param  {Function} handlerOut  - A function to execute when the mouse pointer leaves the element.
   * @return {void}
  _hover (el, handlerOver, handlerOut) {
    if (el.tagName === 'A') {
      this._on(el, 'focus', handlerOver)
      this._on(el, 'blur', handlerOut)
    } else {
      this._on(el, 'mouseover', handlerOver)
      this._on(el, 'mouseout', handlerOut)

   * Registers the specified listener on the element.
   * @private
   * @param  {Element} el - The target element.
   * @param  {String} type - The name of the event.
   * @param  {Function} handler - The callback function when event type is fired.
   * @return {void}
  _on (el, type, handler) {
    let types = type.split(' ')
    for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
      el[window.addEventListener ? 'addEventListener' : 'attachEvent'](
        window.addEventListener ? types[i] : `on${types[i]}`,

   * Removes the event listener previously registered with [_on()]{@link StackedMenu#_on} method.
   * @private
   * @param  {Element} el - The target element.
   * @param  {String} type - The name of the event.
   * @param  {Function} handler - The callback function when event type is fired.
   * @return {void}
  _off (el, type, handler) {
    let types = type.split(' ')
    for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
      el[window.removeEventListener ? 'removeEventListener' : 'detachEvent'](
        window.removeEventListener ? types[i] : `on${types[i]}`,

   * Adds one or more class names to the target element.
   * @private
   * @param {Element} el - The target element.
   * @param {String} className - Specifies one or more class names to be added.
   * @return {void}
  _addClass (el, className) {
    let classes = className.split(' ')
    for (let i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
      if (el.classList) el.classList.add(classes[i])
      else el.classes[i] += ' ' + classes[i]

   * Removes one or more class names to the target element.
   * @private
   * @param {Element} el - The target element.
   * @param {String} className - Specifies one or more class names to be added.
   * @return {void}
  _removeClass (el, className) {
    let classes = className.split(' ')
    for (let i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
      if (el.classList) el.classList.remove(classes[i])
        el.classes[i] = el.classes[i].replace(
          new RegExp(
            '(^|\\b)' + classes[i].split(' ').join('|') + '(\\b|$)',
          ' '

   * Determine whether the element is assigned the given class.
   * @private
   * @param {Element} el - The target element.
   * @param {String} className - The class name to search for.
   * @return {Boolean} is has className.
  _hasClass (el, className) {
    if (el.classList) return el.classList.contains(className)
    return new RegExp('(^| )' + className + '( |$)', 'gi').test(el.className)

   * Determine whether the element is a menu child.
   * @private
   * @param {Element} el - The target element.
   * @return {Boolean} is has child.
  _hasChild (el) {
    return this._hasClass(el, this.classes.hasChild)

   * Determine whether the element is a active menu.
   * @private
   * @param {Element} el - The target element.
   * @return {Boolean} is has active state.
  _hasActive (el) {
    return this._hasClass(el, this.classes.hasActive)

   * Determine whether the element is a open menu.
   * @private
   * @param {Element} el - The target element.
   * @return {Boolean} is has open state.
  _hasOpen (el) {
    return this._hasClass(el, this.classes.hasOpen)

   * Determine whether the element is a level menu.
   * @private
   * @param {Element} el - The target element.
   * @return {Boolean} is a level menu.
  _isLevelMenu (el) {
    return this._hasClass(el.parentNode.parentNode, this.options.selectorClass)

   * Attach an event to menu item depend on hoverable option.
   * @private
   * @param {Element} el - The target element.
   * @param {Number} index - An array index from each menu item use to detach the current event.
   * @return {void}
  _menuTrigger (el, index) {
    let elHover = el.querySelector('a')

    // remove exist listener
    this._off(el, 'mouseover', this.handlerOver[index])
    this._off(el, 'mouseout', this.handlerOut[index])
    this._off(elHover, 'focus', this.handlerOver[index])
    this._off(elHover, 'blur', this.handlerOut[index])
    this._off(el, 'click', this.handlerClick[index])

    // handler listener
    this.handlerOver[index] = this.openMenu.bind(this, el)
    this.handlerOut[index] = this.closeMenu.bind(this, el)
    this.handlerClick[index] = this.toggleMenu.bind(this, el)

    // add listener
    if (this.isHoverable()) {
      if (this._hasChild(el)) {
        this._hover(el, this.handlerOver[index], this.handlerOut[index])
        this._hover(elHover, this.handlerOver[index], this.handlerOut[index])
    } else {
      this._on(el, 'click', this.handlerClick[index])

   * Handle for menu items interactions.
   * @private
   * @param {Element} items - The element of menu items.
   * @return {void}
  _handleInteractions (items) {
    const self = this, (el, i) => {
      if (self._hasChild(el)) {
        self._menuTrigger(el, i)

      if (self._hasActive(el)) = el

   * Get the parent menu item text of menu to be use on menu subhead.
   * @private
   * @param {Element} el - The target element.
   * @return {void}
  _getSubhead (el) {
    return el.querySelector('.menu-text').textContent

   * Generate the subhead element for each child menu.
   * @private
   * @return {void}
  _generateSubhead () {
    const self = this
    let menus = this.selector.children
    let link, menu, subhead, label, el => {, child => {
        if (self._hasChild(child)) {
, cc => {
            if (self._hasClass(cc, 'menu-link')) link = cc

          menu = link.nextElementSibling
          subhead = document.createElement('li')
          label = document.createTextNode(self._getSubhead(link))
          self._addClass(subhead, 'menu-subhead')

          menu.insertBefore(subhead, menu.firstChild)

   * Handle menu link tabindex depend on parent states.
   * @return {void}
  _handleTabIndex () {
    const self = this, el => {
      let container = el.parentNode.parentNode
      if (!self._isLevelMenu(el)) {
        el.querySelector('a').setAttribute('tabindex', '-1')
      if (self._hasActive(container) || self._hasOpen(container)) {

   * Animate slide menu item.
   * @private
   * @param  {Object} el - The target element.
   * @param  {String} direction - Up/Down slide direction.
   * @param  {Number} speed - Animation Speed in millisecond.
   * @param  {String} easing - CSS Animation effect.
   * @return {Promise} resolve
  _slide (el, direction, speed, easing) {
    speed = speed || 300
    easing = easing || 'ease'
    let self = this
    let menu = el.querySelector('.menu')
    let es = window.getComputedStyle(el)['height']
    // wait to resolve
    let walkSpeed = speed + 50
    // wait to clean style attribute
    let clearSpeed = walkSpeed + 100 = `height ${speed}ms ${easing}, opacity ${speed /
      2}ms ${easing}, visibility ${speed / 2}ms ${easing}`

    // slideDown
    if (direction === 'down') {
      // element = 'hidden' = es
      // menu = 'auto'
      // get the current menu height
      let height = window.getComputedStyle(menu)['height'] = 0 = 'hidden' = 0
      // remove element style = '' = ''

      setTimeout(function () { = height = 1 = 'visible'
      }, 0)
    } else if (direction === 'up') {
      // get the menu height
      let height = window.getComputedStyle(menu)['height'] = height = 'visible' = 1

      setTimeout(function () { = 0 = 'hidden' = 0
      }, 0)

    let done = new Promise(function (resolve) {
      // remove the temporary styles
      setTimeout(function () {
        // emit event
        self._emit('menu:slide' + direction)
      }, walkSpeed)

    // remove styles after done has resolve
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, clearSpeed)

    return done

  /** Public methods */
   * The first process that called after constructs the StackedMenu instance.
   * @public
   * @fires StackedMenu#menu:init
   * @return {void}
  init () {
    const self = this
    let opts = this.options

    this._addClass(this.selector, opts.selectorClass)

    // generate subhead

    // implement compact feature
    // implement hoverable feature

    // handle menu link tabindex

    // handle menu click with or without Turbolinks

    // close on outside click, only on collapsible with compact mode
    this._on(document.body, 'click', function () {
      if (!self.isHoverable() && self.isCompact()) {
        // handle listener

    // on ready state
    this._onReady(() => {
       * This event is fired when the Menu has completed init.
       * @event StackedMenu#menu:init
       * @type {Object}
       * @property {Object} data - The StackedMenu data instance.
       * @example
       * document.querySelector('#stacked-menu').addEventListener('menu:init', function(e) {
       *   console.log(;
       * });
       * @example <caption>Or using jQuery:</caption>
       * $('#stacked-menu').on('menu:init', function() {
       *   console.log('fired on menu:init!!');
       * });

   * Open/show the target menu item. This method didn't take effect to an active item if not on compact mode.
   * @public
   * @fires StackedMenu#menu:open
   * @param {Element} el - The target element.
   * @param {Boolean} emiter - are the element will fire menu:open or not.
   * @return {Object} The StackedMenu instance.
   * @example
   * var menuItem2 = menu.querySelectorAll('.menu-item.has-child')[1];
   * menu.openMenu(menuItem2);
  openMenu (el, emiter = true) {
    // prevent open on active item if not on compact mode
    if (this._hasActive(el) && !this.isCompact()) return
    const self = this
    let blockedSlide = this._isLevelMenu(el) && this.isCompact()

    // open menu
    if (this.isHoverable() || blockedSlide) {
      this._addClass(el, this.classes.hasOpen)
      // handle tabindex
    } else {
      // slide down
      this._slide(el, 'down', 150, 'linear').then(function () {
        self._addClass(el, self.classes.hasOpen)
        // handle tabindex

    // child menu behavior
    if (this.isHoverable() || (this.isCompact() && !this.hoverable())) {
      const clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight
      const child = el.querySelector('.menu')
      const pos = child.getBoundingClientRect()
      const tolerance = pos.height - 20
      const bottom = clientHeight -
      const transformOriginX = this.options.align === 'left' ? '100%' : '0px'

      if ( >= 500 || tolerance >= bottom) { = 'auto' = 0 = `${transformOriginX} 100% 0`

     * This event is fired when the Menu has open.
     * @event StackedMenu#menu:open
     * @type {Object}
     * @property {Object} data - The StackedMenu data instance.
     * @example
     * document.querySelector('#stacked-menu').addEventListener('menu:open', function(e) {
     *   console.log(;
     * });
     * @example <caption>Or using jQuery:</caption>
     * $('#stacked-menu').on('menu:open', function() {
     *   console.log('fired on menu:open!!');
     * });
    if (emiter) {

    return this

   * Close/hide the target menu item.
   * @public
   * @fires StackedMenu#menu:close
   * @param {Element} el - The target element.
   * @param {Boolean} emiter - are the element will fire menu:open or not.
   * @return {Object} The StackedMenu instance.
   * @example
   * var menuItem2 = menu.querySelectorAll('.menu-item.has-child')[1];
   * menu.closeMenu(menuItem2);
  closeMenu (el, emiter = true) {
    const self = this
    let blockedSlide = this._isLevelMenu(el) && this.isCompact()
    // open menu
    if (this.isHoverable() || blockedSlide) {
      this._removeClass(el, this.classes.hasOpen)
      // handle tabindex
    } else {
      if (!this._hasActive(el)) {
        // slide up
        this._slide(el, 'up', 150, 'linear').then(function () {
          self._removeClass(el, self.classes.hasOpen)
          // handle tabindex
    }, (v, i) => {
      if (el == v), 1)

    // remove child menu behavior style
    if (this.isHoverable() || (this.isCompact() && !this.hoverable())) {
      const child = el.querySelector('.menu') = '' = '' = ''

     * This event is fired when the Menu has close.
     * @event StackedMenu#menu:close
     * @type {Object}
     * @property {Object} data - The StackedMenu data instance.
     * @example
     * document.querySelector('#stacked-menu').addEventListener('menu:close', function(e) {
     *   console.log(;
     * });
     * @example <caption>Or using jQuery:</caption>
     * $('#stacked-menu').on('menu:close', function() {
     *   console.log('fired on menu:close!!');
     * });
    if (emiter) {

    return this

   * Close all opened menu items.
   * @public
   * @fires StackedMenu#menu:close
   * @return {Object} The StackedMenu instance.
   * @example
   * menu.closeAllMenu();
  closeAllMenu () {
    const self = this, el => {
      if (self._hasOpen(el)) {
        self.closeMenu(el, false)

    return this

   * Toggle open/close the target menu item.
   * @public
   * @fires StackedMenu#menu:open
   * @fires StackedMenu#menu:close
   * @param {Element} el - The target element.
   * @return {Object} The StackedMenu instance.
   * @example
   * var menuItem2 = menu.querySelectorAll('.menu-item.has-child')[1];
   * menu.toggleMenu(menuItem2);
  toggleMenu (el) {
    const method = this._hasOpen(el) ? 'closeMenu' : 'openMenu'
    const self = this
    let itemParent, elParent

    // close other, item => {
      itemParent = item.parentNode.parentNode
      itemParent = self._hasClass(itemParent, 'menu-item')
        ? itemParent
        : itemParent.parentNode
      elParent = el.parentNode.parentNode
      elParent = self._hasClass(elParent, 'menu-item')
        ? elParent
        : elParent.parentNode

      // close other except parents that has open state and an active item
      if (!self._hasOpen(elParent) && self._hasChild(itemParent)) {
        if (
          self.options.closeOther ||
          (!self.options.closeOther && self.isCompact())
        ) {
          if (self._hasOpen(itemParent)) {
            self.closeMenu(itemParent, false)
    // open target el
    if (this._hasChild(el)) this[method](el)

    return this

   * Set the open menu position to `left` or `right`.
   * @public
   * @fires StackedMenu#menu:align
   * @param  {String} position - The position that will be set to the Menu.
   * @return {Object} The StackedMenu instance.
   * @example
   * menu.align('left');
  align (position) {
    const method = position === 'left' ? '_addClass' : '_removeClass'
    const classes = this.classes

    this[method](this.selector, classes.alignLeft)

    this.options.align = position

     * This event is fired when the Menu has changed align position.
     * @event StackedMenu#menu:align
     * @type {Object}
     * @property {Object} data - The StackedMenu data instance.
     * @example
     * document.querySelector('#stacked-menu').addEventListener('menu:align', function(e) {
     *   console.log(;
     * });
     * @example <caption>Or using jQuery:</caption>
     * $('#stacked-menu').on('menu:align', function() {
     *   console.log('fired on menu:align!!');
     * });

    return this

   * Determine whether the Menu is currently compact.
   * @public
   * @return {Boolean} is compact.
   * @example
   * var isCompact = menu.isCompact();
  isCompact () {
    return this.options.compact

   * Toggle the Menu compact mode.
   * @public
   * @fires StackedMenu#menu:compact
   * @param  {Boolean} isCompact - The compact mode.
   * @return {Object} The StackedMenu instance.
   * @example
   * menu.compact(true);
  compact (isCompact) {
    const method = isCompact ? '_addClass' : '_removeClass'
    const classes = this.classes

    this[method](this.selector, classes.compact)

    this.options.compact = isCompact
    // reset interactions

     * This event is fired when the Menu has completed toggle compact mode.
     * @event StackedMenu#menu:compact
     * @type {Object}
     * @property {Object} data - The StackedMenu data instance.
     * @example
     * document.querySelector('#stacked-menu').addEventListener('menu:compact', function(e) {
     *   console.log(;
     * });
     * @example <caption>Or using jQuery:</caption>
     * $('#stacked-menu').on('menu:compact', function() {
     *   console.log('fired on menu:compact!!');
     * });

    return this

   * Determine whether the Menu is currently hoverable.
   * @public
   * @return {Boolean} is hoverable.
   * @example
   * var isHoverable = menu.isHoverable();
  isHoverable () {
    return this.options.hoverable

   * Toggle the Menu (interaction) hoverable.
   * @public
   * @fires StackedMenu#menu:hoverable
   * @param  {Boolean} isHoverable - `true` for hoverable and `false` for collapsible (clickable).
   * @return {Object} The StackedMenu instance.
   * @example
   * menu.hoverable(true);
  hoverable (isHoverable) {
    const classes = this.classes

    if (isHoverable) {
      this._addClass(this.selector, classes.hoverable)
      this._removeClass(this.selector, classes.collapsible)
    } else {
      this._addClass(this.selector, classes.collapsible)
      this._removeClass(this.selector, classes.hoverable)

    this.options.hoverable = isHoverable
    // reset interactions

     * This event is fired when the Menu has completed toggle hoverable.
     * @event StackedMenu#menu:hoverable
     * @type {Object}
     * @property {Object} data - The StackedMenu data instance.
     * @example
     * document.querySelector('#stacked-menu').addEventListener('menu:hoverable', function(e) {
     *   console.log(;
     * });
     * @example <caption>Or using jQuery:</caption>
     * $('#stacked-menu').on('menu:hoverable', function() {
     *   console.log('fired on menu:hoverable!!');
     * });

    return this