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Test Coverage
<%= render( @organization)) do |component| %>
  <% component.with(:header) do %>
    <%= render(, subtitle: "Conversion pixel for #{}", buttons: [
      layout_button(link: edit_pixel_path(@organization, @pixel), icon: "fas fa-pencil", title: "Edit pixel"),
      delete_button(link: pixel_path(@organization, @pixel), title: "Delete pixel", layout: true)
    ])) %>
  <% end %>
  <% component.with(:body) do %>
    <%= render do %>
      <%= render( { "Pixel Instructions" } %>
      <%= render( do %>

        <div>Place the following code snippet on all pages that your campaigns drive traffic to and all pages that track conversions.</div>
        <pre class="border rounded p-3 mt-2"><code class="code">&lt;script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</code></pre>


        <div>Place the following code snippet on the page that triggers the <strong><%= %></strong> conversion.</div>
        <pre class="border rounded p-3 mt-2"><code class="code">&lt;script&gt;CodeFund.recordConversion('<%= %>')&lt;/script&gt;</code></pre>

            <code>test</code> <em>- boolean indicating if this is a test</em>
            <pre class="border rounded p-3 mt-2"><code class="code">&lt;script&gt;CodeFund.recordConversion('<%= %>', { test: true })&lt;/script&gt;</code></pre>

            <code>metadata</code> <em>- object for custom metadata</em>
            <pre class="border rounded p-3 mt-2"><code class="code">&lt;script&gt;CodeFund.recordConversion('<%= %>', { metadata: {custom: 'A Custom Value'} })&lt;/script&gt;</code></pre>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>